Simple Project List Software Map

1249 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2003-09-29 02:41


Sparse is a semantic parser of source files. It's neither a compiler (although it could be used as a front-end for one) nor a preprocessor (although it contains a preprocessing phase). It is meant to be a small, simple, easy to use library. Its function is to create a semantic parse tree for some arbitrary user for further analysis. It's not a tokenizer, nor is it a generic context-free parser. Context (semantics) is what it's all about: figuring out not just what the grouping of tokens are, but what the types are that the grouping implies.

LastUpdate: 2006-06-23 12:21


FastFrame is a heavily object oriented
application framework that is structured
around the MVC pattern. The goal is to enable
developers to create clean, secure, and
robust Web applications quickly. It is written
in PHP and provides the common tools a Web
application requires: authentication, action
handling, error handling, language support,
form creation, menus, help boxes, and more.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-02-12 19:55


VRaptor 2 is a Web-based MVC and IOC framework
based on many frameworks and ideas (Seam, Stripes,
Webwork, Hibernate Annotations, etc). It makes
full use of Java 5 Annotations. It favors
convention over configuration, because
configuration in XML/properties/annotations is
always easy to make mistakes and repetitive (aka
copy and paste in many places). This framework
uses a more imperative approach, instead of having
many XML files to configure lifecycle and other
properties. Most of the settings go inside plain
Java objects (POJO), so the team knows exactly
what is going on and where.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2023-04-26 19:19

openGion Project


SQLの知識さえあれば、データのCRUD操作をメインとした業務システムが 簡単に構築することができます。

このフレームワークは、村田機械株式会社の基幹システムを構築するために 開発され、ほぼ全ての基幹システムは、これを利用して構築し、稼動しています。

・ユーザー管理         ・認証・アクセス制御
・多言語対応          ・Excel入出力機能
・ガントチャート表示、編集機能 ・定型帳票作成、発行機能
・定型メール送信機能      ・データベース定義管理機能


Java を含む標章は、米国 Sun Microsystems, Inc.の商標であり、同社のJava ブランドの技術を使用した製品を指します。
Excel は、Microsoft Corporationの米国及びその他の国における登録商標です。

Database Environment: HSQL, Oracle
개발 현황: 6 - Mature
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: Linux, Windows
프로그래밍 언어: Java, JSP, PL/SQL
주제: Frameworks
User Interface: Web Environment
Register Date: 2009-05-13 20:31
LastUpdate: 2004-10-22 12:47

PHP Reusable Web Framework

PHP Reusable Web Framework (rwfPHP) is a set of
PHP classes that allow the development of
object-oriented, event-driven Web applications.
The main goals of rwfPHP are to speed development
through the use of a simple event driven model, to
encourage reuse of code through Web controls, and
to separate the presentation and logic layers
through the use of templates.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-02-08 22:54


CrissCross is a small cross-platform C++ library for console and file I/O, CPU identification (CPUID), hashing (MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, Tiger), sockets (TCP and UDP only currently), and data structures (LList, DArray, RedBlackTree, AVLTree, SplayTree, etc). It is designed to run on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Mac OS X, and even the Nintendo DS. Other platforms may become supported upon request. The main idea is to provide the ability to write a program using identical calls on the major platforms without needing to rewrite code.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2002-06-28 07:13


SACphp is a fully-featured, modular, multilingual, and scalable framework/Weblog/CMS. It's focused on speed and security. Many blocks could be integrated from kernel or third parties. It has modules such news, real integrated search engine forums, stats, links, downloads, articles, fortune, polls, ephemerides, events, guestbook, etc. It also has extensible group and user permissions, and a flexible look and feel through templates and CSS. It can export several kinds of data in XML format. The installation and administration is Web-based, but this is switchable via PHP-GTK.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-01-18 14:55

Dashboard Framework

Dashboard is a rapid application development framework. It's designed to make writing PHP faster and more secure by removing the repetitive parts of programming from the development cycle. It's suitable for many Web applications, but it is specifically designed for making Web sites that need some custom development for interaction with a database.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2004-07-27 14:10


Japha is an effort to implement the major functionality of the Java library in PHP. The functionality captured in the JPI includes I/O, utility classes such as data structures, Web service architecture, and reflection classes, lang classes for implementing a standardized API, bean classes for creating a standard bean implementation, SQL classes for database persistence (via the Web service architecture), and database abstraction as well as Object-Relational mapping, networking functionality, and even some complex math.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2002-11-27 14:22


Teddy is an OpenGL-based 3D graphics library written in C++. Its main features are simple scene graph and windowing system-enabling multiple cameras, camera windows, and scenes. It focuses on easy and flexible manipulation of models and model materials in the scene graph. It contains a number of primitive objects like sphere, box, and cone, and it can load LightWave object and scene files.

LastUpdate: 2008-06-07 10:41

Apache Portable Runtime

The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime
(APR) project is to create and maintain
software libraries that provide a predictable
and consistent interface to underlying platform-
specific implementations. The primary goal is
to provide an API to which software
developers may code and be assured of
predictable if not identical behaviour
regardless of the platform on which their
software is built, relieving them of the need to
code special-case conditions to work around
or take advantage of platform-specific
deficiencies or features.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-02-06 22:08


PHPLiveX is a lightweight PHP/JavaScript class library and framework that helps you enrich your PHP applications with AJAX. You may call your PHP functions in the same page via JavaScript without reloading the page, submit your forms, and send AJAX requests while passing any type of data. You may also upload files via AJAX with progress bars.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-03-19 06:05

Proteus EAI Toolkit

Proteus is a toolkit for message-based Enterprise Application Integration. It includes adapters that allow databases, message queues, FTP servers, email, and other message sources and sinks to be addressed in a simple, uniform fashion. It also includes a simple but very capable message broker. The broker allows routing and transformation of messages from and to all the sources and sinks for which adapters exist. Transformations may be custom-written in Java or XSLT (the broker uses Xalan as its XSLT transformation engine).

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2011-04-09 10:06


Trad4 is a fully concurrent, thread safe, graph based programming language that scales linearly on multiple cores. It is initially intended for deployment in the financial industry to model real-time risk. Trad4 is proposed as an alternative to the Von Neumann model of computer architecture. It is a new way of arranging programs in memory and a new style of flow-of-control.

LastUpdate: 2005-12-23 00:45

Apache MINA

Apache MINA (Multipurpose Infrastructure for
Network Applications) is a network application
framework which helps users develop high
performance and high scalability network
applications easily.

(Machine Translation)