Software Map Project List (38101 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
glpk(freshmeat) GNU glpk The GLPK package is intended for solving linear... 다운로드
macosxutils(sfnet) Mac OS X Utilities Collection A collection of utilities (contextual menu plug... 다운로드
jsylpc(sfnet) Yu-Gi-Oh! JavaScript LP Calculator A Yugioh Trading Card Game Life Point calculato... 다운로드
filezilla(freshmeat) FileZilla FileZilla is a multi-platform FTP program. The ... 다운로드
runo(freshmeat) Bike Bike is a Web application framework that can ma... 다운로드
yamb(sfnet) yamb Yamb / Yahtzee game! 다운로드
compo(freshmeat) COMPO COMPO is a graphical design application for Ubu... 다운로드
after-the-deadline-for-openoff(freshmeat) After the Deadline for After the Deadline for is a smar... 다운로드
epoptes(freshmeat) Epoptes Epoptes is a computer lab management and monito... 다운로드
ngen-xdcc-packlist-parser(freshmeat) NGEN XDCC Packlist Parser NGEN XDCC Packlist Parser is an XDCC packlist p... 다운로드
ofbiz(sfnet) ofbiz OFBiz, recently changed to The Apache Open For ... 다운로드
nessconnect(sfnet) Nessconnect Nessconnect is a GUI, CLI and API client for Ne... 다운로드
key-tools(freshmeat) Key tools The key-tools software is used to automatically... 다운로드
about-code(freshmeat) ABOUT Code The ABOUT tool and ABOUT files provide a simple... 다운로드
pwget(freshmeat) pwget pwget is a wget replacement which can recursive... 다운로드
xmantaray2(freshmeat) xmantaray2 xmantaray provides an implementation of 3D form... 다운로드
pymegaman(freshmeat) pymegaman pymegaman is a megaman game written in Python a... 다운로드
isle-of-evermeet(freshmeat) isle of evermeet isle of evermeet is a game based on Zeliard, wr... 다운로드
jukebox4(sfnet) Jukebox Core library for complex software project devel... 다운로드
cmakeed(sfnet) CMake Editor Plug-in Eclipse plug-in for editing CMake files such as... 다운로드
vtemplatesystem(sfnet) vTemplate System A simple to use template system that is not flo... 다운로드
impresscms(sfnet) ImpressCMS Community websites can be difficult to maintain... 다운로드
pythonect(freshmeat) Pythonect Pythonect is an experimental general-purpose da... 다운로드
websqlclient(freshmeat) websqlclient websqlclient (WSQLC or wiskl) is a lightweight ... 다운로드
coccinella(sfnet) Coccinella Coccinella is a free and open-source cross-plat... 다운로드
mockpp(sfnet) mockpp mockpp is a platform independent unit testing f... 다운로드
hcxselect(freshmeat) hcxselect hcxselect is a small CSS selector engine for ht... 다운로드
libferris(freshmeat) libferris libferris is a virtual filesystem that exposes ... 다운로드
netkit(sfnet) netkit Netkit is a network emulation environment that ... 다운로드
balance(sfnet) balance Balance is a simple but powerful generic tcp pr... 다운로드
simplelivechat(sfnet) Live Chat Program A simple live chat program I made a while ago. ... 다운로드
anets(sfnet) AssociationNetwork Anets extracts associations between items in a ... 다운로드
macrofusion(freshmeat) MacroFusion MacroFusion fuses multiple photos into one wit... 다운로드
dalle(sfnet) dalle This projects aims to build a set of utilities ... 다운로드
freebmp(sfnet) FreeBMP FreeBMP aims at becoming a cross-platform reimp... 다운로드
storpy(freshmeat) Storpy With Storpy you can store an inventory of your ... 다운로드
perf4cdi(freshmeat) Perf4CDI Perf4CDI is an add-on package for implementatio... 다운로드
vyperblog(freshmeat) VyperBlog VyperBlog is an all-in-one site template for th... 다운로드
cod4serverstatus(freshmeat) Call of Duty 4 Server Status Call of Duty 4 Server Status is a PHP class can... 다운로드
i-nex(freshmeat) I-Nex I-Nex gathers information for hardware componen... 다운로드
esword4everyone(sfnet) e-Sword4everyone An Application designed to simplify installatio... 다운로드
pdf417lib(sfnet) 2D barcode PDF417 library A library to generate the bidimensional barcode... 다운로드
td_lib(freshmeat) td_lib td_lib provides support functions for ded, cm_t... 다운로드
gpu-acc-libsvm(sfnet) GPU-accelerated LIBSVM GPU-accelerated LIBSVM is a modification of the... 다운로드
pasang-emas(freshmeat) Pasang Emas Pasang Emas is an implementation of Pasang, a t... 다운로드
serbert(freshmeat) Serbert Serbert is a command line utility that performs... 다운로드
ps3-media-server(freshmeat) PS3 Media Server PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant UPNP media... 다운로드
lamsonproject(freshmeat) LamsonProject Lamson is an SMTP server adopts a modern Web ap... 다운로드
lancore(freshmeat) Lan Core Lan Core is software that lets you build a thin... 다운로드
miniini(freshmeat) MiniINI MiniINI is an INI/CFG file parsing library with... 다운로드
mhi(freshmeat) MHI MHI is a command-line style mailreader in the t... 다운로드
pmss(freshmeat) Pmss Pmss (procmail spam stats) is a script that gen... 다운로드
tv-viewer(freshmeat) TV-Viewer TV-Viewer is a frontend to watch and record TV.... 다운로드
xpylib(freshmeat) xpylib xpylib is a library for Python developers. It i... 다운로드
metatrace(freshmeat) metatrace Metatrace is a C++ compile time ray tracer. It ... 다운로드
thesandbox(sfnet) The Sandbox The Sandbox is a project that focuses on demon... 다운로드
galaxyssfile(sfnet) galaxys s file this s my project 다운로드
note2hit(sfnet) note 2 hit Abc 다운로드
geradorzfdoct(sfnet) Gerador de aplicações ZF + Doctrine Gerador de aplicações web PHP que utilizem Zend... 다운로드
streamon(sfnet) streamon Desktop application for use with SIRIUS-XM Inte... 다운로드
igerman98(freshmeat) igerman98 igerman98 is a spell check dictionary for the G... 다운로드
gpart(freshmeat) gpart Gpart is a small tool which tries to guess whic... 다운로드
linecontrol(sfnet) LineControl LineControl allows you to remotely control the ... 다운로드
ipchk(freshmeat) ipchk ipchk takes an IP address, checks various RBLs,... 다운로드
commodoreeditor(freshmeat) CommodoreEditor CommodoreEditor is an IDE for the Commodore64 f... 다운로드
rpmorphanpl(freshmeat) rpmorphan rpmorphan finds "orphaned" RPM packag... 다운로드
m3u8parser(sfnet) M3u8 Parser A java m3u8 playlist parser for Http Live Strea... 다운로드
fltk(sfnet) Fast Light Tool Kit The Fast Light Tool Kit ("FLTK", pron... 다운로드
rikulo-ripple(freshmeat) Rikulo Ripple Ripple is a lightweight messaging server for Da... 다운로드
wang1234567890(sfnet) wang1234567890 VPN project, the user free download 다운로드
eclipseide(sfnet) eclipse_ide_splitted No description 다운로드
austenx(freshmeat) AustenX AustenX is a parser (code) generator for Java. ... 다운로드
bletchley(freshmeat) Bletchley Bletchley is a real-world cryptanalysis framewo... 다운로드
icinga-cn(sfnet) icinga 中文化项目 icinga 中文化项目基于icnga(http://www.icinga.or... 다운로드
emaigos(freshmeat) Emaigos Emaigos imports Google contacts and calendars ... 다운로드
yahpconverter(freshmeat) YaHP Converter YaHP is a Java library that allows you to conve... 다운로드
bombono-dvd(freshmeat) Bombono DVD Bombono DVD is easy to use program for making D... 다운로드
linuxcm(sfnet) Linux Cluster Manager Linux Cluster Manager is designed as a beowulf ... 다운로드
macdrive(sfnet) MAC DRIVE MAC DRIVE 6 A Windows based application for usi... 다운로드
pas2dox(sfnet) pas2dox Pas2Dox is a pre-processor addon for the Doxyge... 다운로드
youbeda(freshmeat) Youbeda Youbeda is an OpenVZ monitoring tool. It looks ... 다운로드
jameter(freshmeat) Jameter Jameter is a software development tool that aim... 다운로드
zabbot(freshmeat) Zabbot Zabbot is a Jabber bot for the Zabbix monitorin... 다운로드
webcontent(sfnet) web web content for the blog 다운로드
nixts(sfnet) nixts Alteration of the thin client of Thinstation. R... 다운로드
for-human-eyes-only(freshmeat) For human eyes only For Human Eyes Only is a Firefox plugin that le... 다운로드
natlangmouse(sfnet) natlangmouse The first 3d search engine for text. Javascript... 다운로드
lau(sfnet) LineAge Utils Utilities for tuning LineAge 2 client 다운로드
utahrastertoolkit(freshmeat) Utah Raster Toolkit The Utah Raster Toolkit is a collection of grap... 다운로드
lemontree(freshmeat) lemontree lemontree provides a very fast Java class for t... 다운로드
patentsafe-repository-checker(freshmeat) PatentSafe Repository Checker The PatentSafe Checker is a simple Ruby script ... 다운로드
mysqlviz(freshmeat) mysqlviz mysqlviz renders a graphical representation of ... 다운로드
txobjectatk(freshmeat) txObject Application Tool Kit The txObject Application Tool Kit (ATK) is a co... 다운로드
wmsystemtray(freshmeat) wmsystemtray wmsystemtray is a system tray using the freedes... 다운로드
quake2live(freshmeat) Quake2Live Quake2Live is a multiplayer FPS video game desi... 다운로드
phpflair(freshmeat) phpFlair Instead of having clients download several CSS ... 다운로드
adempierechile(sfnet) ADempiere Idempiere Localization Chile This project is an extension to the Adempiere p... 다운로드
coinchebox(sfnet) CoincheBox This Java application is a coinche game. Rules ... 다운로드
gnac(freshmeat) Gnac Gnac is an easy-to-use audio conversion program... 다운로드
stl4su(sfnet) stl4su An STL format importer/exporter plugin script f... 다운로드

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