Lynkeos processes astronomical webcam images. By
stacking the best images, the signal to noise
ratio is increased, and details lost in the noise
of individual images become visible in the
resulting image. This software accepts, as input,
QuickTime, AVI, and MPEG sequences, or still images, in any image format supported by its active plugins (TIFF, FITS) and Cocoa. It generates a 16-bit RGB TIFF or a monochrome FITS image as output, to be further processed with some all-purpose image processing application.
Related ProjectsOpen Source QR Code Library, MPC-BE, gpx2shp, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3 |
MacTerm (formerly MacTelnet) is a complete terminal emulator for Mac OS X, for use with local or remote applications. It is also available for Classic Mac OS as a remote-only shell. It supports VT100, VT102, VT220, and parts of XTerm and ANSI, UTF-8 and other character sets, very accurate rendering of CP437 for use in BBS games, regular or tabbed windows, a full screen mode that works on up to two displays, dynamic search, powerful macros for entering text, running commands, and opening URLs, extensive preferences, including a flexible coloring and formatting system, Workspaces that spawn commands and auto-arrange windows, Growl notifications, text capture, floating keypads for control keys, and much more.
Related ProjectsConEmu, MPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, コマンドプロンプトに送る2.0 |
Whited00rは、古いiOSデバイスを高速化し、新しい機能を提供するカスタムのファームウェアです。利用可能:iPhone 2G、iPhone 3G、iPod Touch 1G、iPod Touch 2G (MB model only)
Related ProjectsMeCab, mydnsjp-adapter, LFSbook 일본어 번역판, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE |
C Cod is an application that allows for a C/C++/Objective-C source file to be "Compiled on Demand" prior to being executed. This allows C to be used like a scripting language. Also included is the CSP library, which provides C Cod source files with a CGI scripting interface.
Related ProjectsMeCab, Properties Editor, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, GLOBALBASE PROJECT |
The Objective-C Foundation Classes is an Objective-C
library. It contains general purpose classes for easier
development of applications, in areas such as data types,
collections, network, C library wrappers, and compound
Related ProjectsSharpDevelop-jp, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, TERASOLUNA Framework, Properties Editor |
StepTalk is the official GNUstep scripting framework. It is more than a scripting framework with an illusion of single objective environment between objects of scriptable servers or applications. It is language independent, but the default scripting language is Smalltalk.
Related ProjectsMeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MPC-BE, Properties Editor, Dumpper v.60.3 |
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, MeCab, Exerb, インテル コンパイラー 1000本ノックプロジェクト |
Cyberduck is an SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer) and FTP browser with an easy-to-use interface, integration with external editors, and support for many MacOS X system technologies, including Spotlight, Bonjour, the Keychain, and AppleScript.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, MeCab, FFFTP, Dumpper v.60.3, FileZilla JP Info |
iStumbler is a small utility for finding local
wireless networks and services. iStumbler
combines a compact Aqua user interface with
advanced wireless scanning and reporting.
Related ProjectsProperties Editor, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, CrystalDiskMark, Tera Term, TortoiseSVN |
ID3Tag.framework is a Cocoa-based framework for reading and writing ID3 tags. It supports 1.1 and 2.0 - 2.4 tag types.
Related ProjectsAmateras, SharpDevelop-jp, TuxGuitar, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Address Book Server allows you to share your
contacts and calendar events with others connected
to your network or over the Internet. Each
participant synchronizes their contacts with the
server hosted on your own system. Address Book
Server supports the full Address Book and iCal
schema. The server also provides a friendly Web
interface and an iPhone client which let you
access your contact details remotely.
Related ProjectsRealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal, LetterFix for Mac OS X, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, OpenTween |
IP*Works! is a comprehensive suite of more than 40 native Linux class libraries for Internet development. It is a robust framework of enterprise-class tools, enabling rapid integration of any major Internet protocol or technology, including FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, LDAP, DNS, RSS, SMPP(SMS), XMPP (Jabber), SOAP, and WebDav. It includes source code for compilation on various Unix platforms, a framework for Objective-C (Cocoa) Mac OS X development, and native PHP extensions.
Related ProjectsFileZilla JP Info, PukiWiki, FFFTP, SmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Dali Clock is a digital clock for Mac OS X, the X
Window System, and PalmOS devices. When a digit
changes, it "melts" into its new shape with
Related ProjectsiReport-Designer for JasperReports, X/Qt Server, SmillaEnlarger, Open Source QR Code Library, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
The CodeAssistor Editor is a programming editor that can be useful for editing C/C++, Objective C/C++, Makefiles, Java, SQL, TXT, PHP, Bash, Batch, Perl, Python, Flex, and Bison. The CodeAssistor Editor strives to be small, fast, and simple. Major features include code colorizing and code folding. It is similar to TextEdit, Notepad, and Notepad++.
Related Projects |
F-Script is a lightweight scripting layer specifically designed for the Mac OS X object system (i.e. Cocoa). It provides scripting and interactive access to Cocoa frameworks and custom Objective-C objects. It aims to be a useful and fun tool for both beginners and experts, allowing interactively exploring, testing, and using Cocoa-based objects and frameworks.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, TERASOLUNA Framework, Mysaifu JVM, Amateras, Properties Editor |