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File Info

Rev. 5119231898f9695c1661361f04866c530918f334
크기 8,347 bytes
Time 2019-11-04 19:54:05
Author Lorenzo Isella
Log Message

The file with my presentation for the dataviz 2019.




\title{European and International Trade}
\subtitle{A Graphical Overview of the Salient Features of European and
International Trade}
% \date{\today}
% \author{Lorenzo Isella}

% \author{\texorpdfstring{Lorenzo
%     Isella\newline\url{lorenzo.isella@ec.europa.eu}}{Author}}


% \href{mailto:some@email.com}{some@email.com}

\institute{European Commission, DG TRADE, Chief Economist Unit}
% \titlegraphic{\hfill\includegraphics[height=1.5cm]{logo.pdf}}


\begin{frame}{Table of contents}
  \setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]


\begin{frame}[fragile]{One Size Does Not Fit All}
  Two products:
  \item \underline{Fiche}: complexity of EU international trade reduced  to a
    $3\times 3$ matrix of infographics.
      \item Quantitative support to  policy makers.
\item \underline{DG TRADE website}: geolocation of
  companies benefiting from trade agreements.

\item Trade agreements not only useful to large firms.
\section{Fiche for International Trade}
% \section{EU International Trade}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{EU International Trade}

\item How much does the EU trade?
\item What products does the EU trade?
\item With whom does the EU trade?


Trade as import/export of

\item[A.] Merchandise
\item[B.] Services
\item[C.] Investments  


 $\to$ Represent EU Trade as a $3 \times 3$ matrix. 


\begin{frame}[fragile]{How much [1.] does the EU trade in Merchandise [A.]?}


\begin{frame}[fragile]{With Whom [3.] does the EU trade in Services [B.]?}



\begin{frame}[fragile]{Complete Fiche}



\section{FTA Comes to Town }
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Trade Agreements and  Companies near You }
See \url{https://kutt.it/blDff8} .

  \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth, height=0.7\columnwidth]{fta1.png}


\begin{frame}[fragile]{EU-Japan FTA Comes to Town }
See \url{https://kutt.it/s898mx} . Rebuff the narrative that  FTAs
only beneficial to Apple, Google, Amazon etc\dots 

  \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth, height=0.7\columnwidth]{fta2.png}


\begin{frame}[fragile]{EU-Japan FTA in the Neighbourhood }

  \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth, height=0.7\columnwidth]{fta3.png}


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Conclusions and Remarks}
    \item Data for the fiche open source and sustainable.
      \item Automatised process to produce the fiche
         (R + ggplot2 + \latex ). 
          \item Feedback on both the fiche and the FTA comes to town
            website is  more than welcome. Any suggestions for improvement?

Last but not least\dots

\large \underline{Thank you for your attention!}

\section{Supplementary Material}

\begin{frame}[fragile]{Statistics for Non-Statisticians}
  \item \underline{Synthesise} statistical information for colleagues
    non necessarily well-versed into statistics.
    \item \underline{Disseminate} statistical information and awareness about EU
      trade and the standing of the EU vs its main competitors (US,
      China, Japan).
   \item Provide \underline{interactive visualisations} and  an \underline{agile one-pager} (recto-verso) for meetings and discussions where
     facts and figures on EU and international trade are needed.
  \item Make the \underline{key messages} transparent: clarity can never be
    traded off for aesthetics.


% \section{Static Visualisations}

\begin{frame}[fragile]{Static Visualisations}
  Why They Are Still Relevant
  \item Can be easily incorporated into reports, papers and all sort
    of analytical products.
  \item Ease of distribution: by email, social media, as a hard copy  on the fly to participants to meetings.
   \item The final product is an image: you do not worry about hosting
     your product or your
     technology being incompatible with that of the website. 
    \item In general they address different needs from interactive
      visualisations, so there is no tension between the two.


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Why not a Good Old Fashioned Table?}
  We sometimes get this remark and we cannot just shrug it off.
\item  99{\%  } of the time the person suggesting this is both
  an experienced statistician and familiar with the topic i.e. the
  opposite of the intended audience.
  \item ``Data visualization is the rendering of information in a
    visual format to help communicate data while also generating new
    patterns and knowledge through the act of visualization itself.''
    \item In other words, statistical visualisation stimulates both the
      statistician and the audience to engage with the data.
      \item I do not get invited to this conference to show a table!


% \section{EU Trade Statistics}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{EU Trade Statistics}
  When we monitor the EU trade, we usually focus on
  \item \underline{How much}: Overall value of import-export (of services, merchandise and investments).
  \item \underline{With whom}: Trade relation of the EU with its main business partners.
    \item \underline{What}: Items being traded (what kind of merchandise, services and investments).
 $\to$ three statistical quantities of interest for three indicators
 (services, merchandise and investments).
\item go for a $3\times 3 = 9$ subdiagrams geometric solution. If you
  know what you want to represent, a lot of design questions are
  automatically answered.

\begin{frame}[fragile]{Graphical Representation}
The first page of the fiche consists of 3 lines with 3 diagrams
each. We show one line in this slide

\item Numbers in the plots to anticipate  requests
  for data.
  \item Trends in merchandise trade (left); latest
    available data broken down by trade partners (middle), and type of
    product (right).
    \item Same structure for investments and services $\to$ limit the
      potential for misunderstanding and the cognitive effort.

% \section{International Trade Statistics}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{International Trade Statistics}
\item Goal: visualise the  EU standing vs its main competitors
  and  long time trends.
\item For instance: evolution of merchandise trade worldwide  

We do the same for the trade in services.


% \section{Recent Trends}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Recent Trends}
This question often appears in meetings and statistical requests, so
we included it in the fiche.



% \section{Final Fiche}

