Software Map Project List (49601 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
snmptt(sfnet) SNMP Trap Translator SNMP Trap Translator is used to 'translate' tra... 다운로드
avrfftlcd(sfnet) AVR FFT LCD This is a demo of A/D conversion, Fast Fourier ... 다운로드
lilypad(sfnet) lilyPAD lilyPAD is a Tcl/Tk client for the lily CMC tha... 다운로드
portableubuntu(sfnet) Portable Ubuntu Remix This project consist in a portable image of Ubu... 다운로드
live-slampp(sfnet) Live SLAMPP Pre-configured home server that will be run on ... 다운로드
honchatplus(sfnet) Heroes of Newerth Chat+ A third party program to connect to the Heroes ... 다운로드
coderu(freshmeat) CODERU CODERU is a Java code quality tool to enforce d... 다운로드
scriptcase(freshmeat) Scriptcase Scriptcase is Web-based development software. ... 다운로드
superresolution(sfnet) Parallel Super-Resolution Parallel Super-Resolution is a multithreaded Im... 다운로드
druid(sfnet) Druid, The Database Manager Druid is a GUI tool for database build and mana... 다운로드
phppgsql(sfnet) PHP PgSQL PHP database access class for PostgreSQL, offer... 다운로드
strategico(freshmeat) Strategico Strategico is an engine for running statistical... 다운로드
dmgx(sfnet) Digimon Game X This is a opensource digimon game,,This project... 다운로드
guitoo(sfnet) Kuroo Kuroo is a Gentoo Portage management frontend. ... 다운로드
exp-engine(sfnet) Express Engine STEP (ISO 10303) development environment which ... 다운로드
stormplayer(sfnet) Stormplayer 因为暴风影音播放器在日文系统使用中出现乱码。针... 다운로드
log4jviewer(sfnet) Log4j Viewer Log4j Viewer is an Eclipse plugin which can rea... 다운로드
to-do-o(sfnet) To-Do-O To-Do-O the To-Do Organizer is a simple to-do l... 다운로드
svicoder(sfnet) dot SVI Project Easy to use video converter. Converts any video... 다운로드
alice(freshmeat) Alice Jabber aliases daemon Alice is a small daemon for creating aliases fo... 다운로드
geoserver(sfnet) GeoServer GeoServer is an open source software server wri... 다운로드
simpad(sfnet) simpad SIMpad by Siemens is a multimedia device with a... 다운로드
amtowsbnp(sfnet) amtowsbnp Always more than one-way script based nms plugi... 다운로드
fedora-ds(freshmeat) 389 Directory Server 389 Directory Server (formerly Fedora Directory... 다운로드
jboss2nagios(sfnet) JBoss Nagios Integration Integrate JBoss into Nagios monitoring through ... 다운로드
worldvista(sfnet) WorldVistA Our mission is furthering the cause of affordab... 다운로드
munin-nodewin32(sfnet) munin-nodewin32 Moved to 다운로드
anaglyph(sfnet) AnaglyphViewer Simple mesh/scene viewer written on Ogre3D engi... 다운로드
jtcfrost(sfnet) Frost Freenet front end written in Java. Supports mul... 다운로드
eclipsetutorial(sfnet) Eclipse and Java Video Tutorials Free video screencam tutorials for Eclipse and ... 다운로드
scihun(sfnet) scihun Merge of text editor SciTE and spellchecker Hun... 다운로드
misterhouse(freshmeat) MisterHouse MisterHouse is a Unix/Windows home automation p... 다운로드
jgnash(freshmeat) jGnash jGnash is a personal finance application writte... 다운로드
xiss-web(sfnet) XML Interactive SlideShow Xiss web is a Java tool to generate photo slide... 다운로드
staden(sfnet) staden A fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly ... 다운로드
ext2fsd(sfnet) Ext2 File System Driver for Windows Ext2Fsd is an open source linux ext2/ext3 file ... 다운로드
ultravnc(sfnet) UltraVNC UltraVNC: Remote desktop support software - Rem... 다운로드
runesword(sfnet) RuneSword II - OS Runesword II (RSII) is a CRPG designed to appea... 다운로드
butia(sfnet) Butiá Robot Open, free and extensible plataform for develop... 다운로드
makepack(sfnet) makepack A generic Makefile which downloads source, unpa... 다운로드
dtoanxls(sfnet) Du toan XLS Estimate software running on Microsoft Excel. P... 다운로드
latexdraw(sfnet) LaTeXDraw LaTeXDraw is a graphical drawing editor for LaT... 다운로드
avrdudegui(sfnet) AVRdude GUI a GUI Interface for the popular avrdude program... 다운로드
bareos(freshmeat) bareos Bareos (Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced)... 다운로드
nclass(sfnet) NClass NClass is a free tool to easily create UML clas... 다운로드
juunasplayer(sfnet) JPlayer JPlayer is an MP3 player made using VB .NET. It... 다운로드
hdparm(sfnet) hdparm hdparm - get/set ATA/SATA drive parameters unde... 다운로드
hlbr(sfnet) HLBR - Hogwash Light BR HLBR is an IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) th... 다운로드
mwt(sfnet) mwt The Multi-Worm Tracker is a population-level st... 다운로드
dans-dbf-lib(sfnet) DANS DBF Library Java library to read and write xBase database f... 다운로드
confity(sfnet) Confity With Confity, you can tweak your Unity desktop ... 다운로드
sawat(sfnet) SAW - Special Access to Windows SAW - Special Access to Windows - is a programm... 다운로드
drizzle(sfnet) drizzle A collection of tools related to the game Myst.... 다운로드
zookeeper(sfnet) ZooKeeper ZooKeeper is a high available and reliable coor... 다운로드
courier(sfnet) Courier Mail Server The Courier mail transfer agent (MTA) is an int... 다운로드
npppythonplugsq(sfnet) Notepad++ Python Plugin Square A Notepad++ plugin to make plugins in Python (u... 다운로드
debreate(freshmeat) Debreate Debreate is a utility to aid in building Debian... 다운로드
imagetools(sfnet) Image Tools A desktop application to capture an image of th... 다운로드
action4java(freshmeat) action4Java action4Java is a lightweight, modular, extendib... 다운로드
gebr(sfnet) GêBR GêBR is an environment to seismic processing ba... 다운로드
utoken(sfnet) utoken uToken is an authentication system that allows ... 다운로드
wko2csv(sfnet) WKO to CSV data file converter A command line utility to convert wko binary fi... 다운로드
gammamoo(freshmeat) GammaMOO GammaMOO is a fork of the LambdaMOO server with... 다운로드
hfdp-cpp(sfnet) Head First Design Patterns in C++ Head First Design Patterns translated to C++. T... 다운로드
courier-mtaandc(sfnet) Courier-mta and Courier-authlib RPMS Current rpms made from FC for courier-mta and c... 다운로드
jwiicm(sfnet) jwiicm - Java Wii Code Manager Tool for managing patch codes for the Nintendo ... 다운로드
form-validation(freshmeat) Form Validation Form Validation validates form inputs according... 다운로드
keepeek-pluggin(sfnet) Keepeek plugin for CMS Pluggins pour connecter le logiciel de photothè... 다운로드
jcaf(sfnet) Java Context-Awareness Framework Context-awareness is a key concept in ubiquitou... 다운로드
kernelex(sfnet) KernelEx KernelEx is an Open Source compatibility layer ... 다운로드
apcupsd(sfnet) Apcupsd UPS control software Apcupsd is a program for monitoring UPSes and p... 다운로드
jmec64(sfnet) JME C64 A Java-based Commodore 64 emulator for mobile d... 다운로드
lpsolve(sfnet) lpsolve Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver ... 다운로드
otcl-tclcl(sfnet) OTcl and TclCL OTcl, short for MIT Object Tcl, is an extension... 다운로드
hrmis(sfnet) e-hris E-HRIS Is an open source human resource informa... 다운로드
libmtp(sfnet) libmtp libmtp is a LGPL library implementation of the ... 다운로드
mle(sfnet) MLE - Mobile Learning Engine MLE - The Mobile Learning Engine is a learning ... 다운로드
wizzrss(sfnet) Wizz RSS News Reader - C# Wizz RSS News Reader - C# is an open source GPL... 다운로드
archive-access(sfnet) Web Archive Access Utilities Access and manipulation tools, parsers and writ... 다운로드
conceptual(sfnet) conceptual coNCePTuaL is a toolset for rapidly generating ... 다운로드
videotomp3(sfnet) VideoToMp3 Video2mp3 is software that allows you to conver... 다운로드
dicom-cs(sfnet) DICOM# DICOM# open source project is intented to provi... 다운로드
infodomestic(sfnet) Infodomestic Objects Infodomestic Objects - This is a set of distrib... 다운로드
cobianbackup(sfnet) Cobian Backup Cobian Backup is a backup program that can be e... 다운로드
libntoh(freshmeat) libntoh Libntoh aims to be a user-friendly library to p... 다운로드
guliverkli2(sfnet) Guliverkli2 This project is based on the latest source code... 다운로드
apboot(sfnet) apboot apboot is a way for standard 802.11 access poin... 다운로드
musichearts(sfnet) musichearts Sell MP3 Downloads - directly on your homepage 다운로드
u3smartapps(sfnet) U3 Smart Apps This project is aimed at repackaging many popul... 다운로드
androidtut(sfnet) Android tutorial This project is a tutorial on Google Android. I... 다운로드
j2cstranslator(sfnet) Java 2 CSharp Translator for Eclipse That tool makes it possible to automatic transl... 다운로드
alchemi(sfnet) Alchemi [.NET Grid Computing Framework] Alchemi is a .NET grid computing framework that... 다운로드
uclinux(sfnet) uclinux Small Linux version with MMU less support. uCli... 다운로드
r2iopenwebstudi(sfnet) R2i Open Web Studio Start Building Rich Internet Applications Rapid... 다운로드
sabackup2(sfnet) SaBackup SaBackup creates incremental backups of your da... 다운로드
cdreader(sfnet) CD Reader Tool for reading bad media. Tool reads files, a... 다운로드
gfs(sfnet) The Gerris Flow Solver Gerris is a tool for generic numerical simulati... 다운로드
mojomail(sfnet) Dada Mail - (old) The Sourceforge page for this project isn't use... 다운로드
camseg(sfnet) CAMSEG SCM CAMSEG SCM is an application designed to manage... 다운로드
trasdia(sfnet) Trazdia ESSE PROJETO MIGROU PARA AQUI: https://github.c... 다운로드

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