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A D package containing my single-file modules

Name 크기 Rev. Time Author Log Message
.editorconfig 120 a74177c 2023-11-02 10:08:25 nemophila configparser: reformat and add attrib...
.gitignore 122 1bfc929 2023-04-06 11:08:22 nemophila trash: Fix files not showing in Trash...
LICENSE 644 7fe0c35 2023-03-11 13:05:25 nemophila Initial commit
README 1.3 k 733867a 2023-07-13 13:05:26 nemophila all: Move to codeberg. OSDN has been...
dub.sdl 120 ce504b0 2023-03-23 11:33:33 nemophila directories: Add support for Windows ...


... a collection of personal modules for the D Programming Language.

This file was last updated 13. July 2023

There files here are just the ones that I'm commonly copying from one of my
projects to another.  The purpose is more to provide a central location that
I can keep the files updated while making it easier for myself to update them
in my various projects.


The configparser module will simply parse a INI-like file and provide a 
simple API to access the various settings within the parsed file.  The
API isn't complete yet.


The replacement of CONFIGPARSER that has been used in the medialist-cli project.
While very similar in concept to an INI file, CNI has a defined specification,


Contains a simple API for retrieving the "common directories" for your operating
system.  For example, on Linux (and most other POSIX systems) DIRECTORIES will
use the XDG Base Directory Specification.


While this could be an extension on to DIRECTORIES, I chose to keep it separate
since the specifications they follow are different enough.  In short, this
module will utilise your operating systems "Recycle Bin" concept rather than
simple purging the file from existance.

* This module only compiles under 'Posix' as defined by the D compiler.