View SampleRender-0.02 - Release Notescategory(Tag) treefile info
Sample Render System This is one of samples for Cube Legacy 2.1. Sample Render-System is a dummy, an actual example and a kind of tutorials. You don't get any advantages by this render-system, because this module isn't completed. But you feel the possibility of Cube and Legacy 2.1. *************************** * Step1... Put the module * *************************** Put this module's directory to /modules as well as other modules. ******************************** * Step2... Modify your setting * ******************************** The configuration of Legacy package is written in /settings/site_default.ini.pnp. You must add definition of this render-system to that file. Because XOOPS Cube has override setting feature, you don't need to modify site_default.ini.php directly. Create site_custom.ini.php in /settings, and write the following. If you want an example file, see /etc/sample_site_custom.ini.php. -------------------------- <?php /** [RenderSystems] SampleRender_RenderSystem=SampleRender_RenderSystem [SampleRender_RenderSystem] path=/modules/SampleRender/kernel class=SampleRender_RenderSystem */ ?> -------------------------- *************************** * Step3... Module Install * *************************** Install the SampleRender module in the control panel. ************************** * Step4... Theme Install * ************************** Nautica08 is the sample theme for this module. I got this theme in the open-source template site and modified as a sample theme. Put Nautica08 to your theme directory, like other themes. And, activate it in the control panel. |