Rev. | eadcb1bbe5db8cc7bd25e65101e84852c38d63aa |
크기 | 3,745 bytes |
Time | 2006-12-11 00:31:20 |
Author | iselllo |
Log Message | (empty log message) |
set.seed(123) # I set the seed of the rng in order to have reproducible results
f <- function(T, tau, N0, a, f0) {
expr <- expression(N0*exp(-T/tau)*(1 + a*cos(f0*T)))
eval(expr) ### expression I want to use for my NLS
j <- function(T, tau, N0, a, f0) {
expr <- expression(N0*exp(-T/tau)*(1 + a*cos(f0*T)))
c(eval(D(expr, "tau")), #the call eval(D(...)) means that R has to evaluate symbo
#lically the derivatives of the function (this is done here to
# get the jacobian)
eval(D(expr, "N0" )),
eval(D(expr, "a" )), # expression evaluated with the trial parameters
eval(D(expr, "f0" )))
T <- seq(0, 8, len=501) #I generate a time sequence
p <- c("tau" = 2.2, "N0" = 1000, "a" = 0.25, "f0" = 8) #vector with the "true"
#parameters of the system
N <-"f", c(list(T = T), as.list(p))) # This means that I am calling the
# function f with argument and parameters given
# by T & p
N <- rnorm(length(N), mean=N, sd=sqrt(N)) # this line drops some Gaussian noise on the
# damped oscillations. I am not redefining N ---
# subtleties of the command
plot(T, N, bg = "black", pch = 21, cex = 0.5) # I use time T as the x coord
# whereas N is along the y-axis
### this is basically a plot of the data
# I want to fit.
fcn <- function(p, T, N, N.Err, fcall, jcall)
(N -"fcall", c(list(T = T), as.list(p))))/N.Err # Now I define the function I want
# to minimize as the difference between
# the simulated data and the function
#I plane to use to model them.
fcn.jac <- function(p, T, N, N.Err, fcall, jcall) {
N.Err <- rep(N.Err, length(p)) #I need this function if I also"jcall", c(list(T = T), as.list(p)))/N.Err # want to use the jacobian in the
} # minimization (unused in the example)
guess <- c("tau" = 2.2, "N0" = 1500, "a" = 0.25, "f0" = 10) # vector with the initial guesses
# of the fitting parameters
out <- nls.lm(par = guess, fn = fcn, #jac = fcn.jac,
fcall = f, jcall = j,
T = T, N = N, N.Err = sqrt(N),
control = list(nprint = 3, diag = numeric()))
#The previous call is important. the first argument is a list of the initial values for the
# fitting parameters. the 2nd one is the function I need to minimize (difference between fcall
# and the experimental data. the third one tells the expression of fcall. The third one specifies jcall which is needed if I want to use the jacobian in the optimization
# the other arguments are clear; N.Err is chosen as sqrt(N)).
#In this case, even setting N.Err=1 has a small effect on the final results of the optimization
# since I am not using the jacobian, I can comment the part "jcall=j" without affecting the
N1 <-"f", c(list(T = T), out$par)) # N1 == N - sqrt(N)*out$fvec
lines(T, N1, col="blue", lwd=2)
print(sqrt(diag(solve(out$hessian)))) # calculating of SSE
# the following line is a comment