garriq Kessous
2007年 8月 18日 (土) 00:58:47 JST
H-E+R-E WE GO AG.AIN! T+H-E B,I.G O'N E BEFO-RE T'H E S-EPTEMBER.RA+LLY! T.H E MAR+KET IS AB_OUT TO P.O'P,, A.N+D SO IS E,X.M_T'! Fir*m: EX,*CHANGE M-OBILE T_E.L E ( O'T*C-: E'XMT.PK) Ti ck: E.X,M*T A's-k': 0 .-0-8 5_-day poten_tial.: 0..+4,0 T.h_i*s a g-reat o- pportunity to****@l***** dou+ble up! N-o-t o'n-l.y d*o.e.s t'h-i*s f+i*r_m h+a v e gre at fu-nda_mentals, b+u_t get'ting t-h*i*s opp.ortunit y at t+h,e r-ight t-ime, ri,ght befo re t'h-e ra-lly is w.h,a't mak_es t+h_i_s d+e+a,l so sweet+! Wat'ch it s'o a+r ! F*o_r m*o,r.e inform a tion ab,out Visu_al Bas*ic programm-ing., r'e a d t'h,e Visu*al Basi c pro_duct docume_nta tion. Gig-er,cr-eator of t*h+e te*rrify*ing l i'f+e form*s a,n*d the,ir otherw.orl,dly envi__ronment in t+h.e f'i*l-m clas*si.cALIEN, f*o_r w-hich he rec'eive-d t-h_e Osca r in 1-9*8*0'. Chr.onol*ogie egipti*enn_e d'apr+es l*e.s tex,tes de+motiqu-es. T'h,e y s+a t t,here s o_m e mom.ents. A'part f+r-o'm these , Ser*gei, Dmi'trii a+n.d Vasi_lii d'i+e-d in chil,d.birth.