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current: Repository summary

This is for active development.
New funtionalities are to be added actively.

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Rev. Time Author Message
dcf3472 2023-01-24 10:03:38 Mamoru Sakaue master The HISTORY description about the adaption to the specifi...
edbecba 2023-01-24 02:29:14 Mamoru Sakaue [BUG FIX] Adapt to the specification change of make(1) th...
5402e67 2023-01-24 02:04:04 Mamoru Sakaue [BUG FIX] The signal trapping mechanism showed a wrong be...
ca16d3a 2022-11-13 01:56:28 Mamoru Sakaue [BUG FIX] As of OS version 13, the specification change o...
a8a6a13 2022-05-19 02:37:00 Mamoru Sakaue [BUG FIX] Packages for which the flavor mechanism is newl...
a60f8bd 2022-04-20 00:23:20 Mamoru Sakaue Bumped to the release version.
5352629 2022-04-18 12:32:36 Mamoru Sakaue Corrected the wrong version definition. Changes to be c...
7d74569 2022-04-18 01:39:42 Mamoru Sakaue Version corrected. Changes to be committed: modified: ...
fa3bd20 2022-04-14 01:09:51 Mamoru Sakaue Fixed bugs caused by incomplete corrections related to f...
802e629 2022-04-13 07:56:59 Mamoru Sakaue [BUG FIX] Packages of the same origin with different flav...


Name Rev. Time Author Message
master dcf3472 2023-01-24 10:03:38 Mamoru Sakaue The HISTORY description abo...


 portsreinstall - ports upgrading utility for massive forced reinstallation
  Version 4.1.2, May ??, 2022
 Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Mamoru Sakaue, MwGhennndo, All Rights Reserved.

 This software is a ports management tool for FreeBSD designed to be suitable
for reinstallation of all packages after major version upgrade of the system or
very long absence of ports upgrade.

 The executable command is "portsreinstall". Short and long helps are shown by
"portsreinstall -h" and "portsreinstall -H", respectively. The manual page is
shown by "man portsreinstall". The superuser privilege is required for
operations by this executable. Entire reinstallation of all installed packages
starts by execution without argument or options. The process can be interrupted
by CTRL+C at any stages and restarted from there by execution without argument
or options.

 Temporal databases are constructed under /var/tmp/portsreinstall.db,
/var/tmp/portsreinstall-chroot.db and /var/tmp/portsreinstall-upgrade.db which
must be preserved until you complete or give up the reinstallation work. The
database can be cleaned by executing "portsreinstall clean".

 This software consists of the following files:
        README			: This file
        COPYRIGHT		: Copyright and license terms
        HISTORY			: Detailed history of releases
        INSTALL			: Installation guide
        Makefile 			: Makefile usable by make(1)
        bin/				: Run-time executables
        etc/				: Run-time configuration files
        lib/				: Run-time libraries
        libexec/			: Run-time executable libraries
        man/			: On-line manual pages
        share/			: Files used for other purposes

 The all files in this package are distributed under the 2-Clause BSD License as
described in COPYRIGHT.

 The port for this software, i.e., ports-mgmt/portsreinstall, is maintained by
the same author. Thus installation/deinstallation of this software is available
via the conventional functions of the ports/packages system as explained by the
manual page of ports(7). For installation outside of the ports/packages system,
follow the descriptions in INSTALL.

 Details including the usage and history can be browsed by the on-line manual
page. For browsing before installation,
        nroff -man ${THIS_DIRECTORY}/man/portsreinstall.8 | less -r
will work.
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