(Go to Japanese Help/Source Code page)
A repository is made available for each project to manage source code. The source code management systems that can be used at present are Git, Subversion(SVN), Mercurial and Bazaar.
Anybody, from general users, can browse the repository from the project's web interface. Please see the repository page via 'Source Code' -> 'Guide' -> 'Browse (Subversion/Git) Repository.' Read-only access is also made available via anonymous pserver.
The Project Admin is automatically given SSH (or HTTPS) access to the project via Git/SVN/Hg/Bzr repository. Please register your SSH public access key in User Settings.
For further details please see the Help documents.
Project members can use the following command lines to gain access.
With Subversion write access is possible by SSH and by HTTPS.
svn checkout https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/<projectname>/<path>
svn checkout svn+ssh://<loginname>@svn.osdn.net/svnroot/<projectname>/<path>
Git write access is possible using SSH and by HTTPS.
git push <loginname>@git.osdn.net:/gitroot/<projectname>/<repositoryname>
LastUpdate: 2016-10-04 12:47:39, ModifiedBy: ishikawa
GNU Free Documentation License
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