This editor can directly edit property files written in Unicode reference characters, eliminating the need to convert to Unicode. In addition to the usual editor functions, it can also be used as an Eclipse plug-in.
Register Date: 2004-03-04 01:02
Related ProjectsOrwell Dev-C++, PCRE, SharpDevelop-jp, SAKURA Editor, Notepad++ Plugins |
Peux OS is a beautiful, secure, and minimal archlinux-distro. Currently, three desktop editions are available: XFCE, LXQt, and KDE.
Key Features:
BTRFS with Autosnap
==>> dd/Rufus-dd/multiwriter to make USB bootable <<==
Note: If for some reason you are not seeing a release here, make sure to check the storage section:
**Finally, If you like it then spread the word. Thanks. **
Register Date: 2021-01-21 21:26
Related Projects |
This is a project to port Android open source project to x86 platform, formerly known as "patch hosting for android x86 support".
The original plan is to host different patches for android x86 support from open source community. A few months after we created the project, we found out that we could do much more than just hosting patches. So we decide to create our code base to provide support on different x86 platforms, and set up a git server to host it.
This is an open source project licensed under Apache Public License 2.0. Some components are licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0 or later.
Register Date: 2016-04-22 19:23
Related ProjectsMX Linux, Parrot Security OS, Joborun Linux, SereneLinux, Thinstation |
SlunkCrypt is moving to '''[]''' due to ongoing technical problems on!
Register Date: 2022-02-02 04:39
Related ProjectsAdvanced Onion Router, プロジェクト・ナニ屋, lpsolve, mcrypt, EasyPG |
Clonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to True Image®. It saves and restores only used blocks in hard drive. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (Server Edition).
* Filesystem supported: ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, xfs, jfs of GNU/Linux, FAT, NTFS of MS Windows, HFS+ of Mac OS, UFS of BSD, minix of Minix and VMFS of VMWare ESX. Therefore you can clone GNU/Linux, MS windows and Intel-based Mac OS, no matter it's 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) OS. For these file systems, only used blocks in partition are saved and restored. For unsupported file system, sector-to-sector copy is done by dd in Clonezilla * LVM2 (LVM version 1 is not) under GNU/Linux is supported. * Multicast is supported in Clonezilla SE, which is suitable for massive clone.
For more info about Clonezilla, including usage, installation and forum, please visit this website:
Register Date: 2016-02-29 12:45
Related ProjectsOpenfiler, PeaZip, AlterLinux, nmon for Linux, ksar : a sar grapher |
AlterLinux is an ArchLinux-derived OS that has been developed by customizing archiso. Japan's first "ArchLinux-derived OS developed in Japan". Equipped with Xfce4, which is uniquely customized to the standard desktop environment, enables easy operation. It can be installed easily with the GUI installer. All settings such as network and disk can be done with GUI, making it the best OS for migration from Ubuntu and other sources. Since the repository is shared with ArchLinux, you can use the latest packages and use the rich information of ArchWiki as it is. Development is performed by FascodeNetwork (formerly SereneTeam), which also handles SereneLinux, and it is the best OS that developers with abundant experience and technology are particular about making it easy to use for all users.
Register Date: 2020-03-03 18:45
Related ProjectsBerry Linux, Parrot Security OS, Clonezilla, Ecolinux, LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE |
Simple, lightweight but featureful, and easy-to-use e-mail client. It provides intuitive user-interface and fast operation.
Register Date: 2011-06-09 18:18
Related Projectsjmnews, SquirrelMail, nzb, The risky module for Mozilla and derivat, Tenfourbird |
Zorin OS は、Linux を簡単かつ円滑なアクセスできるようにする Windows ユーザーのための多機能のオペレーティングシステムです。
Related ProjectslinuxBean, Dumpper v.60.3, Berry Linux, MeCab, Win32 Disk Imager |
Ctlos Linux — iso образ, основанный на Arch Linux, собранный с помощью archiso скриптов. Официально доступно несколько версий, с различными рабочими окружениями.
Web page:
Проект с открытым исходным кодом. Некоторые компоненты лицензируются в соответствии с GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0 или более поздней.
Register Date: 2020-06-29 02:14
Related ProjectsZorin OS, Joborun Linux, uClinux-H8, LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE, TOMOYO |
Register Date: 2003-06-20 09:40
Related Projectsopfc, Ume-fonts, KreetingKard, Scribus, Gutenberg Labo |
HandBrakeは、DVDやDVDのISOイメージをメディアプレーヤーやPS3/Xbox360/PSPなどのゲーム機などで再生できる形式に変換できるエンコードツールです。オープンソースで開発されており、WindowsやLinux、Mac OS Xで動作します。
オリジナルのHandBrake(は、複数の有志によって開発されていますが、海外の開発者が開発をしているため、いまのところ日本語化がされていません(日本語環境で問題なく動作します)。本プロジェクトではWindows版/Mac OS X版HandBrakeの日本語化と、日本語化されたアプリケーションの配布を行っています。
Register Date: 2008-11-26 19:59
Related ProjectsDVDx, ニコニコランキングメーカー, MeGUI, Hyper Video Converter, DVD Flick |
CharacterManaJ is an application to create a single image by superimposing multiple selected images. It is able to design the avatar by different dresses and different parts by layering them, but not limited to it. In order to run charactermanaj you need to have some images first.
Important! This program does not include image data.
Please prepare the data yourself. Refer to the Wiki document for the procedure.
Register Date: 2010-08-27 07:58
Related ProjectsGLOBALBASE PROJECT, DeSmuME, MAME32jp, KancolleSniffer, unofficial gpSP kai |
KDevelop is an integrated development environment which makes the creation and development of applications an easy task even for beginners. Highlights of the current release are: an application wizard for easy creation of KDE 4, Qt4, GNOME, and terminal C/C++ projects, full project management, a syntax-highlighting editor, code completion, an integrated dialog editor for the Qt/KDE GUI libraries, an internal debugger, a full-featured class browser with class tools, CVS and SVN support, an integrated HTML-based help system offering manuals and class-references, and extensive search mechanisms to browse sources and documentation.
Related ProjectsMeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Amateras, MPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager |
Register Date: 2008-04-04 09:57
Related ProjectsEcolinux, javara, Info-ZIP project, Zorin OS, E-Plug: Eclipse Plugin Repository |
The MIDITrail project website has moved.(2023/8/23)
"MIDITrail" is a MIDI player which provides 3D visualization of MIDI datasets. You can enjoy not only listening but also viewing. MIDITrail supports SMF format 0/1, and multiple MIDI ports. MIDITrail is available for Windows, macOS and iOS.
Register Date: 2010-05-31 01:35
Related ProjectsKaraoke for DirectX, MuseScore, Android Framework, TiMidity++ windows synthesizer(TWSYNTH), Hydrogen |