AutoLaTeX is a tool for managing small to large LaTeX documents. It detects which files which are used to build the document (included TeX files, BibTeX, figures, etc.), and launches the various different tools (latex, bibtex, makeindex) when the sources files have been changed. It provides translation rules which automatically generate figures in EPS, PNG, or PDF formats from different types of sources (dia, xfig, svg, astah, source code, etc.) AutoLaTeX also provides graphical user interfaces, a plugin for the editors Gedit and Sublime Text, and a standalone Gtk application.
Related ProjectsSCIM IMEngine, TOMBO, TuxGuitar, nkf Network Kanji Filter, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
JFtp is a Swing Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. The FTP API is separated from the GUI and can also be used in third-party applications. It should ideally be launched in a Web browser via Java Web Start (contained by the Java 1.4 plugin), but can also be started locally.
Related ProjectsRMAC, FileZilla JP Info, FFFTP, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab |
Apache OpenMeetings is a multi-language customizable video-conferencing and collaboration system. It supports audio/video and allows you to see the desktop of any participant. It includes a whiteboard, the ability to import a variety of image formats, invitations, a moderation system, backup and language modules, private and public conference rooms, and the ability to record meetings. The project also provides integrations for Asterisk, Jira, Confluence, Moodle, Sakai, and SugarCRM, and connectors for LDAP and ADS.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, NNDD - ニコ動専用ブラウザ, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, PeerCast IM, Dumpper v.60.3 |
qooxdoo is a universal JavaScript framework that enables you to create applications for a wide range of platforms. With its object-oriented programming model you can build rich, interactive applications (RIAs), native-like apps for mobile devices, traditional Web applications, or even applications that run outside the browser. Its integrated tool chain allows you to develop and deploy applications of any scale, while taking advantage of a comprehensive feature set and a state-of-the-art GUI toolkit.
Related ProjectsProperties Editor, All-In-One Project, Amateras, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager |
GraphicsMagick is a robust collection of tools and libraries which support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over 90 major formats including popular formats like DPX, DICOM, BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PNG, PNM, SVG, and TIFF. A high-quality 2D renderer is included, which provides a subset of SVG capabilities. C, C++, Perl, Tcl, and Ruby are supported. Originally based on ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick focuses on performance, minimizing bugs, and providing stable APIs and ABIs. It runs on all modern variants of Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X.
Related ProjectsSeparate+, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Amateras, SharpDevelop-jp |
phpGroupWare (formerly known as webdistro) is a multi-user groupware suite written in PHP. Its provides a Web-based calendar, todo-list, addressbook, email, news headlines, and a file manager. The calendar supports repeating events. The email system supports inline graphics and file attachments. The system as a whole supports user preferences, themes, user permissions, multi-language support, an advanced API, and user groups.
Related ProjectsAll-In-One Project, MPC-BE, MeCab, 独自ビルドプロジェクト, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows |
LedgerSMB is an accounting and ERP framework which aims to provide solid accounting, industry-leading security, and support for rapid development of business tools re-using accounting logic to support workflows of any specific business.
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, phpGroupWare Japanese Project, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
レポーティング、解析(OLAP)、ダッシュボード、データマイニング、データインテグレーション(ETL)などを含む完全なビジネスインテリジェンス(BI)プラットフォームです。 Webサービスを介してアクセスし、個々のコンポーネントまたはフルスイートとして使えます。
Related ProjectsbambooBSC - バランス·スコアカード Balanced scorecard(BSC)ビジネスインテリジェンス, Dumpper v.60.3, OneSQLiteAdmin, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE |
ProGuard is a shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier for Java bytecode. It detects and removes unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes. It optimizes methods and removes dead code. It renames the remaining classes, fields, and methods using short, meaningless names. Finally, it preverifies the processed code for Java 6 or higher, or for Java Micro Edition. The resulting code is more compact, more efficient, and more difficult to reverse-engineer. Advantages of ProGuard compared to other Java shrinkers and obfuscators are compact template-based configuration, memory efficiency, and speed. It is mostly popular for embedded development and for commercial development, and is integrated in Oracle's Wireless Toolkit, in Intel's TXE SDK, and in Google's Android SDK.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3, Programming Language ADP |
SOGo is a very fast and scalable modern collaboration suite (or groupware). It offers calendaring, address book management, and a full-featured Webmail client along with resource sharing and permission handling. It also makes use of documented standards (IMAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, etc.) and thereby provides native connectivity (without plugins) to many clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple iCal, the iPhone, Mozilla Lightning, and a plethora of mobile devices via SyncML. It can reuse any existing email and database infrastructure, avoiding long hours of site restructuring.
Related 独自ビルドプロジェクト, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Sylpheed, XOOPS |
GNU CLISP is an ANSI Common Lisp implementation with an interpreter, compiler, debugger, object system (CLOS, MOP), sockets, fast bignums, arbitrary precision floats, and a foreign language interface that runs on most Unix variants and Win32.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, OpenKEEPS, Decimal BASIC Open Source Project, MeCab |
Libxslt is a C library for GNOME which allows developers to work with XSLT. It is based on libxml for XML parsing, tree manipulation, and XPath support. Also included is 'xsltproc', a command line XSLT processor. The library is written in plain C, making as few assumptions as possible, and sticking closely to ANSI C/POSIX for easy embedding. It should work on Linux, Unix, and Windows. Though not designed primarily with performances in mind, libxslt seems to be a relatively fast processor. It also include full support for the EXSLT set of extension functions as well as some common extensions present in other XSLT engines.
Related ProjectslinuxBean, TOMBO, nkf Network Kanji Filter, DeSmuME, TuxGuitar |
jOOQ effectively combines complex SQL, type safety, source code generation, active records, stored procedures, advanced data types, and Java in a fluent, intuitive DSL.
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, mod_chxj, MeCab, 04WebServer, coroid project |
The Meeting Room Booking System (MRBS) is a PHP/MySQL-based Web application for booking meeting rooms. It uses 'areas' to group rooms, and rooms within each area are shown side-by-side.
Related ProjectsFess, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, グループウェア 「Aipo」, TuxGuitar, DeSmuME |
Ctalk adds classes, methods, operator overloading, inheritance, and complex object expressions to otherwise standard C programs. Programs can use only a few Ctalk objects and methods in an otherwise standard C program, but the language can be used to write entire programs also. Ctalk works on most if not all of the systems that support GCC, the GNU C compiler. The package includes the language, class and run-time libraries, example programs, tutorial, and language reference.
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TERASOLUNA Framework, Darik's Boot and Nuke, Mysaifu JVM |