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프로젝트 설명

ServoMaster provides hardware independent abstractions to servos and servo controllers. It has implementations for several servo controller families, including Phidget, Pololu, Parallax, and SSC. It has support for servo and controller metadata, introspection, and capabilities discovery.

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2009-12-23 06:31 Back to release list

이것은 유지 보수 릴리스 : 표준 출력과 열려진 메시지 (모든 log4j 지금은) 삭제되었습니다입니다. 로그 레벨을 전환 컨트롤러가 완료와 순진한 사용자들이 무서워하지 않도록 조정되었습니다.
This is a maintenance release: stdout and stderr messages have been removed (all log4j now). Log levels have been adjusted to avoid scaring unsuspecting users with transition controller completions.

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