Simple Project List Software Map

2987 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2003-07-07 17:47


doc2xml converts Microsoft Word files to XML, which can in turn be converted to something more useful.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-10-10 00:51


text2html is a small tool which converts plain text files into HTML documents. It works with Unix pipes, generates hyperlinks from URLs (with the Regexp::Common Perl module), and parses bold text if you redirect input from another program.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-05-02 11:56


Pyndex is a simple and fast full-text indexer implemented in Python. Pyndex also includes an easy to use Bayesian classifier. It uses Metakit as its storage back-end. It works well for quickly adding a search feature to an application, and is also well suited to in-memory indexing and searching. It can handle phrase queries. It performs best in applications involving a few thousand documents, but its scaling is mostly limited by available memory.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2011-01-02 14:03


Perso can handle different types of identity card
numbers (e.g. German/Austrian ID-card and
passport). It can check the numbers for
correctness using the "7-3-1"-checksum algorithm.
Also it can extract information from the numbers
(e.g. birthday) or generate example numbers using
custom values.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-05-04 13:18


PASP is a Bayesian-like spam filter that can be
used as a POP3 proxy.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2002-10-05 12:47


CRM is a very powerful filtering and mutilation
language based on regex operations. It is capable
of classifying mail messages, syslogs, firewall
logs, and other incoming streams of unbounded
length. It has a very powerful sparse-spectral
learning capability; given examples of multiple
classes (say, business email, jokes, and spam), it
can learn to discriminate the classes.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-03-15 02:36


SENTENSA Knowledge Miner is a platform independent
tool for searching any text. SENTENSA uses robust
methods of indexing and searching text, leveraging
experience from more than 20 years of information
retrieval. SENTENSA products offer advanced text
retrieval solutions for large databases that will
make your searches for key information fast and
effective. You can index on one platform and query
on another.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2004-06-16 15:36


PalmFontConv is a collection of command-line utilities to manipulate Palm fonts in both v1 and v2 formats. Currently, there is a converter that converts between afnx, nfnt (low, high, or both densities), NFNT, and text editable formats, and another converter that converts Type 1/TrueType/BDF/PCF and other formats supported by FreeType2 into the text editable format, code for generating Plucker and PalmBible+ compatible anti-aliased fonts. There are also a bunch of GUI shells for generating font packages for Plucker, PalmBible+, Fonts4OS5, and FontSubst.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-09-13 13:27


VIrus (VI resembling utility skeleton) was originally taken from busybox and stripped of most unrelated stuff. The intention is to provide a pure, minimalist VI implementation that allows you to switch off shell-escaping and other security risks by default, and allow the admin to offer an interim user to just have a vi as login-shell on a certain host, while allowing others to work with a resource-sensitive and small vi implementation for your OS bootdisks.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-12-12 06:13


PHPlus is a rapid application development
framework for PHP. It aims to bring the "model,
view, controller" methodology to PHP development.
It is designed using OO principles and targets PHP

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2005-02-15 02:18

XEmacs auf Deutsch

XEmacs auf Deutsch tries to provide a good
introduction to XEmacs in the German language.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2005-02-27 19:57


nethack-el is an Emacs major mode for playing
nethack. Separate buffers are used for the
map, status, messages, and menus. It features
customization of keys and colors and user
programmable hooks on game events. It
supports GNU Emacs 20/21 and XEmacs 21,
with graphical tiles on *Emacs 21.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-07-27 12:18

Common Configuration Parser

Common Configuration Parser (CCP) is a program that reads configuration files and upgrades them. It takes an oldfile (typically the configuration file currently in use) and a newfile (typically the default new configuration file) and optionally a template (a file that describes how the generated configuration file should look) and merges the files into one, creating a new configuration file that has the changes made to the old file in addition to the new options included in the new file. It is completely independent of the program that created the configuration file, and can be used for many different purposes such as merging changes between an old user-edited configuration file and a .rpmnew file generated by RPM during upgrades.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2007-04-06 22:55


EPIC is a Perl IDE based on the Eclipse platform.
Features supported are syntax highlighting,
on-the-fly syntax checking, content assistance,
Perldoc support, a source formatter, templating
support, and a Perl debugger. A regular expression
plugin and support for the eSpell spellchecker are
also available.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-05-20 17:36


help2info generates a simple info page from the output of the --help argument of the specified program.

(Machine Translation)