Software Map Project List (51201 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
vanted(sfnet) VANTED VANTED - Visualization and Analysis of NeTworks... 다운로드
timeedition(sfnet) timeEdition time tracker time management made easy - timeEdition is targ... 다운로드
winsize2(sfnet) WinSize2 WinSize: Move windows automatically to a predef... 다운로드
lispbuilder(sfnet) Common Lisp Application Builder The goal is a Lisp distribution, with a rich se... 다운로드
page(sfnet) PAGE PAGE is a drag-and-drop GUI generator for Pytho... 다운로드
tvmet(sfnet) Tiny Vector and Matrix Library This Tiny Vector and Matrix template library us... 다운로드
trend(freshmeat) trend trend is a general-purpose, efficient trend gra... 다운로드
agilewiki(freshmeat) AgileWiki AgileWiki is a composable platform for advanced... 다운로드
bluemindo(freshmeat) Bluemindo Bluemindo is a very simple audio player. Unlike... 다운로드
resize-image-nautilus-script(freshmeat) Resize Image Nautilus Script Resize Image Nautilus Script is a Bash script e... 다운로드
texe(freshmeat) Texe Texe is a portable executable import and export... 다운로드
gozerbot(freshmeat) GOZERBOT GOZERBOT is a channel bot that aids conversatio... 다운로드
dragon-pg(freshmeat) Dragon parser generator Dragon produces a consequent, object-oriented, ... 다운로드
librcrypt(freshmeat) LibRCrypt LibRCrypt is an Objective C library for complex... 다운로드
albumshaper(sfnet) Album Shaper Album Shaper strives to be the most friendly, e... 다운로드
devs-suitesim(sfnet) devs-suitesim DEVS-Suite is a Parallel DEVS simulator with su... 다운로드
walruscms(sfnet) Walrus CMS Easy to use edit-in-place java based content ma... 다운로드
pnp4nagios(sfnet) PNP4Nagios PNP is an addon for the Nagios Network Monitori... 다운로드
ingestlist(sfnet) ingestlist IngestList is a java based tool to perform auto... 다운로드
xorp(sfnet) xorp XORP is the industry's only extensible open sou... 다운로드
wavdir2sfz(freshmeat) wavdir2sfz wavdir2sfz creates sfz soundfonts from a direc... 다운로드
tstl(freshmeat) Thread Safe Template Library Thread Safe Template Library (TSTL) is a C++ li... 다운로드
cloc(freshmeat) cloc Cloc counts and computes differences of blank l... 다운로드
openxcom(freshmeat) OpenXcom OpenXcom is a new engine for the old game UFO: ... 다운로드
kouprey(freshmeat) Kouprey Kouprey is a library that can be used to build ... 다운로드
picombo(freshmeat) Picombo Picombo is a Rack-based Ruby MVC Web framework ... 다운로드
cowtacular(freshmeat) Cowtacular Cowtacular is designed to meet the needs of sma... 다운로드
cosmiqum(freshmeat) Cosmiqum Cosmiqum is small and fast CMF that is aimed to... 다운로드
secure-php-html-parser-and-fil(freshmeat) Secure PHP HTML parser and filter Secure PHP HTML parser and filter is a PHP pack... 다운로드
spamcheetah(freshmeat) SpamCheetah SpamCheetah is a network-level spam filtering s... 다운로드
ukolovnik(freshmeat) ukolovnik ukolovnik is a simple todo manager written in P... 다운로드
crikey(freshmeat) Crikey Crikey is a program to generate key events unde... 다운로드
pythonocc(freshmeat) pythonOCC pythonOCC is a 3D CAD/PLM development library f... 다운로드
mrfilter(freshmeat) Mr Filter Mr Filter is an active filter design assistant.... 다운로드
firewallsosdg(freshmeat) Firewall/SOSDG Firewall/SOSDG is a Netfilter/IPTables firewall... 다운로드
xwiki-mantis-plugin(freshmeat) Xwiki Mantis plugin Xwiki Mantis plugin integrates mantis into xwik... 다운로드
wolfchat(freshmeat) Wolf Software WolfChat WolfChat is an advanced feature-rich text confe... 다운로드
python-symmetric-jsonrpc(freshmeat) python-symmetric-jsonrpc python-symmetric-jsonrpc is a JSON-RPC implemen... 다운로드
doxygen(freshmeat) doxygen Doxygen is a cross-platform, JavaDoc-like docum... 다운로드
gpx2tour(freshmeat) gpx2tour gpx2tour generates a .tour file for Hac4linux f... 다운로드
tour2pics(freshmeat) tour2pics tour2pics generates nice plots from a Hac4linux... 다운로드
gpx3dprofile(freshmeat) gpx3dprofile gpx3dprofile generates a 3D view of the first t... 다운로드
irismvc(freshmeat) IrisMVC IrisMVC is an OOP PHP framework that developers... 다운로드
tftpterminal(sfnet) tftpterminal Written in VB6 this open source program connect... 다운로드
statcvs(sfnet) StatCVS - Stat Your Repository StatCVS generates HTML reports from CVS reposit... 다운로드
rips-scanner(sfnet) RIPS RIPS is a static source code analyser for vulne... 다운로드
lazypy(freshmeat) Lazy Evaluation for Python Lazy Evaluation for Python is a package which i... 다운로드
samplescan(freshmeat) samplescan samplescan converts directories with audio samp... 다운로드
rpiqemuwindows(sfnet) Raspberry Pi emulation for Windows Contains everything needed to quickly and simpl... 다운로드
ferespost(freshmeat) FeResPost FeResPost is a library that allows the rapid de... 다운로드
soybeans(sfnet) SoyBeans Soy Beans is an HTTP request processing framewo... 다운로드
ezpx-photoblog(freshmeat) EZPX EZPX is a lightweight photoblog engine with all... 다운로드
wildfox(freshmeat) WildFox WildFox is both its own project in addition to ... 다운로드
verilogcompiler(sfnet) verilog compiler A verilog language compiler written using Java ... 다운로드
fastgps(freshmeat) fastgps fastgps is a fully functional GPS software rece... 다운로드
jnrpe(freshmeat) Java Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Java Nagios Remote Plugin Executor is a replace... 다운로드
soundboard(freshmeat) Soundboard Soundboard is a sound cueing program designed f... 다운로드
qlbar(freshmeat) qlbar QLBar is a toolbar gadget for X11 that contains... 다운로드
nufw(freshmeat) NuFW NuFW is an authenticating firewall. It adds str... 다운로드
smtp-cli(freshmeat) smtp-cli smtp-cli is an SMTP command line client with su... 다운로드
tuwo(freshmeat) Tuwo Tuwo is a C++ library for solving high-level co... 다운로드
jleak(freshmeat) JLeak JLeak is a JVM agent meant to track down memory... 다운로드
qarks-jdiff(freshmeat) QArks JDiff JDiff is a tool which performs folder recursive... 다운로드
xkw(freshmeat) xkw xkw is a graphical Gtk2/Perl utility to tag fil... 다운로드
wally(sfnet) Wally Wally is a Qt4 wallpaper / background changer, ... 다운로드
xemmai(freshmeat) xemmai xemmai is a dynamic programming language. It ha... 다운로드
mmfpm(sfnet) MiniManager for Project MANGOS MiniManager for Project MaNGOS Server is a PHP ... 다운로드
bendercatch(sfnet) BenderCatch Android App that detects when the device is mov... 다운로드
asap(sfnet) ASAP - Another Slight Atari Player ASAP (Another Slight Atari Player) plays and co... 다운로드
ermaster(sfnet) ERMaster ERMaster is Eclipse plug-in to make ER diagram.... 다운로드
wavsilence(freshmeat) wavsilence wavsilence takes a large WAV file with gaps of ... 다운로드
plumi(freshmeat) Plumi Plumi is a video sharing content management sys... 다운로드
pdfsplice(sfnet) PDF Splice Small utility to make transformations on PDF fi... 다운로드
ezmoonshell(sfnet) EZ-Flash Moonshell This is a Moonshell exclusively for EZ-Flash Ca... 다운로드
metalinks(sfnet) Metalinks Metalinks is a project to facilitate data distr... 다운로드
lilith(sfnet) lilith Lilith is a logging and access event viewer for... 다운로드
staticvnc(freshmeat) staticvnc Staticvnc is a VNC server showing nothing but a... 다운로드
ows(freshmeat) OWS OWS scans for WiFi accesspoints and stores the ... 다운로드
peppy(freshmeat) peppy peppy ((ap)Proximated (X)Emacs Powered by Pytho... 다운로드
mt4tools(sfnet) mt4tools MT4 EA MQL Bridge, MetaTrader Forex Tools allow... 다운로드
krcstat(freshmeat) KrcStat Krcstat is a graphic replacement for the Gentoo... 다운로드
immv(freshmeat) immv immv (Interactive Multi MoVe) is a small tool t... 다운로드
field3d(freshmeat) Field3D Field3D is a library for storing voxel data. It... 다운로드
sfre(freshmeat) sfre sfre (system flight recorder editor) is a scrip... 다운로드
emv(freshmeat) emv emv is a tool for mass-renaming files with a te... 다운로드
get_iplayer(freshmeat) get_iplayer get_iplayer allows a user to stream or make rec... 다운로드
scidvspc(sfnet) Scid vs. PC "Shane's Chess Information Database" ... 다운로드
smoki(sfnet) smoki SenseUI Android ROM for HTC Magic mobile devices 다운로드
el4j(sfnet) EL4J, an Extension Library for the J2EE EL4J, the Extension Library for the J2EE, adds ... 다운로드
netmapeditor(sfnet) Tile Map Editor Creates a project to manage your sprite sheets ... 다운로드
snowbox(freshmeat) Snowbox Snowbox is a small and easy-to-set-up POP3 serv... 다운로드
geany(freshmeat) Geany Geany is a small C editor using GTK2 with basic... 다운로드
gameandwatch(sfnet) Game & Watch Simulator This is a generic engine for simulation of Game... 다운로드
mylene(freshmeat) Mylene Mylene is a command line MPEG audio player. It ... 다운로드
hornetq(sfnet) HornetQ HornetQ - Putting the buzz in messaging 다운로드
ztemplates(sfnet) ztemplates java web framework - annotations - pojo - NO XM... 다운로드
xmp(freshmeat) Extended Module Player The Extended Module Player is a command-line mo... 다운로드
seekafile(sfnet) Seekafile - flexible indexing server (Project is discontinued.) Seekafile Server is ... 다운로드
libxmp(freshmeat) libxmp libxmp is a module player library which support... 다운로드
vexp(sfnet) Virtual interactive experiments (vexp) Virtual interactive experiments (vexp) is a fra... 다운로드

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