Software Map Project List (42601 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
clickndrag(freshmeat) Click'n'Drag Click'n'Drag is a Python module that introduces... 다운로드
ini-file-parser(freshmeat) Ini File Parser Ini File Parser is a PHP package that can be us... 다운로드
coteia(freshmeat) CoTeia CoTeia is a Computer Supported Collaborative Le... 다운로드
scalable-assembler-at-notre-da(freshmeat) Scalable Assembler at Notre Dame The Scalable Assembler at Notre Dame (SAND) rep... 다운로드
event(freshmeat) Event Event is a simple PHP-based software package fo... 다운로드
vordos-rejasca(freshmeat) Vordos Rejasca Rejasca is a modern and extensible RPC server f... 다운로드
clipclip(sfnet) ClipClip A simple Clipboard Manager for Windows. View, e... 다운로드
aurorasim(freshmeat) AuroraSim Aurora-Sim is the next generation of the OpenSi... 다운로드
gmtp(freshmeat) gMTP gMTP is a simple graphical MTP based device cli... 다운로드
pygreen(freshmeat) PyGreen PyGreen is a simple and hackish static website ... 다운로드
upnpproxy(sfnet) UPnP Proxy for UPnP-less Router Powerful SOHO or Small-business UPnP-less route... 다운로드
einsteinpuzzle(freshmeat) Einstein Puzzle Einstein is a remake of the old DOS game Sherlo... 다운로드
php-read-cli-arguments(freshmeat) Read Arguments Read Arguments is a PHP class that reads and va... 다운로드
simplebup(freshmeat) simplebup simplebup is a console application that can be ... 다운로드
rce(sfnet) Remote Command Executor RemCom is RAT Administration Tool that lets you... 다운로드
webanno(freshmeat) WebAnno WebAnno is a general purpose Web-based annotati... 다운로드
conmixer(sfnet) Software assisted Mix design of concrete This is an initiative to devolop a software for... 다운로드
zipextractshort(sfnet) 7zip Extract Shortcut[Autohotkey script] Go to 다운로드
pango(freshmeat) Pango The goal of the Pango project is to provide an ... 다운로드
ad9850-control(sfnet) AD9850 DDS control panel Windows, Delphi Software for controlling the An... 다운로드
evince(freshmeat) evince Evince is a document viewer for multiple docume... 다운로드
narocad(freshmeat) NaroCAD NaroCAD is intended to be a a fully fledged and... 다운로드
playerdo(freshmeat) playerdo playerdo is a script for controlling a variety ... 다운로드
liblist(freshmeat) liblist liblist provides a generic C API for manipulati... 다운로드
apache-photark(freshmeat) Apache PhotArk Apache PhotArk is a photo gallery application i... 다운로드
steel-storm-episode-i(freshmeat) Steel Storm Episode I Steel Storm is an old school top down arcade sh... 다운로드
jwordtrainer(freshmeat) JWordtrainer JWordTrainer is a generic tool that helps you t... 다운로드
fnet(sfnet) FNET - Embedded TCP/IP Stack The FNET TCP/IP stack is a free, open source, d... 다운로드
bible-discovery(freshmeat) Bible-Discovery Bible-Discovery is Bible study and concordance ... 다운로드
mathgam(sfnet) mathgam Mathgam is simple mathematical game aimed for c... 다운로드
zicbee(freshmeat) ZicBee ZicBee is an autonomous music database and play... 다운로드
colormake2(freshmeat) colormake2 colormake2 is a fork of colormake, a program to... 다운로드
freesentral(freshmeat) FreeSentral FreeSentral is an easy-to-use IP PBX based on t... 다운로드
ireportphp(sfnet) Ireport con PHP No description 다운로드
gnucleus(sfnet) Gnucleus A windows native Gnutella/G2 front-end, Gnucleu... 다운로드
bberg(sfnet) bberg This is a sample application to interface with ... 다운로드
mailwrap(freshmeat) MailWrap MailWrap is a plugin for Apple Mail to help use... 다운로드
openstack4j(freshmeat) OpenStack4j OpenStack4j is an OpenStack client which allows... 다운로드
mydlp(freshmeat) MyDLP MyDLP provides a way to prevent data leakage th... 다운로드
ignoflash(freshmeat) IgnoFlash IgnoFlash is a patch that modifies the Adobe Fl... 다운로드
proghelp(freshmeat) proghelp proghelp generates a Web application using a mo... 다운로드
libmspack(freshmeat) libmspack libmspack is a library for compression and deco... 다운로드
liblangtag(freshmeat) liblangtag liblangtag is a library for accessing language ... 다운로드
wenity(freshmeat) Wenity Wenity is a multi-platform Zenity clone that he... 다운로드
appliancezenosscitrixxenserver(sfnet) Appliance Zenoss Citrix XenServer Appliance Virtual Zenoss 4.2.5 for Citrix XenSe... 다운로드
jmx4py(freshmeat) jmx4py jmx4py offers a client API for Python similar t... 다운로드
jsxgraph(freshmeat) JSXGraph JSXGraph is a cross-browser library for interac... 다운로드
episimsimulator(sfnet) epiSIM_simulator SNP-SNP epistatsis simulator 다운로드
web-pdf-renderer(freshmeat) Web PDF Renderer Web PDF Renderer is a JavaScript library which ... 다운로드
quakereport(freshmeat) quakereport quake report is a simple application that conne... 다운로드
openmodeller(freshmeat) openModeller openModeller is a C++ framework providing tools... 다운로드
gridabm(sfnet) GridABM GridABM is an easy-to-use toolkit to develop hi... 다운로드
escore(sfnet) escore High performance system software for clusters. 다운로드
tel-wimax-ns2(sfnet) tel-wimax-ns2 ns-2 implementation of a module supporting the ... 다운로드
raspberrypibilling(sfnet) raspberry pi billing The raspberry project will create raspberry pi ... 다운로드
wolfengine(sfnet) wolfengine A 2D game engine based on SDL. Developed with a... 다운로드
webalizer_xtended(freshmeat) Webalizer Xtended Webalizer Xtended is a fork of Webalizer and co... 다운로드
histofile(freshmeat) histofile histofile displays a histogram of the used byte... 다운로드
call-center-software(freshmeat) Jet HelpDesk Jet HelpDesk is designed to allow help desk cal... 다운로드
jopt-simple(sfnet) jopt-simple A simple, test-driven command line parser for J... 다운로드
yam(sfnet) YAM - Yet Another Mailer YAM (short for Yet Another Mailer) is a commonl... 다운로드
phantomaj(sfnet) Phanto_maJ PhantomaJ is a software which aims to help use... 다운로드
digitalclock(sfnet) DigitalClock Digital Clock is like wigets in win vista or wi... 다운로드
lpc21isp(sfnet) lpc21isp In-circuit programming (ISP) tool for the NXP (... 다운로드
tadpoledbhub(sfnet) Tadpole DB Hub Original home : 다운로드
libintl-windows(sfnet) Supplements for libintl on Windows MSVC & MinGW static libraries (libintl.lib,... 다운로드
pc-surfacerecon(sfnet) pc-surfacerecon Surface Reconstruction from Industrial Point Cl... 다운로드
customselect(sfnet) Customizable Select Box Customizable "<select>" form el... 다운로드
katamotzlectura(sfnet) katamotzlectura Programa libre educativo para el tratamiento de... 다운로드
sf4viewer(sfnet) sf4viewer CAPCOM's Street Fighter 4 character models C++ ... 다운로드
unv(sfnet) UNV We present UNV_v2.0, an open-source video strea... 다운로드
opentm2(sfnet) opentm2 TM stands for TranslationManager. TM/2 originat... 다운로드
tripwire(freshmeat) Tripwire Tripwire is a system integrity checker, a utili... 다운로드
tree-issue-tracking-system(freshmeat) treE treE is a simple Web-based ticket system with v... 다운로드
xchainkeys(freshmeat) xchainkeys xchainkeys is a standalone X11 program to creat... 다운로드
buildbox(freshmeat) buildbox BuildBox is set of tools and plugins based on M... 다운로드
centrallix(freshmeat) Centrallix Application Platform Centrallix is an HTML/Javascript/AJAX based ric... 다운로드
breakthesecuritylinux(sfnet) Break The Security Linux Break The Security Linux is a Penetration testi... 다운로드
diagnil(freshmeat) Diagnil Diagnil is a GUI application to help solvers of... 다운로드
ugpxi(sfnet) ugpxi PXI development and testing, based off the inco... 다운로드
jumpstartcms(sfnet) Jumpstart CMS PLEASE NOTE MAJOR MILESTONE/FINAL IS TO BE RELE... 다운로드
undbx(freshmeat) UnDBX UnDBX is a tool to extract, recover, and undele... 다운로드
dove(freshmeat) Dove Dove is an application that facilitates the dis... 다운로드
itk(sfnet) Insight Toolkit ITK is an open-source software system to suppor... 다운로드
contiki(sfnet) The Contiki Operating System Contiki is an open source, highly portable, net... 다운로드
addonpack-mirc(sfnet) addonPack for mIRC addonPack and little addons for mIRC. Pack de ... 다운로드
thearena(sfnet) The Arena The Arena is a small, simple game. The player ... 다운로드
antidupl(sfnet) AntiDupl Typically, modern computer users have large co... 다운로드
filip(sfnet) filip Programy.... 다운로드
jt65hfhb9hqxedi(sfnet) JT65-HF-HB9HQX-Edition Amateur Radio software for transmission/recepti... 다운로드
srfirewall(freshmeat) SRFirewall SRFirewall is an easy to use, but still quite c... 다운로드
mobilecachesimu(sfnet) Mobile Cache Simulation Framework This will be a framework that can be used to si... 다운로드
freediameter(freshmeat) freeDiameter freeDiameter is a framework in C for supporting... 다운로드
multiotp(freshmeat) Multi-OTP Nowadays, a simple password is not enough anymo... 다운로드
sfbot(sfnet) sfbot The Shakes and Fidget Bot ( SFBot ) is an Appli... 다운로드
minidigitalcloc(sfnet) minidigitalcloc This is a mini digital clock for you to use on ... 다운로드
optimusos(sfnet) optimusos real time kernel with basic io facilities 다운로드
cuj2k(sfnet) CUJ2K: Jpeg2000 encoder on Cuda A fast JPEG2000 encoder running on CUDA-capable... 다운로드
devcoin(sfnet) devcoin DeVCoin is an ethically inspired project based ... 다운로드
basukirsy(sfnet) basuki for have fun on your live 다운로드

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