
cannadic改 2009-12-30 21:45 (by vagus)

다운로드No ChangeLog/ReleaseNote/Project Description written in this language. Please refer link bellow for other languages and/or other release informations.

다운로드No ChangeLog/ReleaseNote/Project Description written in this language. Please refer link bellow for other languages and/or other release informations.


YANMAH2(やんまに:Yet ANother Mobile Accelerated Hatena Haiku)は、「はてなハイク」のコンテンツを携帯端末向けに小さく表示する PHP プログラムです。

Sawarabi Fonts 2009-12-30 13:24 (by mshio)

다운로드(This file is written in UTF-8)

Sawarabi Gothic is a TrueType font available under the Creative Commons License. This font has main hiraganas, katakanas, alphabets and so on, but being under developing, lacks many glyphs such as kanjis.
The following 50 kanjis are added at this version:



Javie 2009-12-30 09:49 (by rakusan)

다운로드No ChangeLog/ReleaseNote/Project Description written in this language. Please refer link bellow for other languages and/or other release informations.

다운로드No ChangeLog/ReleaseNote/Project Description written in this language. Please refer link bellow for other languages and/or other release informations.


マスコット表示による Linux 用のバッテリーモニター。 http://www.limo.fumi2kick.com/works/battery/lmbat_index.html を Qt 実装で作り直し、Linux だけでなく Windows でも動作するようにしたもの。 詳しくは プロジェクトページ http://qlm-batmon.sourceforg...

TDCG Project 2009-12-30 03:38 (by konoa)

다운로드TDCGProject is 3DCustomGirl open source project.
TSOView is open source 3D Custom Girl model manipulation framework. It is composed by very a lot of tools. All source codes of those programs are open to the public.
If this source code is used, the tool of 3D Custom Girl will be able to be made soon. It is possible to do easily only by compiling the TDCG assembly, adding to the project, and using the TSOView class only if it displays it.
TDCGExplorer is TechArts3D 3D Custom Girl's MOD Man...


Ktai Style Themes 2009-12-29 23:06 (by yuriko)

다운로드Ktai Style Themes is a project to develop and distribute mobile themes of Ktai Style; that is a mobile plugin for WordPress.
Ktai Style is distrubuted at WordPress Plugins/JSeries.
If you distribute a mobile theme from this site, please join this project.

Starbug1 2009-12-29 22:45 (by smeghead)

다운로드*** Future releases will start at https://github.com/smeghead/starbug1. ***
Starbug1 is web-based BTS(bug tracking system)
This is fast, simple and lots of ticket properties can be customized.
You can use Starbug1 on Linux, FreeBSD, MacOSX or Windows. Starbug1 is written by C.
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