Simple Project List Software Map

Apache License V2.0
786 projects in result set


AT command client for any modem device Embedded c11 light-weight library.

Provide AT-commands non-blocking dispatching with async-io.

Intended for low-profile MCU, implement non-blocking protoThreads/coroutines daemons.

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
대상: Engineering
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: English
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: C
User Interface: No Input/Output (Daemon)
Register Date: 2023-06-10 22:01



Database Environment: SQLite
개발 현황: 3 - Alpha
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: English, Japanese
운영 체제: Linux
프로그래밍 언어: Perl, Python
User Interface: Web Environment
Register Date: 2013-04-09 23:43
LastUpdate: 2012-11-06 09:00


bsqlformatter is a free online SQL formatter. You can format SQL easily via Web browser. Java and Java EE 6 (JSF Facelets) is required.

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
대상: Developers
자연 언어: English, Japanese
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: Java
User Interface: Web Environment
Register Date: 2012-10-16 14:36
LastUpdate: 2012-11-29 23:16


フリーで OSS な Java 用 RFC 3986 ライブラリ実装。Java SE API 以外に依存ライブラリはありません。

개발 현황: 3 - Alpha
대상: Developers
자연 언어: English, Japanese
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: Java
User Interface: Toolkits/Libraries
Register Date: 2012-11-28 21:19


JSPを使用して、DBへの検索、更新などを行うためのツールです。 一部にAjaxも使用予定。

개발 현황: 1 - Planning
대상: Developers
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: Java
주제: Front-Ends
User Interface: Web Environment
Register Date: 2007-01-17 18:50
LastUpdate: 2013-10-14 02:27

ti2 - Tap to Tap Information

Ti2は、Linux OS内部のネットワーク構成を可視化するためのツールです。 Linux Bridge、Open vSwitch、libvirtで管理されている仮想マシンの仮想NICの接続関係をGraph-EasyまたはSpringyなどを使用して、可視化します。

개발 현황: 2 - Pre-Alpha
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: English
운영 체제: Linux, Console-based Platforms
프로그래밍 언어: Python
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2013-03-06 17:33
LastUpdate: 2010-06-25 10:25


PrimeFaces は、Java Server Faces 用のオープンソース・コンポーネント集です。70 を超える Ajax で強化された JSF コンポーネントのリッチなセットです。追加の TouchFaces モジュールは、モバイル web アプリケーション開発用の UI キットを提供します。 PrimeFaces-ja プロジェクトは、PrimeFaces の日本における普及のための各種取り組みをおこなうプロジェクトです。最初の取り組みとして、日本語環境下でも適切に動作するようにパッチを適用したモジュールを提供します。

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
대상: Developers
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: Java, JavaScript, JSP
Register Date: 2009-12-28 22:17
LastUpdate: 2011-11-04 20:00


デスクトップに画像を貼り付けるためのWindows VistaとWindows 7用のサイドバーガジェット

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: English, Japanese
운영 체제: Windows 7, Windows Vista
프로그래밍 언어: JavaScript
User Interface: Graphical
Register Date: 2011-10-08 01:11
LastUpdate: 2020-03-10 03:35


This project is for hosting LineageOS android custom firmware builds for a few Xiaomi devices. This project uses open source code to release these firmware binaries.

What is LineageOS?

LineageOS is a free and open-source operating system for smartphones, tablet computers, and set-top boxes, based on the Android mobile platform. It is the successor to the custom ROM CyanogenMod, from which it was forked in December 2016 when Cyanogen Inc. announced it was discontinuing development and shut down the infrastructure behind the project. Since Cyanogen Inc. retained the rights to the Cyanogen name, the project rebranded its fork as LineageOS.

LineageOS was officially launched on 24 December 2016, with the source code available on both GitHub and GitLab. As with all versions of Android, operating system releases are specific to a single model. Since its launch, LineageOS development builds are available for more than 185 phone models with over 1.7 million active installs, having doubled its user base in the months February–March 2017.

More info here:

라이센스: Apache License V2.0
Register Date: 2020-02-27 20:04
LastUpdate: 2011-10-21 02:56


【CSPサーバーサイドスクリプト】プロジェクトでは、C言語で記述するスクリプトを開発しています。CSPは、apacheのモジュールとして動作する高速サーバーサイドスクリプト言語です。 のミラーサイトになります。


개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: Linux
프로그래밍 언어: C
Register Date: 2011-06-17 23:19



라이센스: Apache License V2.0
Register Date: 2018-11-06 16:46
LastUpdate: 2007-03-03 13:25



개발 현황: 4 - Beta
대상: Developers
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: English, Japanese
운영 체제: Windows
프로그래밍 언어: Java
Register Date: 2006-07-27 12:10
LastUpdate: 2021-01-17 18:27

AJD4JP 日本用カレンダー処理 Javaクラスライブラリ


サンプルソースやAPI仕様は を参照して下さい。

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
대상: Developers
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: Java
User Interface: Toolkits/Libraries
Register Date: 2011-10-22 19:02
LastUpdate: 2008-06-22 02:38

Tatooine Project


개발 현황: 2 - Pre-Alpha
대상: Developers
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: Java, JavaScript
User Interface: Web Environment
Register Date: 2006-10-07 23:03

Deaf Webサービス


라이센스: Apache License V2.0
Register Date: 2009-03-20 00:34