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File Info

Rev. 3bb7846c23d94807862859141163f56af318bf40
크기 4,618 bytes
Time 2014-10-10 23:33:38
Author Lorenzo Isella
Log Message

New example of tree generated in latex.


\usetikzlibrary{trees} % this is to allow the fork right path
% \usepackage[landscape]{geometry}


\pagenumbering{gobble}% Remove page numbers (and reset to 1)

\begin{tikzpicture}[ grow'=right,level distance=1.25in,sibling distance=.25in
\tikzset{edge from parent/.style= 
            {thick, draw, edge from parent fork right},
         every tree node/.style=
            {draw,minimum width=1in,text width=1in,align=center}}

 [.{European Research Area (ERA)} 
    [.{Priority 1: more effective national research systems} 
        [.{R{\&}I system evaluation}  {Institutional assessment} {Peer
        Review} {Funding Evaluation}  ] ] [.{Priority 2: optimal
        transnational co-operation and competition} {Joint Research
        Programming} {Research Infrastructures} {European Strategy
        Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)} ]
      [ .{Priority 3: an open labour market for researchers} {Open
        transparent, merit-based recruitment} {Research mobility}
      {Innovative doctoral training}    ]
      [ .{Priority 4: gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research}     ] 
      [ .{Priority 5: Optimal circulation, access to and transfer of
        scientific knowledge} {Open access} {Knowledge Transfer}
      {Digital ERA}    ] 




\begin{tikzpicture}[ grow'=right,level distance=1.25in,sibling distance=.25in]
\tikzset{edge from parent/.style= 
            {thick, draw, edge from parent fork right},
         every tree node/.style=
            {draw,minimum width=1in,text width=1in,align=center}}

 [.{Innovation Union} 
    [{Knowledge Transfer}
 {Public-private cooperation}
{Innovation incentives}
{Innovation procurement (Public procurement for innovation)}
[ .{Regional dimension of innovation} {Smart specialisation}  ]


\begin{tikzpicture}[ grow'=right,level distance=1.25in,sibling
\tikzset{edge from parent/.style= 
            {thick, draw, edge from parent fork right},
         every tree node/.style=
            {draw,minimum width=1in,text width=1in,align=center}}

 [.{Research and Innovation Systems (R{\&}I Systems)} 
    [.{Social Background (Social context)} {Demography}
[.{Education} {Education expenditure} {Students} {Graduates}
{Doctorate Holders} ]
[.{Employment}   {Labour force (employees, personnel, HR)}
{Unemployment} {R{\&}D personnel} {doctorate holders} {Human Resources
in Science and Technology}  ]]
[.{Economic Background (Economic Context)} {National accounts and GDP}
{Balance of payments} {government statistics} {Financial accounts}
{Private equity} ]
[.{R{\&}I financing} {R{\&}D expenditure} {Public funding} {Private
  funding} {R{\&}D funding from abroad} {Institutional
  funding} {block funding} {Project-based funding (project funding,
  competitive funding)} {Direct funding}  {Indirect funding}
{innovation funding} {research funders}  ]
[ .{R{\&}I Performance} [.{R{\&}I output} {Patents} {intellectual
  property [IP]}   ] {Innovation activities}
[.{Research performers} {Higher education institution (HEI)} {Public
  Research Organisation (PRO)} {Business R{\&}D}  ] ] 


\begin{tikzpicture}[ grow'=right,level distance=1.25in,sibling distance=.25in]
\tikzset{edge from parent/.style= 
            {thick, draw, edge from parent fork right},
         every tree node/.style=
            {draw,minimum width=1in,text width=1in,align=center}}

 [ .{Key Enabling Technologies (KETS)} {KETs statistics}
 {Nanotechnology} {Micro and Nano electronics including
   semiconductors} {Advanced materials} {(Industrial) biotechnology}
 {Photonics} {Advanced manufacturing technology}  ]
[ .{Grand societal challenges} {Health, demographic change, wellbeing}
{Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime,
  bio-economy} {energy} {transport} {Climate Action, resource
  efficiency, raw materials} {secure societies}     ]
[ .{Industry, services, trade} {Hightech industry (knowledge intensive
  services)} {Hightech trade} {Industrial R{\&}D}  ] 
