Software Map Project List (40901 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
apophenia(freshmeat) Apophenia Apophenia is an open statistical library. It pr... 다운로드
aa2map(freshmeat) aa2map aa2map (ASCII art 2 map) is a procedural map ge... 다운로드
stickypy(freshmeat) StickyPy A Stick figure animation program. It is similar... 다운로드
yasma-yet-another-sendmail-log(freshmeat) Yasma Yasma (Yet Another Sendmail Logfile Analyzer) i... 다운로드
jdt(sfnet) JDT Java Delaunay Triangulation 다운로드
cryptote(freshmeat) CryptoTE CryptoTE is a text editor with integrated stron... 다운로드
qwebirc(freshmeat) qwebirc qwebirc is a fast, easy-to-use, Web-based IRC c... 다운로드
absolute-os(freshmeat) Absolute OS Absolute Linux is a lightweight Slackware deriv... 다운로드
viper-suite(freshmeat) Viper suite Viper is a system for completely automated inst... 다운로드
remoteadmin(freshmeat) RemoteAdmin RemoteAdmin is a tool to remotely administer la... 다운로드
bbdisco(sfnet) BB Disco Flash A Black Berry Flash Light with a difference - a... 다운로드
vptag(sfnet) vptag VPTag (Visual Pair-wise Test Array Generator) i... 다운로드
aditool(freshmeat) Aditool Aditool stands for Apache Digests Tool and prov... 다운로드
pinnlib(sfnet) PINNLib C++ implementation of high-performance associa... 다운로드
sd-svn(sfnet) sd-svn sdSVN is a Subversion (SVN) client GUI like Win... 다운로드
devilish(freshmeat) Devilish Devilish is an application for monitoring log f... 다운로드
ajaxpg(freshmeat) ajaxpg ajaxpg is a presentation-level photo viewer. I... 다운로드
entity-extractor(freshmeat) Entity Extractor Entity Extractor is an application that generat... 다운로드
manytools(sfnet) manytools A lot of small and usefull tools for various pu... 다운로드
ohgwcc(sfnet) Open Hacking GateWay Client Crypto This anti-cheating software is used by S4 Leagu... 다운로드
nppftp(sfnet) NppFTP Plugin for Notepad++ allowing FTP, FTPS, FTPES ... 다운로드
valorrh(sfnet) valorRH Herramienta Web que permite objetivizar el pago... 다운로드
e-voting(sfnet) E-Voting The E--Voting System for the American Universit... 다운로드
ccfe(freshmeat) Curses Command Front-end CCFE is a simple tool to quickly supply an inte... 다운로드
jim-2(freshmeat) JIM JIM Invoice Manager is invoicing software for S... 다운로드
libamqp-py(freshmeat) libamqp-py libamqp-py is a Python wrapper for libamqp whic... 다운로드
libamqp(freshmeat) libamqp libamqp is a C client for AMQP, a wire protocol... 다운로드
merchanttribe(freshmeat) MerchantTribe MerchantTribe is a shopping cart for ASP.NET, M... 다운로드
celestic-community(freshmeat) Celestic Community Celestic Community is a collaborative Web-based... 다운로드
minuteman(freshmeat) MinuteMan MinuteMan is a work time tracking utility. For... 다운로드
rc522pythonscript(sfnet) rc522-python-script This is a python program for the RFID reader rc... 다운로드
bombic-2(freshmeat) Bombic 2 Bombic 2 is a bomb game like Dyna Blaster. It h... 다운로드
andrews-game(freshmeat) Andrew's Game Andrew's Game aims to be a lightweight and high... 다운로드
mod_sass(freshmeat) mod_sass mod_sass is an Apache HTTPD module that automat... 다운로드
sprintf(freshmeat) sprintf() for JavaScript sprintf() for JavaScript is a lightweight yet p... 다운로드
pincaster(freshmeat) Pincaster Pincaster is designed to conveniently store obj... 다운로드
sid-2(freshmeat) SidJS SidJS is a lightweight JavaScript library that ... 다운로드
deadbeef(freshmeat) deadbeef DeaDBeeF is an audio player for GNU/Linux and o... 다운로드
ebot(freshmeat) Ebot Ebot is a scalable and distribuited Web crawler... 다운로드
log4g(freshmeat) Log4g Log4g is a logging framework based on a port of... 다운로드
samba-pdbsql(freshmeat) Samba pdbsql Pdbsql provides three samba passdb backend modu... 다운로드
csapi(freshmeat) Dawal The csapi project (now renamed Dawal) features ... 다운로드
neptuner(freshmeat) neptuner The Neptuner codebase management tool suite inc... 다운로드
fake-sshd(freshmeat) fake sshd fake sshd is a fake SSH daemon that logs passwo... 다운로드
superwebsocket(sfnet) superwebsocket SuperWebSocket is a .NET implementation of WebS... 다운로드
gammasigma(sfnet) Gamma Sigma Fraternal Organizations 다운로드
vibrantbible(sfnet) Vibrant Bible At one time many developers hosted their work o... 다운로드
japura(sfnet) Japura Japura is a Swing project. It is a collection o... 다운로드
trixiewpf45(sfnet) TrixIE WPF4.5 Several years ago, there was Trix on http://www... 다운로드
popcornapp(sfnet) popcornapp Project page: 다운로드
facepunchsource(sfnet) Facepunch Source mod Facepunch source mod. Show , you can mod , face... 다운로드
codeflow(freshmeat) CodeFlow CodeFlow is a software exploration tool for nav... 다운로드
iceutils(freshmeat) IceUtils IceUtils is a suite of command line tools desig... 다운로드
surrogafier(freshmeat) Surrogafier Surrogafier is an easy to install three tier We... 다운로드
rt-nagios-gateway(freshmeat) RT-Nagios gateway The main function of the RT-Nagios gateway is t... 다운로드
apphp-shopping-cart(freshmeat) ApPHP Shopping Cart ApPHP Shopping Cart is a powerful e-commerce sy... 다운로드
rimric(freshmeat) rimric interactive rimric interactive offers complete intranet/Int... 다운로드
wp-popeye(freshmeat) wp-popeye wp-popeye (Popeye) presents images from the Wor... 다운로드
dwarf-ng(freshmeat) dwarf-ng dwarf-ng is a small and powerful object file ma... 다운로드
py-ad-ldap(freshmeat) py-ad-ldap py-ad-ldap uses the python-ldap module to conne... 다운로드
awstats_update_all(freshmeat) awstats_update_all awstats_update_all is a script that runs the AW... 다운로드
mutt-themes(freshmeat) mutt themes mutt themes provides a diverse set of themes fo... 다운로드
mobilenetworkfr(sfnet) Mobile Network Framework We make the MNF. it means 'Mobile Network Frame... 다운로드
inc-squeak(sfnet) InC-EPL * Internationalization of squeak etoys version ... 다운로드
fs-sceditor(sfnet) FS2004/FSX Scenery Config Editor A java based Scenery Config Editor. Provides gr... 다운로드
edesktop(sfnet) Ericsson Desktop Ericsson Desktop it is the complex utility for ... 다운로드
swiftsearch(sfnet) SwiftSearch SwiftSearch is a lightweight program whose purp... 다운로드
anitaos2(sfnet) DAZOS (For Machines 6-10 Years old) This Distro is following a minimalism approach ... 다운로드
eman-tools(sfnet) eManage Tools Language: C# Framework:Microsoft .NET Framework... 다운로드
bossa(freshmeat) Bossa Workflow Bossa is a workflow engine written in Java. The... 다운로드
luadch-scripts(sfnet) Luadch Scripts Collection of available free additional scripts... 다운로드
jcow(sfnet) Jcow Social Networking Script Jcow makes it easy&interesting to create So... 다운로드
waf-fle(freshmeat) WAF-FLE WAF-FLE is a console for ModSecurity. It allows... 다운로드
unofficialwamp2(sfnet) unofficialwamp2 This is an Unofficial Build of WampServer built... 다운로드
ezilla-nchc(sfnet) Ezilla Ezilla (Easy La) helps users quickly and easily... 다운로드
streamchat(sfnet) StreamChat United Chat for Streamers and Stream Viewers Su... 다운로드
slicedbread(freshmeat) SlicedBread SlicedBread is a library that makes it simpler ... 다운로드
srcon-103(freshmeat) srcon srcon is a small command line tool that allows ... 다운로드
gpgkeymgr(freshmeat) gpgkeymgr gpgkeymgr is a tool for cleaning up and managin... 다운로드
yad-2(freshmeat) Yad Yad (yet another dialog) is a fork of Zenity, a... 다운로드
virtualx(freshmeat) VirtualX VirtualX is an online examination management sy... 다운로드
xemacschillmode(freshmeat) XEmacs CHILL Mode XEmacs CHILL Mode helps you edit CHILL (CCITT H... 다운로드
rio600(freshmeat) Rio600 KDE IO Slave The Rio600 KDE IO Slave allows the user to acce... 다운로드
simian(freshmeat) Simian Simian is an enterprise-class Mac OS X software... 다운로드
kitsune(freshmeat) Kitsune Kitsune is very simple blogging software writte... 다운로드
forxx(freshmeat) Forxx Forxx is a language for text processing, inspir... 다운로드
php-identity-map(freshmeat) php-identity-map php-identity-map is a registry for loaded domai... 다운로드
botspotter(freshmeat) Wolf Software BotSpotter Class Wolf Software BotSpotter is a simple class for ... 다운로드
qproject(sfnet) Q!Project Q!Project - it's simple "all-in-box" ... 다운로드
pongpruneauteam(sfnet) pongpruneauteam Projet dans le cadre du cours de qualité de l'I... 다운로드
expense-ss(sfnet) Expense Submittal System The Expense Submittal System (ESS) is a Web-bas... 다운로드
gnumake(freshmeat) GNU make GNU Make examines the timestamps on a set of in... 다운로드
millscript(sfnet) millscript MillScript is a full featured, yet easy to use ... 다운로드
jcr-shell(freshmeat) JCR Shell JCR Shell is a shell interface to manage JCR re... 다운로드
videokiosk(freshmeat) Videokiosk VideoKiosk is designed as a means of providing ... 다운로드
pdfpirate(freshmeat) PDFpirate PDFpirate is an online PDF document processor d... 다운로드
dojolist(freshmeat) DojoList DojoList ( is a project to cre... 다운로드
eggdrop(freshmeat) eggdrop Eggdrop is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot tha... 다운로드
tifad(sfnet) Tifad Tifad is a framework to deal with Natural Gas (... 다운로드

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