LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It is intended for people people who write and want their writing to look great without tinkering with formatting details, font attributes, or page boundaries. On screen, it looks like any word processor, but it uses the TeX engine for printed output and producing richly cross-referenced PDFs. It is stable and fully featured.
Related ProjectsProperties Editor, nkf Network Kanji Filter, MPC-BE, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab |
GNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content: text, mathematics, graphics, interactive content. TeXmacs can also be used as an interface to many external systems for computer algebra, numerical analysis, and statistics. New presentation styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using Scheme.
Related Projectsmixfont-mplus-ipa, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Amateras, Properties Editor |
AutoLaTeX is a tool for managing small to large LaTeX documents. It detects which files which are used to build the document (included TeX files, BibTeX, figures, etc.), and launches the various different tools (latex, bibtex, makeindex) when the sources files have been changed. It provides translation rules which automatically generate figures in EPS, PNG, or PDF formats from different types of sources (dia, xfig, svg, astah, source code, etc.) AutoLaTeX also provides graphical user interfaces, a plugin for the editors Gedit and Sublime Text, and a standalone Gtk application.
Related ProjectsSCIM IMEngine, TOMBO, TuxGuitar, nkf Network Kanji Filter, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Texmaker integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX in just one application.
Related ProjectsiReport-Designer for JasperReports, ChaSen legacy, Darik's Boot and Nuke, SmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar |
Kile is a user-friendly TeX/LaTeX editor for the KDE desktop environment. It lets you compile, convert, and view your document with one click and features auto-completion of (La)TeX commands, templates and wizards for starting a new document, easy insertion of many standard tags and symbols and the option to add user defined tags, inverse and forward search, collection of documents that belong together into a project, easy insertion of citations and references, a flexible build system, QuickPreview of selected parts of a document, easy access to various help sources, and advanced editing commands.
Related ProjectsTOMBO, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Properties Editor, MPC-BE, ChaSen legacy |
GLE (Graphics Layout Engine) is a graphics scripting language designed for creating publication quality figures (e.g., a chart, plot, graph, or diagram). GLE supports various chart types (including function plot, histogram, bar chart, scatter plot, contour plot, color map, and surface plot) through a simple but flexible set of graphing commands. More complex output can be created by relying on GLE's scripting language, which is full featured with subroutines, variables, and logic control. GLE relies on LaTeX for text output and supports mathematical formulae in graphs and figures.
Related ProjectsWrj4P5, Decimal BASIC Open Source Project, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Freeverb3VST |
tex-upmethodology provides a complete set of LaTeX styles that permit you to write documents according to a UP-based methodology. Its major features are document history, task management, design and specification documentation, and helping tools. tex-upmethodology is officially supported by CTAN.
pdfTeX is an extended version of TeX that can create PDF directly from TeX source files and enhance the result of TeX typesetting with the help of PDF. When PDF output is not selected, pdfTeX produces normal DVI output, otherwise it produces PDF output that looks identical to the DVI output. An important aspect of this project is to investigate alternative justification algorithms, optionally making use of multiple master fonts.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, TOMBO, MeCab, Ume-fonts, Win32 Disk Imager |
Papyrus is a XML-based reporting langauge for PostgreSQL and MySQL. It allows you to generate well-formatted reports in LaTeX, PDF, PostScript, HTML, ANSI, and XML. The XML is expressed in a formatting-oriented style to allow you to develop a wide range of reports. SQL is then embedded into the report to give you the desired data. Papyrus is commandline-driven, and data arguments can be passed into the report. Equations and expressions can also be carried out on data.
Related ProjectsAmateras, Win32 Disk Imager, Properties Editor, TOMBO, nkf Network Kanji Filter |
KGuitar is powerful KDE-based music tablature editor with support for guitar, drums, classic note scores, MIDI synthesizer output, chords, scales, modes, melody and rhythm construction and analysis tools, and many tab effects. It can import Guitar Pro 4 files.
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, OpenMIDIProject, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, TOMBO |
JabRef is a graphical Java application for managing bibtex (. bib) databases. It can import bibliographies in numerous formats, provides extensive searching, sorting, and grouping features, can automatically create bibtex keys, and can insert citations into LyX.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, blanco Framework, TOMBO, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Anthy |
LaTeX is a document preparation system for
high-quality typesetting based on TeX. It is most
often used for medium-to-large technical or
scientific documents, but it can be used for
almost any form of publishing. It is not a word
processor; instead, it encourages authors not to
worry too much about the appearance of their
documents, but to concentrate on getting the right
Related ProjectsAnthy, DeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar, ChaSen legacy |
AUCTeX is a much-enhanced (La)TeX environment for Emacs and part of the GNU project.
Related ProjectsSAKURA Editor, TuxGuitar, DeSmuME, Properties Editor, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
International Ispell is an interactive spell-checking program for Unix, which supports a large number of European languages (only English dictionaries are included in the source tarball). An emacs interface is available, as well as the standard command-line mode.
Related ProjectsSAKURA Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TuxGuitar, TOMBO |
The purpose of the preview-latex package is to embed LaTeX environments such as display math or figures into Emacs source buffers. As of version 11.80, it has been integrated into AUCTeX and will no longer be separately released.
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, nkf Network Kanji Filter, gnupack, MPC-BE |