Simple Project List Software Map

118 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2008-02-04 10:40

LDAP for Haskell

LDAP for Haskell provides an interface to the C
LDAP API for Haskell programmers. With it, you can
search and modify LDAP directories. The Haskell
binding features automatic memory management and
proper handling for binary data, and handles all
marshalling into and out of C data structures for
you automatically.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-12-01 14:04


LdapSaisie is a Web application to manage LDAP directories. It is designed to abstract the complexity of the directory through an administration interface that is simple and intuitive. The application was designed with the objective of maximal modularity, allowing easy extension or adaptation with modules, extensions, and plugins. This application can be used to manage the information system based on LDAP and also, simultaneously, enabling users to access their data and possibly modify them.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-09-15 06:22

Samba User Manager

SUM (Samba User Manager) is a tool similar to MS
Windows NT User Manager for Domain. It manages
users and shares in a Samba domain with an LDAP

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2008-07-03 11:51


slapi-dnsnotify is a plugin for OpenLDAP or other
LDAP servers. It watches for changes in the serial
number of a DNS zone stored in the LDAP server,
and notifies DNS slave servers to refresh their
copy of the zone. It can also increment the serial
number of a zone whenever changes in that zone are

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-10-13 23:21

LDAP Address Book

LDAP Address Book is a Web application for browsing and searching contact details within an LDAP directory. It supports Microsoft/Samba Active Directory and Novell eDirectory.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2012-10-15 22:44

LDAP Authentication Plugin for MySQL

LDAP Authentication Plugin for MySQL (auth_ldap) is an authentication plugin for MySQL Server. It allows you to create SQL users which are going to be authenticated using an LDAP server. This minimizes administrative duties, since your users will be able to reuse their existing accounts to access the database. The plugin requires MySQL 5.5.7 and up. It is compiled as an add-on, and does not require you to alter MySQL source code or recompile the entire server. The plugin adds support for LDAP using the openLDAP library.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-04-09 11:05


vrdp-ldap is an extension for VirtualBox server which reads LDAP entries to authorize users to connect to virtual machine RDP ports.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-09-24 14:00


LinOTP is a solution for strong two-factor authentication with one time passwords. It includes a FreeRADIUS plugin, an LDAP schema for OpenLDAP, helper utilities, and a C library for database access. You can use LinOTP to authenticate with any software or hardware token which generates one time passwords according to HMAC-OTP (RFC 4226). For example, it can work with Aladdin eToken PASS and Safeword or LSE MobileOTP. Using the FreeRADIUS plugin, LinOTP provides a way for applications and services to use the OTP authentication. Applications with which it has been used include PAM for local and ssh login, Apache HTTPD, VPN, and Windows Terminal Server (via LSE RadiusGINA).

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-08-03 10:14


Bandit is a system of loosely-coupled components
that provide
consistent identity services and create a
community that organizes and
standardizes identity-related technologies in an
open way, promoting
both interoperability and collaboration. It
implements open standard
protocols and specifications so identity services
can be constructed,
accessed, and integrated from multiple identity
sources. The Bandit
system supports many authentication methods and
provides user-centric
credential management.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-11-17 22:32


Mr. LDIF is a script that builds a seed LDAP
authentication database. It's similar to the PADL
Migration Tools, but includes support for porting
Samba v3 users.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-05-19 20:42

machiNET autoresponder

machiNET autoresponder provides vacation messages for Postfix mail servers. It works as a content filter and extracts relevant data (sender and receiver) from the SMTP protocol handshake. It is intended to be used with openLDAP. ispENV2.schema is used for vacation attributes.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-12-13 14:51


SIContact is an application to manage a sort of
meta-directory. This Web-based application can be
synchronized to several LDAP servers. Any user can
add other information not contained in LDAP

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2020-04-28 16:00

Secioss SSO

LDAPを使ったユーザ認証のライブラリやWebシングルサインオンを行うためのプラットフォームを開発します。Webシングルサインオン機能には、オープンソースソフトウェアのsimpleSAMLphp、PHP Ope

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: Linux
프로그래밍 언어: Perl, PHP
주제: Security, LDAP
User Interface: Web Environment
Register Date: 2007-07-08 01:31
LastUpdate: 2013-04-09 11:05


ldapfuse is a virtual filesystem for FUSE which allows navigation of an LDAP tree.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2016-01-13 18:59


LISM(LDAP Identity Synchronization Manager)は、LDAPインターフェースを介して、LDAP、Active Directory、リレーショナルデータベース、CSVファイル等の各種データストレージに格納されているID情報を同期、参照できるようにするアイデンティティ管理ソフトウェアです。

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: FreeBSD, Linux, Windows
프로그래밍 언어: Perl
주제: LDAP
User Interface: No Input/Output (Daemon)
Register Date: 2006-06-01 00:03