Project Description

HITCrawler is a lightweight, easy to use cralwer. The user can get the more important websites first from the starting Url.

HITCrawler is our annual project when I was a freshman.It has the following advantage: 1. The user can get the more important websites first.
2. The user can set the memory the software will use based on the task and computer configuration information.
3. Easy to use, fast running speed.

However, it has the following disadvantage:
1. It is based on single thread. The crawling speed is much slower than the multithreading cralwer.
2. We don't have a configuration file which can set the seed of the website, the connection time, etc. You have to change them in code.

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  • Latest Download File
    • Readme.txt (날짜: 2012-07-29, 크기: 408 B )
    • WS2_32.LIB (날짜: 2012-07-29, 크기: 24.37 KB)
    • Url.h (날짜: 2012-07-29, 크기: 611 B )
    • Page.h (날짜: 2012-07-29, 크기: 2.38 KB)
    • Url.cpp (날짜: 2012-07-29, 크기: 1.46 KB)

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