OpenSMART is a monitoring (and reporting) environment for servers and applications in a network. Its main features are a nice Web front end, monitored servers requiring only a Perl installation, XML configuration, and good documentation. It is easy to write more checks. Supported platforms are Linux, HP/UX, Solaris, AIX, *BSD, and Windows (only as a client).
Related ProjectsWireshark, Win32 Disk Imager, Clonezilla, Hinemos, Dumpper v.60.3 |
font2svg can convert any font that GhostScript is capable of rendering into an SVG-font. This includes all PostScript fonts, GhostScript's own format, and almost all TrueType fonts.
Related ProjectsGutenberg Labo, mixfont-mplus-ipa, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, DeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger |
Cactus is a general, modular, parallel environment for solving systems of partial differential
equations. The code has been developed over many years by a large international collaboration of numerical relativity and computational science research groups and can be used to provide a portable platform for solving any system of partial differential equations.
Related ProjectsiReport-Designer for JasperReports, Properties Editor, MeCab, SharpDevelop-jp, DeSmuME |
xps dynamically displays in an X Window the Unix processes as a tree or forest, the roots on the left and the leaf processes on the right. The status of each process (running, sleeping, stopped, etc.) can be indicated by a color. Different users appear as different colors. Process selection can be made per user, all users or through a regular expression pattern. A process can be selected to show ps information or to send the process a signal.
Related ProjectsWireshark, NetJFWatcher, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Hinemos, Dumpper v.60.3 |
nss_ldap is an RFC 2307-compliant set of C library extensions which allows X.500 and LDAP directory servers to be used as a primary source of aliases, ethers, groups, hosts, networks, protocol, users, RPCs, services and shadow passwords (instead of or in addition to using flat files or NIS).
Related ProjectsSamba Japanese Translation Project[relocated], TuxGuitar, RMAC, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME |
Pandora FMS is a software-monitoring tool created for all kinds of companies. It is specially designed for large environments, and works by first managing servers, applications, and communications, and then notifying clients of problems and failures before they occur. Pandora FMS also includes a configurable report system that evaluates and notifies the client on the level of fulfillment and compliance of their systems. It supports all kinds of technologies unifying the management tools of your system, such as performance monitoring, network monitoring, and availability management. Pandora FMS makes your company management more agile and improves your process performance.
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Wireshark, TuxGuitar, NetJFWatcher |
Mrxvt (previously known as materm) is a multi-tab X terminal emulator based on rxvt/aterm. It supports multiple tabs, runtime dynamic tab title, pseudo-transparent backgrounds, user-supplied background images (JPEG, PNG, or XPM), background color tinting, text shadows, NeXT/rxvt/xterm/SGI style scrollbars, XIM, multiple languages (Chinese, Korean, and Japanese) and logging. It is lightweight and fast, and only depends on Xlib.
Related ProjectsConEmu, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SmillaEnlarger, iTerm日本語版, Tera Term |
The Vector Signal Image Processing Library is an
application programming interface (API) defined by an
open standard. This package is a reference
implementation of this specification.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, SharpDevelop-jp, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TERASOLUNA Framework |
Encuestame is a survey management system. It's integrated with the most popular social networks, including Facebook and Twitter.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, mod_chxj, coroid project, Sledge, DeSmuME |
The TenDRA compiler is a C/C++ compiler
aimed at being a state of the art compiler:
incorporating new research ideas, always producing
correct code, and improving compiler performance where possible given the previous points. It offers ANSI/ISO C features and strong code verification. It is developed on a number of different operating
systems and architectures.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar, MergeDoc, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Schedule::Cron is a Perl module that provides a simple but complete cron-like scheduler. It can be used for periodically executing Perl subroutines. The philosophy behind Schedule::Cron is to call subroutines periodically from within one single Perl program instead of letting cron trigger several (possibly different) Perl scripts. Everything under one roof. Furthermore, Schedule::Cron provides a mechanism to create crontab entries dynamically, which isn't that easy with cron. It knows about all extensions (at least all extensions the author is aware of, i.e those of "Vixie" cron) for crontab entries like ranges including 'steps', specification of month and days of the week by name, or coexistence of lists and ranges in the same field. It even supports a bit more (like lists and ranges with symbolic names). It has existed since 1999 on CPAN and is successfully used in many projects.
Related ProjectsiReport-Designer for JasperReports, TERASOLUNA Framework, Amateras, Properties Editor, SharpDevelop-jp |
Net::FTPServer is a full-featured, secure, extensible, and highly configurable FTP server which can serve files from a standard file system or a relational database. It is written in Perl, which provides natural protection against buffer overflows. It has feature parity with popular C-based servers such as wu-ftpd. The server offers virtual hosts (IP-based and experimental IP-less). It is configurable in Perl, for both small Perl "hacks" in the configuration file all the way up to complete server "personalities". It supports the latest RFCs and Internet Drafts. Authentication may be done through /etc/passwd, PAM or an authentication plug-in. Resource limits are supported. The server may run standalone or from inetd. chroot() jails are supported along with sophisticated programmable access control rules. All aspects of server use and configuration are comprehensively documented in a manual running to some 50 pages.
Related ProjectsTuxGuitar, UstAlert, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, FileZilla JP Info, DeSmuME |
ImPress allows you to create good quality documents using vector graphics. You can use ImPress within a web browser with the Tcl/Tk plugin. It's a reasonable desktop publishing and presentation tool in a small package designed for Linux and for integration with Ghostscript.
Related ProjectsNyARToolKit, Separate+, MPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3 |
cdrecord - オーディオの録音またはコンパクト ディスク データはマスター シェイプから
Related ProjectsTERASOLUNA Framework, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, Seasar, AlterDnD (Drag and drop change tool) |
MAMS is a Web based Multiuser Address Management System/Book (address database). The download has been implemented so that retrieved addresses can be imported into word processing or spread-sheet applications.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, PukiWiki, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, 独自ビルドプロジェクト, OpenTween |