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프로젝트 설명

The Imixs Workflow project offers a Java based BPM framework to build workflow management systems (WFMS) in a fast and easy way. The project provides different components and sub-projects that contribute to the development of workflow solutions in any kind of Java or Java EE application. The goal of this project is to offer an easy-to-use Java based technology with a focus on human based workflow. This means that the Imixs Workflow is typically applied to human-to-human workflow applications. But it can also be used for technical business process management solutions (BPM). The Imixs JEE Workflow is a full featured Workflow Management System (WFMS) based on the JEE specification. The project extends the Imixs Workflow API project to fulfill the requirements to a scalable, transactional, robust and simple deployable Java EE Workflow System. The Project provides different service components (EJBs) to be used in any kind of BPM application.

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2012-01-03 07:52 Back to release list

이 버전 Imixs REStfull 서비스 API에서 제공 하는 JSON 개체의 전체 지원을 제공 합니다. 지금 자바 스크립트 기반 클라이언트에서 JSON 형식의 모든 비즈니스 데이터를 교환 하는 것이 불가능. 이 업데이트와 HTML5 워크플로 클라이언트는 이전 보다 훨씬 더 빨리 개발할 수 있습니다. Imixs 워크플로 지금 iOS 또는 안 드 로이드 모바일 클라이언트를 지원합니다. 또한이 릴리스에서 핵심 API 및 Imixs 워크플로 엔진에서 여러 개선 되었다.
Tags: Stable
This version offers full support of JSON objects provided by the Imixs REStfull Service API. It is now possible to exchange all business data in JSON format from a JavaScript-based client. With this update, HTML5 workflow clients can be developed much faster than before. Imixs Workflow now supports mobile clients on iOS or Android. In addition, several improvements in the core API and the Imixs workflow engine were made in this release.

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