ccc Samuelson
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 13:44:47 JST
H E_R-E WE GO AGAI.N! T-H'E B-I'G O'N,E BEFO'RE T_H,E SEPTEMBE+R'.RALLY! T H.E MAR,KET IS A*BOUT TO P'O,P*, A.N,D SO IS E*X_M,T'! Tic-k: E_X,M_T 5-,day p,o'tential: 0-.,4+0 Fi*rm: E_XCHAN*GE M.OBILE T,E+L,E (Othe r O-T-C-: EXMT..PK) A+s'k-: 0'.,1'0 ('+25'.00%) UP TO 2.5 % in 1 day N.o_t o_n l'y d_o*e's t+h.i*s f-i.r+m h-a v+e gre*at fu'ndamental s, b-u,t getti*ng t_h'i,s op-p+ortunity at t,h-e t'i,m.e,, ri.ght befor e t_h'e ral*ly is w.h.a,t make s t,h*i s d'e.a l so swee t! T,h,i-s a g_reat oppor,t unity to at l+east d,ouble up! S tarts re*ceipt of pas,swor d. T'h+e Aut,hor re,serv-es t.h+e righ-t to d_e-n+y y'o-u f'r*o+m distr_ibu'ting j-v.1,6 Po.wer_Tools e'v-e+n if y*o.u h_aven't viola..ted t*h_i_s l icense agreemen t'. D_i'd y+o+u s-e e t+h e 'cou*,ntess'. Th-ink you'r,e t_o.p.s at guessi+_ng. Go a,n d h+a'v e a l i.e d*o-w.n+. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...다운로드