[Miranda-jp-cvs] commit-notify[44] new generated langpack_english.txt added *trans*.txt

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2012年 5月 24日 (木) 20:34:44 JST

Revision: 44
Author:   taguchi-ch
Date:     2012-05-24 20:34:44 +0900 (Thu, 24 May 2012)
Log Message:
new generated langpack_english.txt added *trans*.txt

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: trunk/i18n/langpack_english.txt
--- trunk/i18n/langpack_english.txt	2012-05-22 12:56:49 UTC (rev 43)
+++ trunk/i18n/langpack_english.txt	2012-05-24 11:34:44 UTC (rev 44)
@@ -4,23 +4,36 @@
 Author-email: proje****@miran*****
 Last-Modified-Using: Miranda IM 0.9.49
 Plugins-included: Scriver,avs,chat,clist,clist_nicer,db3x,db3x_mmap,dbrw,advaimg,import,modernb,mwclist,png2dib,srmm,tabsrmm,AimOscar,Gadu-Gadu,IRC,IcqOscarJ,JabberG,MSN,Yahoo
-; Generated by lpgen on Tue May 22 21:43:36 2012
-; Translations: 5762
+; Generated by lpgen on Thu May 24 20:21:00 2012
+; Translations: 6270
 ; Common strings that belong to many files
 ;[Contact List]
 ;[Group Chats]
+;[ (DC Established)]
 ;[ (set by %s on %s)]
 ;[ (set by %s)]
 ;[% of screen]
 ;[%I64u bytes]
+;[%[..]\tcustom variables]
+;[%c, %t (feel-like %f)	Wind: %i %w	Humidity: %m]
+;[%c, %t\nToday:  High %h, Low %l]
+;[%c\nTemperature: %t\nFeel-Like: %f\nPressure: %p\nWind: %i  %w\nHumidity: %m\nDew Point: %e\nVisibility: %v\n\nSun Rise: %r\nSun Set: %y\n\n5 Days Forecast:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]]
+;[%c\tcurrent condition\n%d\tcurrent date\n%e\tdewpoint\n%f\tfeel-like temperature\n%h\ttoday's high\n%i\twind direction\n%l\ttoday's low\n%m\thumidity\n%n\tstation name\n%p\tpressure\n%r\tsunrise time\n%s\tstation ID\n%t\ttemperature\n%u\tupdate time\n%v\tvisibility\n%w\twind speed\n%y\tsun set]
 ;[%d Files]
+;[%n  [%t, %c]]
+;[%n at %u:	%c, %t (feel-like %f)	Wind: %i %w	Humidity: %m]
+;[%s (%s) is requesting a client-to-client chat connection.]
+;[%s Custom Status]
 ;[%s client-to-client connections]
 ;[%s connection]
 ;[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s]
@@ -29,11 +42,21 @@
 ;[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
 ;[%s has disconnected]
 ;[%s has disconnected (%s)]
+;[%s has initiated conference with %d participants (%d unknowns).\nDo you want do participate ?]
 ;[%s has joined]
 ;[%s has joined %s]
 ;[%s has left]
 ;[%s has left %s]
 ;[%s has left (%s)]
+;[%s has rejected your request and sent the following message:]
+;[%s initiated the conference.]
+;[%s invites you to %s]
+;[%s is already ignored]
+;[%s is away]
+;[%s is in buddy list - cannot ignore ]
+;[%s is not available for the conference]
+;[%s is not ignored now]
+;[%s is not in the ignore list]
 ;[%s is now known as %s]
 ;[%s is now the default weather station]
 ;[%s is typing a message]
@@ -41,11 +64,15 @@
 ;[%s kicked %s]
 ;[%s kicked %s (%s)]
 ;[%s kicked %s from %s]
+;[%s on %s is now ignored (+%s)]
 ;[%s plugin connections]
 ;[%s says: %s]
 ;[%s server connection]
+;[%s sets mode %s]
 ;[%s speaks in %s]
 ;[%s wants your attention in %s]
+;[%s wants your attention in room %s]
+;[%s was not ignored]
 ;[%s: Chat Room (%u user)]
 ;[%s: Chat Room (%u users)]
 ;[%s: Message Session]
@@ -53,29 +80,42 @@
+;[&Add User]
+;[&Add permanently to list]
+;[&Add to ignore list]
+;[&Address Book]
 ;[&Allow all further changes to this section]
+;[&Change your nickname]
+;[&Clear all]
+;[&Clear ignored conferences]
 ;[&Close tab]
 ;[&Copy link]
 ;[&Delete Group]
+;[&Direct Connection]
 ;[&Find/Add Contacts...]
 ;[&Floating Mode]
@@ -85,6 +125,8 @@
 ;[&Hide Offline Users]
 ;[&Hide Offline Users in here]
 ;[&Invite user...]
@@ -92,55 +134,104 @@
 ;[&Leave chat session]
+;[&Leave the channel]
 ;[&Main Menu]
+;[&My Profile]
 ;[&New Group]
 ;[&New SubGroup]
 ;[&New Subgroup]
+;[&Next >]
 ;[&Open at this position]
 ;[&Open in current browser window]
 ;[&Open in existing window]
 ;[&Open link]
+;[&Other Database...]
+;[&Other Profile...]
+;[&Quick connect]
+;[&Remove List From Server]
 ;[&Rename Group]
 ;[&Save changes]
 ;[&Show Offline Users in here]
+;[&Show Profile]
 ;[&Show TitleBar]
+;[&Show the server window]
+;[&Start Netmeeting]
+;[&Use Windows colors]
+;[&Use Windows colours]
+;[&User details]
 ;[&View contents]
+;[&WhoIs info]
+;[&Yahoo Mail]
 ;['(Unknown Contact)']
 ;['Hide Offline' means to hide:]
+;[(*) Timeouts require Popup v. or later]
+;[(*) blank to set this mask for all networks]
+;[(The timeout require at least PopUp plugin v Setting it to 0 means default setting and -1 means indefinite time)]
 ;[(Unknown Contact)]
 ;[(often %d)]
+;[(probably truncated by server)]
+;[* new line is separator\n** hostname:port format]
 ;[** All contacts **]
 ;[** New contacts **]
+;[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was invalid.]
+;[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was too long.]
+;[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The sender has flooded the server.]
+;[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** You are too evil.]
 ;[** Unknown contacts **]
+;[2 chars]
+;[3 chars]
+;[< &Back]
+;[<Enter city name here>]
+;[<Enter station ID here>]
+;[<Enter station name here>]
+;[<Local IP: ]
+;[<No photo>]
+;[<Photo not available while offline>]
+;[<Resolved IP: ]
 ;[<not specified>]
+;[<unknown time>]
 ;[A file containing new database settings has been placed in the Miranda IM directory.]
+;[A server migration has failed because the server returned invalid data. You must reconnect manually.]
 ;[A view mode with this name does alredy exist]
+;[Account settings]
 ;[Action (10x10)]
 ;[Action message]
@@ -150,20 +241,60 @@
 ;[Add Contact]
 ;[Add Contact Permanently to List]
 ;[Add Status (10x10)]
+;[Add \':\' to auto-completed user names]
+;[Add a new network]
+;[Add ban]
+;[Add ban/invite/exception]
+;[Add contact]
+;[Add contacts to the server's list when I add them to mine]
+;[Add exception]
+;[Add invite]
 ;[Add new rooms to group:]
+;[Add new weather station and close this dialog]
+;[Add server]
 ;[Add to roster]
 ;[Add to server list]
 ;[Added %d contacts and %d groups.]
+;[Adding %s to invisible list...]
+;[Adding %s to visible list...]
+;[Adding group \"%s\"...]
+;[Adding of contact to server list failed.]
+;[Adding of group to server list failed.]
+;[Adding of privacy item to server list failed.]
+;[Additional Colours]
 ;[Additional stuff]
 ;[Advanced #1]
 ;[Advanced #2]
+;[Advanced Options]
 ;[Advanced tweaks]
+;[After disconnection leave away message of status:]
+;[Age from:]
+;[All Bitmaps]
 ;[All Files]
+;[All ignored conferences are now unignored and the conference policy will act again.]
+;[All operations complete]
+;[All update data has been reloaded.]
+;[All users may add me to their Contact List]
+;[Allow direct connections only when I authorize or initiate them]
+;[Allow direct connections with any user]
+;[Allow direct connections with users on my contact list]
+;[Allow others to view my Online / Offline status from the web (Web Aware)]
+;[Allow others to view my primary e-mail address]
+;[Allowed (active) contact]
+;[Allowing direct connections will expose your IP address but may be necessary for some ICQ features to work properly.]
+;[Alternative nick]
 ;[Although the exception was caught and you may continue working with Miranda, you should restart the program as soon as possible. The exception may have damaged internal data structures and can have a serious impact on stability.]
+;[Always On Top]
 ;[Always Visible]
 ;[Always on top]
 ;[Always show status in tooltip]
@@ -179,86 +310,213 @@
 ;[Are you sure you want to delete %s?]
 ;[Are you sure?]
 ;[Ask before deleting contacts]
+;[Attempt reverse DCC (good if firewalled)]
 ;[Authentication failed for]
 ;[Authorization Request]
+;[Auto-accept from:]
+;[Auto-retrieve Custom status details]
+;[Automatically add contact when accept authorization]
 ;[Automatically clear this view mode after]
+;[Automatically join on invite]
+;[Automatically pop up the window when]
+;[Automatically popup window when:]
+;[Automatically reconnect after unintentional disconnection]
 ;[Automatically resize window to height of list]
 ;[Available view modes]
 ;[Avoid doubleclick expand]
+;[Away Info]
+;[Back Color]
 ;[Background colour]
 ;[Background colour:]
 ;[Background info]
+;[Bad number or password]
+;[Bad old e-mail or password]
+;[Ban'&n kick]
+;[Ban'n Kick]
+;[Ban'n kick (&reason)]
+;[Birth year:]
+;[Block known Spam Bots]
 ;[Block user]
+;[Blocked contact]
 ;[Blocked list]
 ;[Brief Info]
+;[Brief Info Title]
+;[Browse/Join chat room...]
 ;[Built %s %s]
 ;[C&lear Log]
 ;[C&lose other tabs]
+;[CHAT plugin is required for conferences. Install it before chatting]
+;[CTCP %s reply from %s: %s]
+;[CTCP %s reply sent to %s]
+;[CTCP %s reply sent to %s: %s]
+;[CTCP %s request sent to %s]
+;[CTCP %s requested by %s]
+;[CTCP Chat Request]
+;[CTCP ERROR: Malformed CTCP command received from %s!%s@%s. Possible attempt to take control of your irc client registered]
+;[CTCP FINGER requested by %s]
+;[CTCP PING reply from %s: %u sec(s)]
+;[CTCP PING requested by %s]
+;[CTCP SOURCE requested by %s]
+;[CTCP TIME requested by %s]
+;[CTCP USERINFO requested by %s]
+;[CTCP VERSION requested by %s]
+;[CTCP chat request from %s]
+;[CTCP information]
+;[Calendar Reminder]
 ;[Cancel Import]
+;[Cannot register new account because of error:\n\t%s]
 ;[Cascade new windows]
 ;[Central European]
 ;[Change %s Message]
+;[Change Gadu-Gadu e-mail]
+;[Change Gadu-Gadu e-mail\nChanges current Gadu-Gadu user e-mail]
+;[Change Gadu-Gadu password]
+;[Change Gadu-Gadu password\nChanges current Gadu-Gadu user password]
 ;[Change ICQ Details]
 ;[Change Password]
+;[Change e-mail]
+;[Change nick name]
+;[Change nickname]
 ;[Change nickname in]
 ;[Change password]
+;[Channel &settings]
+;[Channel list]
 ;[Channel manager]
+;[Channel modes]
+;[Channels on server]
+;[Chat Log]
+;[Chat windows]
+;[Check every (s):]
+;[Choose how you would like to import:]
+;[City name]
+;[Cleaning groups]
 ;[Clear all]
+;[Clear ignored conferences]
 ;[Clear lo&g]
 ;[Clear view mode and return to default display]
+;[Click here to download a weather ini file from Miranda file listing]
+;[Click here to load the data from the new ini file into memory]
+;[Click to delete the commands for this event]
+;[Click to set commands that will be performed for this event]
+;[Client Name]
+;[Client-to-Client Chats]
+;[Client-to-Client File Transfers]
+;[Client-to-Client Protocol]
+;[Close Session]
 ;[Close Tab]
+;[Close current tab (CTRL+F4)]
 ;[Close the message window on send]
 ;[Closing in %d]
 ;[Co&py All]
 ;[Co&py all]
+;[Concurrent %s Login Sessions\nView information on active concurrent sessions]
+;[Concurrent &sessions]
+;[Concurrent Sessions]
+;[Concurrent sessions]
+;[Conference policy]
+;[Conference server:]
 ;[Configure view modes]
+;[Confirm New Password:]
+;[Confirm Password Change]
+;[Confirm password:]
+;[Connecting to]
+;[Connection cannot be established because of error:\n\t%s]
+;[Connection failed.\nLogin sequence failed for unknown reason.\nTry again later.]
+;[Connection failed.\nSecure (MD5) login is not supported on this account.]
+;[Connection failed.\nServer has too many connections from your IP (%d).]
+;[Connection failed.\nThe server did not accept this client version.]
+;[Connection failed.\nUnknown error during sign on: 0x%02x]
+;[Connection failed.\nYou have connected too quickly,\nplease wait and retry 10 to 20 minutes later (%d).]
+;[Connection failed.\nYou were rejected by the server for an unknown reason.\nThis can happen if the UIN is already connected.]
+;[Connection failed.\nYour ICQ number or password was rejected (%d).]
+;[Connection lost during file transfer.]
 ;[Connection settings]
+;[Consider weather info updated only when condition and temperature are changed]
+;[Contact List Authorization]
 ;[Contact List Background]
 ;[Contact List Extra Icons]
 ;[Contact List Sorting]
 ;[Contact Picture Settings...]
+;[Contact \"%s\" lost its authorization in the server list.]
+;[Contact \"%s\" was authorized in the server list.]
+;[Contact is included into your server list]
+;[Contact left channel]
 ;[Contact list]
 ;[Contact menu]
 ;[Contact time]
+;[Contact tried to open an audio conference (currently not supported)]
+;[Contact tried to send its webcam data (currently not supported)]
+;[Contact tried to view our webcam data (currently not supported)]
 ;[Contacts which are 'not on list']
 ;[Control this room (CTRL+O)]
+;[Copy Text]
 ;[Copy to clipboard]
+;[Could not connect to the Yahoo service. Check your server/port and proxy settings.]
+;[Could not load token image.]
+;[Could not log in, unknown reason: %d.]
+;[Could not log into Yahoo service - password incorrect.  Please verify that your username and password are correctly typed.]
+;[Could not log into Yahoo service - username not recognised.  Please verify that your username is correctly typed.]
+;[Could not log into Yahoo service.  Your account has been locked.\nVisit %s to reactivate it.]
+;[Create Gadu-Gadu account]
+;[Create Gadu-Gadu account\nThis will create new Gadu-Gadu account]
+;[Create a new ICQ account using the ICQ website]
+;[Create a new Yahoo account using the Yahoo website]
 ;[Create new account]
 ;[Credits >]
+;[Current Password:]
+;[Current condition for %n]
+;[Current password is incorrect.]
 ;[Current weather information for %s.]
@@ -266,79 +524,189 @@
 ;[Cycle icons every]
+;[DCC CHAT request sent to %s]
+;[DCC ERROR: Malformed CTCP request from %s [%s]]
+;[DCC ERROR: No valid files specified]
 ;[DCC ERROR: Unable to automatically resolve external IP]
+;[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port]
+;[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind port]
+;[DCC file transfer request sent to %s [%s]]
+;[DCC reversed file transfer request sent to %s [%s]]
+;[DCC: Chat request from %s denied]
+;[DCC: File transfer request from %s denied]
+;[DCC: File transfer resume request from %s denied]
+;[DCC: Reverse file transfer request from %s denied [No local IP]]
 ;[Database Import Complete]
 ;[Database Panic]
 ;[Database Setting Change]
 ;[Database settings are being imported from]
 ;[Date of birth:]
+;[Default codepage]
 ;[Default events to show in new chat rooms if the \'event filter\' is enabled]
 ;[Default network]
+;[Degree sign:]
 ;[Delete Contact]
 ;[Delete Group]
 ;[Delete a view mode]
+;[Delete image]
+;[Delete image from the list]
+;[Delete selected ban/invite/exception]
+;[Delete server]
+;[Delete temporary contacts when closing message window]
+;[Delete this network]
+;[Deleting %s from invisible list...]
+;[Deleting %s from visible list...]
+;[Deleting %s...]
+;[Deleting group \"%s\"...]
 ;[Dim idle contacts]
+;[Direct connections]
 ;[Disable &Groups]
+;[Disable PopUp for this station]
+;[Disable UTF8 encoding]
+;[Disable all contacts not included into my contact list]
+;[Disable automatic update for this station]
 ;[Disable drag and drop of items]
 ;[Disable groups]
 ;[Disable icon blinking]
 ;[Disable rename of items by clicking twice]
+;[Disable tray balloon on error]
+;[Disconnect DCC chats when disconnecting from server]
+;[Dismiss PopUp]
+;[Display Yahoo notifications]
+;[Display all problems]
 ;[Display errors using popups]
+;[Display explanations for disconnection]
+;[Display popup when spambot is detected]
+;[Display problems causing possible loss of data]
+;[Display problems requiring user intervention]
+;[Do not display any problems (not recommended)]
+;[Do not load the import plugin at startup again]
+;[Do not play sounds when the chat room is focused]
 ;[Do not pop up the window when joining a chat room]
 ;[Do you want to allow this change?]
+;[Do you want to delete\r\n%s]
 ;[Do you want to import the settings now?]
+;[Document not found (42)]
+;[Document too short to contain any weather data (43)]
+;[Don't check if more than (users):]
+;[Done: %u channels]
 ;[Dont move offline user to bottom]
+;[Downloading list (%u%%) - %u channels]
+;[Downloading list - %u channels]
 ;[Draw a line alongside group names]
+;[Drinking beer]
 ;[Duplicate name]
+;[E-mail address]
 ;[Easy move]
+;[Edit Weather Station]
+;[Edit ban]
+;[Edit exception?]
+;[Edit invite?]
+;[Edit selected ban/invite/exception]
+;[Edit server]
+;[Edit this network]
+;[Empty data is retrieved (40)]
+;[Enable IEView]
+;[Enable avatar support]
+;[Enable avatar support in the message window]
 ;[Enable avatars]
 ;[Enable drop shadow (restart required)]
 ;[Enable highlighting]
 ;[Enable logging to disk]
+;[Enable peer-to-peer message connections]
+;[Enable popup support]
+;[Enable popups]
+;[Enable server-side contact lists *]
 ;[Enable the \'event filter\' for new rooms]
 ;[Enable transparency]
+;[Enable unicode messaging support]
 ;[Enable/disable the event filter (CTRL+F)]
+;[Enter ICQ Password]
+;[Enter a password for UIN %d:]
+;[Enter a password for UIN %u:]
+;[Enter an authorization request]
+;[Enter password for]
+;[Enter token to continue]
+;[Enter your current password:]
+;[Error when obtaining data: %s]
+;[Error: Cannot connect to the server]
+;[Error: Connection lost]
+;[Error: Not enough memory]
 ;[Event Area]
 ;[Event area]
+;[Event filter]
 ;[Event filter disabled]
 ;[Event filter enabled]
 ;[Event type icons in the message log]
 ;[Exit Miranda]
 ;[Expand or collapse the side bar]
+;[Export List To &Server]
+;[Export List To &Text File...]
+;[Export list to server]
+;[Export list to text file]
+;[External IP:]
+;[External Log]
+;[External direct connections hostname %s is invalid. Disabling external host forwarding.]
+;[Extra Features]
 ;[Extra icons]
+;[Extract the weather ini file from archive to this directory]
 ;[Fade contact list in/out]
+;[Failed to Initialize File Transfer. No valid files were specified.]
+;[Failed to Initialize File Transfer. Unable to bind local port and File proxy unavailable.]
+;[Failed to request offline messages. They may be received next time you log in.]
+;[Family name:]
+;[Fear the monkeys!!!]
+;[Feeling sick]
+;[File Name:]
 ;[File Transfer]
 ;[File Transfers]
 ;[File received]
 ;[File sent]
+;[File transfer negotiation failed for unknown reason.]
 ;[First name:]
 ;[Flash in the system tray and in the contact list]
 ;[Flash window when a word is highlighted]
@@ -346,15 +714,32 @@
+;[Fonts 'n Colors]
 ;[Force Off]
+;[Force visible (-i)]
 ;[Free for chat]
+;[Friends only]
 ;[From PopUp plugin]
+;[From a Mirabilis ICQ (99a - 2003a) database.]
+;[From a Miranda IM database.]
+;[From: %s\nSubject: %s]
+;[Full name (e-mail)]
+;[Full name:]
 ;[Full selection]
 ;[GIF Bitmaps]
+;[Gadu-Gadu Number]
+;[Gadu-Gadu Number:]
+;[Gadu-Gadu User Details]
 ;[Gamma correction]
+;[Get IP address from server]
+;[Give &Halfop]
+;[Give &Op]
+;[Give &Voice]
 ;[Grant authorization]
@@ -366,9 +751,30 @@
 ;[Group chats]
 ;[Group member counts]
+;[HTTP Error %i]
+;[HTTP Error: Bad gateway (502)]
+;[HTTP Error: Bad request (400)]
+;[HTTP Error: Data moved (301)]
+;[HTTP Error: Forbidden (403)]
+;[HTTP Error: Gateway timeout (504)]
+;[HTTP Error: Gone (410)]
+;[HTTP Error: Internal server error (500)]
+;[HTTP Error: Method not allowed (405)]
+;[HTTP Error: No content (204)]
+;[HTTP Error: Not found (404)]
+;[HTTP Error: Payment required (402)]
+;[HTTP Error: Proxy authentication required (407)]
+;[HTTP Error: Service unavailable (503)]
+;[HTTP Error: Temporary redirect (307)]
+;[HTTP Error: Unauthorized (401)]
+;[HTTP Error: Use proxy (305)]
+;[Having fun]
+;[Here is a list of custom variables that are currently available]
+;[Here is a short weather description]
 ;[Hide &Empty Groups]
 ;[Hide &Offline Users out here]
 ;[Hide All Titlebars]
@@ -385,29 +791,69 @@
 ;[Hide vertical scrollbar]
 ;[Highlight (10x10)]
 ;[Highlighted message]
+;[Hint: If you don't enter your password here, Miranda will ask for the password everytime you try to go online.]
+;[Hint: Use port 0 to connect on a random port. Try port 80 or port 443 if you are having problems connecting through a http proxy server.]
+;[History Log]
 ;[Hot track items as mouse passes over]
+;[Hotmail from %s]
 ;[Hottrack Text]
+;[Hottrack text:]
+;[I am sorry, but i can't join your conference since this feature is not currently implemented in my client.]
+;[I want to be asked when someone wants to add me to their Contact List]
+;[I'm high]
+;[ICQ Error]
+;[ICQ Fatal]
 ;[ICQ Note]
+;[ICQ Warning]
+;[ICQ avatars]
+;[ICQ contacts stored on server]
+;[ICQ number:]
+;[INI Version:]
+;[IP Address]
 ;[IRC Error]
 ;[IRC error]
 ;[IRC warning]
 ;[Icon overlay]
+;[Icons to display in the message log]
 ;[Icons to display in the tray]
+;[Idle since:]
+;[If at a future date you wish to use the wizard again, you can make it load again by going to the Plugins section of the Options dialog box.]
 ;[If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding]
 ;[Ignore Empty Extra icons places (arrange to right).]
+;[Ignore concurrent error messages]
+;[Ignore incoming conference messages]
+;[Ignore system is disabled]
+;[Ignore system is enabled]
+;[Image cannot be written to disk.]
+;[Image exceeds maximum allowed size of 255 KB.]
+;[Image files (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.png)]
+;[Image for %s]
+;[Image from %s]
+;[Import Information Wizard]
+;[Import List From &Server]
+;[Import List From &Text File...]
+;[Import all contacts and all messages]
+;[Import completed]
 ;[Import completed in %d seconds.]
+;[Import list from server]
+;[Import list from text file]
 ;[Importing groups.]
 ;[Inactive opacity:]
 ;[Include groups]
@@ -417,10 +863,13 @@
 ;[Incoming (Focused Window)]
 ;[Incoming (New Session)]
 ;[Incoming (Unfocused Window)]
+;[Incoming DCC Chat]
 ;[Incoming URL]
+;[Incoming URL:]
 ;[Incoming background]
 ;[Incoming colon]
 ;[Incoming file transfers]
+;[Incoming image]
 ;[Incoming message]
 ;[Incoming message (10x10)]
 ;[Incoming messages]
@@ -434,55 +883,93 @@
 ;[Information in %s]
 ;[Information messages]
 ;[Input area background]
+;[Input command]
+;[Insert Emoticon]
 ;[Insert a smiley]
 ;[Install Database Settings]
 ;[Instant messages]
 ;[Internal IP:]
+;[Internal Name:]
+;[Internet address]
+;[Invalid ID format, missing \"/\" (10)]
+;[Invalid data entered]
+;[Invalid ini format for: %s]
+;[Invalid service (11)]
+;[Invalid station (12)]
+;[Invite only]
+;[Item Count:]
 ;[JID List]
 ;[JPEG Bitmaps]
+;[Jabber Account Registration]
 ;[Jabber Agent Registration]
+;[Jabber Agents]
 ;[Jabber Authentication]
 ;[Jabber Error]
+;[Jabber Multi-User Conference]
+;[Jabber Protocol Option]
 ;[Jabber Resource]
+;[Jabber server:]
+;[Jabber vCard]
 ;[Join (10x10)]
 ;[Join Chat Room]
+;[Join channel]
 ;[Join chat]
 ;[Keep connection alive]
 ;[Key Bindings]
+;[Ki&ck (reason)]
 ;[Kick (10x10)]
 ;[Korean (Johab)]
 ;[Last message ]
 ;[Last message received on %s at %s.]
 ;[Last name:]
 ;[Latin I]
 ;[Leave (10x10)]
+;[Left Click]
 ;[Left margin:]
 ;[Less selection]
+;[Limit avatar height to ]
 ;[Limit log text to (events):]
+;[Limit names on tabs to]
 ;[Limit user names in the message log to 20 characters]
+;[Link Settings]
 ;[List Background]
+;[List Text]
+;[List cannot be exported because of error:\n\t%s]
+;[List cannot be imported because of error:\n\t%s]
 ;[List export successful.]
 ;[List import successful.]
+;[List of public servers]
+;[List remove successful.]
 ;[Listening to]
+;[Listening to music]
 ;[Live ID]
 ;[Load History Events]
 ;[Load and apply]
+;[Load avatars automatically (like ICQ Lite)]
 ;[Load number of previous events]
 ;[Load previous events less than]
 ;[Load this skin on startup]
@@ -491,30 +978,49 @@
 ;[Lock Frame]
+;[Log Information]
 ;[Log Options]
+;[Log background]
 ;[Log directory]
+;[Log off]
+;[Log on]
 ;[Log status changes]
 ;[Log timestamp]
 ;[Login Server:]
+;[Login Time]
 ;[Login server:]
+;[Look && Feel]
 ;[Look up \'%s\':]
 ;[MSN Protocol]
+;[Make me temporarily visible to contacts I send message to]
 ;[Make sections equal width]
 ;[Make selection highlight translucent]
 ;[Make the avatar square]
+;[Make the contact italic when weather alert is issued]
 ;[Make the text bold (CTRL+B)]
 ;[Make the text italicized (CTRL+I)]
 ;[Make the text underlined (CTRL+U)]
+;[Manage ICQ Server Contacts]
+;[Manage server groups]
+;[Manage server's list...]
+;[Manually set external IP:]
+;[Manually specify connection host]
+;[Manually specify connection servers' hosts]
 ;[Marital status:]
+;[Mark follow-up msgs with timestamp]
 ;[Member Information]
+;[Member since:]
+;[Memory Used:]
 ;[Message &Log]
@@ -522,62 +1028,108 @@
 ;[Message Session]
 ;[Message Sessions]
 ;[Message Window Event Log]
+;[Message Window Options]
 ;[Message area]
+;[Message background]
 ;[Message delivery failed]
 ;[Message from %s]
 ;[Message in (10x10)]
 ;[Message is highlighted]
+;[Message is too long: MSN messages are limited by 1202 UTF8 chars]
+;[Message is too long: Yahoo messages are limited by 800 UTF8 chars]
 ;[Message out (10x10)]
 ;[Message typing area]
+;[Message with [img] BBCode]
+;[Messaging Log]
 ;[Minimize the message window on send]
 ;[Minimize to tray]
+;[Mirabilis Import]
 ;[Miranda IM]
 ;[Miranda IM Options]
+;[Miranda Import]
+;[Miranda could not load the Chat plugin because Microsoft Rich Edit v 3 is missing.\nIf you are using Windows 95/98/NT or WINE please upgrade your Rich Edit control.\n\nDo you want to download an update now?.]
 ;[Miranda could not load the built-in message module, riched20.dll is missing. If you are using Windows 95 or WINE please make sure you have riched20.dll installed. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.]
 ;[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. This corruption maybe fixed by DBTool.  Please download it from http://www.miranda-im.org. Miranda will now shutdown.]
+;[Miranda has now been configured to automatically download the contacts in your server-side contact list the next time you connect to ICQ.]
+;[Miranda was unable to make a connection with a server. It is likely that the server is down, in which case you should wait for a while and try again later.]
+;[Miranda was unable to resolve the name of a server to its numeric address. This is most likely caused by a catastrophic loss of your network connection (for example, your modem has disconnected), but if you are behind a proxy, you may need to use the 'Resolve hostnames through proxy' option in M->Options->Network.]
+;[Misc Settings]
 ;[Miscellaneous options]
+;[More Info]
+;[More Info URL]
 ;[More Variables]
 ;[Move down]
 ;[Move up]
+;[Moving %s to group \"%s\"...]
+;[Moving of user to another group on server list failed.]
 ;[My Contacts]
+;[Netlib error - check your internet connection (30)]
 ;[New Group]
+;[New Mail]
+;[New Mail (%i msgs)]
+;[New Password:]
+;[New e-mail:]
+;[New password does not match.]
+;[New password:]
 ;[Newer than]
 ;[Next image]
 ;[Nick changes]
 ;[Nick name]
+;[Nick name:]
 ;[Nickchange (10x10)]
 ;[No border]
+;[No change]
 ;[No description given]
+;[No external messages]
+;[No information available.\nPlease update weather condition first.]
 ;[No message]
 ;[No selection]
 ;[No to all]
+;[No update data file is found.  Please check your Plugins\\Weather directory.]
+;[No upload group available]
 ;[No word to look up]
 ;[Not focused]
+;[Note Text]
 ;[Notice (10x10)]
 ;[Notice from %s]
 ;[Notice from %s: ]
 ;[Notice from %s: %s]
 ;[Notice from user]
+;[Notice to %s: ]
+;[Notify me when a message delivery has failed]
+;[Notify me when a message delivery has failed (recommended)]
+;[Now importing...]
@@ -591,23 +1143,38 @@
 ;[Older than]
+;[On WC]
 ;[On the &Phone\tCtrl+8]
 ;[On the phone]
 ;[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
+;[Online since:]
+;[Only JPG, GIF, and BMP image files smaller than 40 KB are supported.]
+;[Only Ops set topic]
+;[Only import contacts]
 ;[Only place a separator when an incoming event is announced with a popup]
 ;[Only prefix with timestamp if it has changed]
+;[Only reply to status message request from visible contacts]
+;[Only reply to status message requests from users on my contact list]
 ;[Only when statuses differ]
+;[Open &conference...]
 ;[Open a &new browser window]
+;[Open brief information]
 ;[Open chat window]
+;[Open complete forecast]
 ;[Open folder]
 ;[Open in &new window]
+;[Open log file]
 ;[Open new conference]
+;[Open new conference\nSelect conference participants]
+;[Open weather map]
+;[Origin city:]
+;[Other Options]
 ;[Other name]
 ;[Other options]
@@ -618,33 +1185,76 @@
 ;[Outgoing URL]
 ;[Outgoing background]
 ;[Outgoing colon]
+;[Outgoing commands are not shown]
+;[Outgoing commands are shown]
 ;[Outgoing message]
 ;[Outgoing message (10x10)]
 ;[Outgoing messages]
 ;[Outgoing name]
 ;[Outgoing time]
+;[Overwrite file upon update]
 ;[PNG Bitmaps]
+;[Packet size (b):]
+;[Passive mode, i.e. do not initiate new connections]
+;[Password cannot be changed.]
+;[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s]
+;[Password is successfully changed. Don't forget to update your password in the Jabber protocol option.]
+;[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
 ;[Paste && Send]
+;[Peer-to-peer Messaging]
+;[Perform on event:]
+;[Personal vCard]
 ;[Pin to desktop]
 ;[Place a separator in the log after a window lost its foreground status]
+;[Please authorize me to add you to my contact list.]
+;[Please choose an IRC-network to go online. This network will be the default.]
+;[Please complete all fields]
+;[Please enter a channel to join]
+;[Please enter a unique nickname]
+;[Please enter a valid buddy name to ignore.]
+;[Please enter the hostmask (nick!user @ host)]
+;[Please enter the hostmask (nick!user @ host) \nNOTE! Contacts on your contact list are never ignored]
 ;[Please enter the reason]
+;[Please enter the reply]
 ;[Please enter your yahoo id in Options/Network/Yahoo]
+;[Please enter your yahoo password in Options/Network/Yahoo]
+;[Please re-type your new password:]
+;[Please select IRC network and enter the password if needed]
+;[Please select a buddy on the ignore list to remove.]
+;[Please try again after weather update is completed.]
 ;[Please wait...]
 ;[Pop-ups to display]
+;[PopUp Options]
+;[Popup Actions]
+;[Popup Delay]
+;[Popup Text]
 ;[Popup Title]
+;[Popup only when condition changes]
+;[Popup window]
+;[Popups for the Chat plugin]
+;[Port range]
 ;[Prefix all events with a timestamp]
 ;[Previous image]
@@ -653,6 +1263,7 @@
+;[Protocol Version:]
 ;[Protocol icon]
@@ -661,40 +1272,90 @@
 ;[Quick connect]
 ;[Quicksearch Text]
 ;[Quicksearch in open groups only]
+;[Quicksearch text:]
 ;[Quit (10x10)]
+;[Quote Text]
+;[Quote button]
 ;[RTL is default text direction]
 ;[Really delete this view mode? This cannot be undone]
 ;[Reason to ban]
+;[Receive image and after image is received use:]
 ;[Recent Sessions]
+;[Reconnecting to]
+;[Register new user]
+;[Register/Search Jabber Agents]
+;[Registered Jabber Transports]
 ;[Registered transports]
+;[Registration rejected]
 ;[Registration successful]
+;[Rejoin channel if kicked]
+;[Rejoin channels on reconnect]
+;[Remember my choice for this container]
+;[Remember this session password]
+;[Remove Gadu-Gadu account]
+;[Remove Gadu-Gadu account\nThis will remove your Gadu-Gadu account]
 ;[Remove account]
+;[Remove ban?]
+;[Remove exception?]
+;[Remove invite?]
+;[Remove list from server]
+;[Remove old data when updating]
 ;[Remove status (10x10)]
+;[Removing of contact from server list failed.]
+;[Removing of group from server list failed.]
+;[Removing of privacy item from server list failed.]
 ;[Rename Group]
+;[Renaming of server group failed.]
+;[Request &Chat]
 ;[Request authorization]
+;[Requesting registration instruction...]
+;[Reset Custom status on status change]
 ;[Reset view mode]
 ;[Resolve nicks]
 ;[Resource priority]
+;[Retrieve a lost password or ICQ number]
+;[Retrieve password]
+;[Retry count]
 ;[Revoke authorization]
+;[Right Click]
 ;[Right click opens Miranda IM menu]
 ;[Right click opens Miranda menu]
 ;[Right click opens status menu]
 ;[Room history]
 ;[Room settings]
 ;[Round corners]
 ;[Row height:]
+;[Run the following application when new Hotmail arrives]
+;[SNAC(4.1) SENDMSG Error (x%02x)]
+;[Save image]
+;[Save image to disk]
+;[Save password]
+;[Save the size and position of chat rooms]
+;[Save the window size and location individually for each contact]
+;[Scripting support]
 ;[Scroll list smoothly]
 ;[Scroll with text]
 ;[Search online users only]
+;[Secure (MD5) login]
 ;[Security systems to prevent malicious changes are in place and you will be warned before changes that are not known to be safe.]
 ;[Select &All]
 ;[Select All]
@@ -702,45 +1363,104 @@
 ;[Select a background color for the text (CTRL+L)]
 ;[Select a foreground color for the text (CTRL+K)]
 ;[Select a view mode]
+;[Select contacts to store:]
+;[Select contacts you want to store on server.]
+;[Select picture to send]
+;[Select this if you want to import as much data as possible. This is the recommended option.]
+;[Select this if you want to import contacts but don't want to import any message history.]
 ;[Selected Text]
 ;[Selected text]
+;[Selected text:]
 ;[Selection Mode]
+;[Selection colour]
 ;[Selection colour:]
+;[Send &File]
+;[Send 'Keep-alives' (enable this if you use a proxy server and frequently get disconnected)]
 ;[Send Error]
 ;[Send Message]
+;[Send all messages in unicode if possible]
+;[Send image]
 ;[Send message]
+;[Send message by pressing the Enter key]
+;[Send message by pressing the Enter key twice]
+;[Send message font color/size info inside messages]
 ;[Send message on 'Enter']
 ;[Send message on double 'Enter']
 ;[Send messages slower, but with full acknowledgement]
+;[Send mode:]
 ;[Send notice]
 ;[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
+;[Sending in progress: %d message(s) left...]
+;[Sending registration information...]
+;[Server List Manager]
+;[Server contact list is unavailable, Miranda will use local contact list.]
+;[Server groups import may change your contact list layout after next login. Do you want to upload your groups to the server?]
+;[Server hostname %s is invalid. Using default hostname provided by the network.]
+;[Server name]
+;[Server rate warning -> slowing down the process.]
 ;[Server window]
 ;[Service Discovery]
+;[Set &Custom Status]
+;[Set &Nickname]
+;[Set Custom Status]
+;[Set New Password for]
 ;[Set activity...]
+;[Set as default station]
 ;[Set mood...]
+;[Set these modes for the channel]
+;[Set this topic for the channel]
 ;[Setup View Modes...]
 ;[Setup view modes]
+;[Show 'Send' button]
 ;[Show All Frames]
 ;[Show All Titlebars]
 ;[Show Avatars]
 ;[Show Contact Picture]
+;[Show Errors]
 ;[Show TitleBar]
 ;[Show Tool Bar]
 ;[Show actions]
+;[Show addresses]
+;[Show as busy]
 ;[Show avatars]
 ;[Show balloon popup]
 ;[Show balloon popup (unsupported system)]
 ;[Show bevels on panels]
+;[Show button for sending messages]
 ;[Show button menus when right clicking the buttons]
+;[Show buttons for controlling the chat room]
+;[Show buttons for formatting the text you are typing]
+;[Show channel]
+;[Show character count]
+;[Show connection error messages:]
+;[Show connection errors]
 ;[Show counts of number of contacts in a group]
+;[Show custom status details]
+;[Show dates]
 ;[Show divider between online and offline contacts]
 ;[Show drop shadow (restart required)]
+;[Show icon for actions]
+;[Show icon for highlights]
+;[Show icon for information messages]
+;[Show icon for messages]
+;[Show icon for name changes]
+;[Show icon for notices ]
+;[Show icon for status changes]
+;[Show icon for topic changes]
+;[Show icon for users disconnecting]
+;[Show icon for users joining]
+;[Show icon for users kicking other user]
+;[Show icon for users leaving]
 ;[Show icon in tray for actions]
 ;[Show icon in tray for highlights]
 ;[Show icon in tray for information messages]
@@ -756,12 +1476,17 @@
 ;[Show icons]
 ;[Show icons in tray only when the chat room is not active]
 ;[Show information messages]
+;[Show lines in the userlist]
+;[Show links from unknown contacts]
 ;[Show list of users in the chat room]
 ;[Show menu bar]
 ;[Show messages]
 ;[Show multiple icons]
+;[Show name of the chat room in the top left of the window]
 ;[Show names]
+;[Show new windows cascaded]
 ;[Show notices]
+;[Show offline users with status message as invisible in contact list]
 ;[Show pop-up for actions]
 ;[Show pop-up for highlights]
 ;[Show pop-up for information messages]
@@ -779,17 +1504,27 @@
 ;[Show resize grip indicator]
 ;[Show seconds]
 ;[Show selection even when list is not focused]
+;[Show server window on startup]
 ;[Show status bar]
+;[Show status changes]
 ;[Show status changes of users]
 ;[Show status text]
+;[Show the &list of available channels]
 ;[Show the history (CTRL+H)]
+;[Show the server &window]
 ;[Show these events only:]
+;[Show timestamp]
 ;[Show timestamps]
 ;[Show title bar]
+;[Show toolbar buttons on top row]
 ;[Show topic changes]
+;[Show transport agents on contact list]
 ;[Show typing notification when no message dialog is open]
 ;[Show typing notifications when a user is typing a message]
+;[Show user detail]
+;[Show user menu]
 ;[Show userlist]
+;[Show username on top row]
 ;[Show users being kicked]
 ;[Show users changing name]
 ;[Show users disconnecting]
@@ -797,6 +1532,7 @@
 ;[Show users leaving]
 ;[Show warning when message has not been received after]
 ;[Show/hide the nicklist (CTRL+N)]
+;[Sign out all sessions]
 ;[Simplified Chinese]
 ;[Single click interface]
@@ -805,18 +1541,24 @@
 ;[Skin items]
 ;[Skin options]
 ;[Smiley button]
+;[Somebody included you in his/her server list]
 ;[Sort contacts by name]
 ;[Sort contacts by protocol]
 ;[Sort contacts by status]
 ;[Sort groups alphabetically]
+;[Spam detected]
 ;[Standard contacts]
+;[Start message text on a new line]
+;[Station ID]
 ;[Status 1 (10x10)]
 ;[Status 2 (10x10)]
@@ -829,45 +1571,109 @@
 ;[Status Messages]
 ;[Status changes]
 ;[Status mode]
 ;[Stay on Top]
 ;[Sticky contacts]
 ;[Stretch proportionally]
 ;[Stretch to height]
 ;[Stretch to width]
 ;[Strip colors from messages in the log]
+;[Subject: %s]
 ;[Support and latest version information]
+;[Support control up/down in message area to show previously sent messages]
+;[System default codepage]
 ;[System tray icon]
 ;[System tray icon when using multiple protocols]
+;[System up since:]
 ;[Tab options]
 ;[TabSRMM exception]
+;[Tabs at bottom]
+;[Take H&alfop]
+;[Take O&p]
+;[Take V&oice]
+;[Taking a bath]
 ;[Text Color]
 ;[Text Files]
 ;[Text colour]
+;[Text files]
 ;[Text symbols as event markers]
+;[The IRC protocol depends on another plugin called \'Chat\'\n\nDo you want to download it from the Miranda IM web site now?]
+;[The SNAC format was rejected by the server.\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0E]
+;[The URL for weather map have not been set.  You can set it from the Edit Settings dialog.]
+;[The buddy check function is disabled]
+;[The buddy check function is enabled]
+;[The buddy is already on your ignore list. ]
+;[The changes you have made require you to reconnect to the MSN Messenger network before they take effect]
 ;[The changes you have made require you to reconnect to the Yahoo network before they take effect]
+;[The changes you have made require you to restart Miranda IM before they take effect]
+;[The checksum of file \"%s\" does not match, the file is probably damaged.]
+;[The connection with the server was abortively closed during the connection attempt. You may have lost your local network connection.]
+;[The contact does not support receiving offline messages.]
+;[The contact's information was too big and was truncated.]
+;[The corresponding INI file for \"%s\" is not found.]
+;[The dcc chat connection is not active]
+;[The file transfer failed: Invalid request]
+;[The file transfer failed: Proxy error]
+;[The file transfer failed: Proxy unavailable]
+;[The file transfer was aborted by the other user.]
+;[The files are too big to be sent at once. Files bigger than 4GB can be sent only separately.]
 ;[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
 ;[The import has completed from]
 ;[The message send timed out.]
+;[The messaging service is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x05]
+;[The protocol is not online]
+;[The receiving client does not support this type of message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x09]
+;[The server did not respond to the connection attempt within a reasonable time, it may be temporarily down. Try again later.]
+;[The server returned the following information. Please note that this information might be misleading and/or falsified]
+;[The server sent warning, this version is getting old.\nTry to look for a new one.]
+;[The server to which you are trying to connect does not exist. Check your spelling in M->Options->Network->ICQ.]
+;[The time interval for the buddy check function is now %u seconds]
+;[The time interval for the buddy check function is now at default setting]
 ;[The topic has been changed]
 ;[The topic is ...]
 ;[The topic is \'%s%s\']
 ;[The topic is \'%s\']
 ;[The topic is \'%s\' (set by %s)]
 ;[The usage of /AWAY in your perform buffer is restricted\n as IRC sends this command automatically.]
+;[The user has logged off. Select 'Retry' to send an offline message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x04]
+;[The user is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x13]
+;[There are no active concurrent sessions for this account.]
+;[There are no ignored conferences.]
+;[There is only 1 person left in the chat, do you want to switch back to standard message window?]
+;[These are online: ]
+;[These changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Jabber network.]
+;[This command is not recommended on a network of this size!\r\nIt will probably cause high CPU usage and/or high bandwidth\r\nusage for around %u to %u minute(s).\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue?]
+;[This contact is on an instant messaging system which stores its contact list on a central server. The contact will be removed from the server and from your contact list when you next connect to that network.]
+;[This conversation has been inactive, participants will be removed.]
 ;[This file wishes to change the setting]
 ;[This group]
+;[This is my own conference.]
+;[This is the name of the city]
 ;[This will erase all history and settings for this contact!]
+;[This wizard will help you import contacts and message history from Mirabilis ICQ, as well as letting you import from other Miranda IM profiles.]
 ;[Tile horizontally]
 ;[Tile vertically]
 ;[Tile vertically according to Row Height]
+;[Timeout (*)]
 ;[Timeout (s)]
@@ -875,7 +1681,16 @@
 ;[Title bar text:]
+;[To be or not to be]
+;[To default]
+;[To remove your Gadu-Gadu avatar, you must use the MojaGeneracja.pl website.]
+;[To resume the conversation, please quit this session and start a new chat session.]
+;[Today's High]
+;[Today's Low]
+;[Toggle the visible state when double clicking in the contact list]
+;[Toggle userlist]
+;[Token retrieval failed because of error:\n\t%s]
 ;[Tool style main window]
 ;[Topic (10x10)]
@@ -888,43 +1703,92 @@
+;[Trim to (kB)]
 ;[Try again]
 ;[Typing Notification]
+;[Typing Notification Options]
 ;[Typing Notify]
 ;[URL events]
 ;[URL from %s]
+;[URL received]
+;[URL sent]
+;[Unable to connect to ICQ communication server]
+;[Unable to connect to migrated ICQ communication server]
+;[Unable to retrieve weather information for %s]
 ;[Undo  ]
 ;[Ungrouped contacts]
+;[Unicode is off]
+;[Unicode is on]
 ;[Unique id]
 ;[Unknown client]
+;[Unknown error (99)]
+;[Unknown runtime error: 0x%02x]
+;[Update Now]
+;[Update contacts' details on the server's list when I change them in mine]
+;[Update inactive message window icons when a user is typing]
+;[Update message window icons when a user is typing]
+;[Update my contacts' details from the server *]
+;[Update online statuses for users]
+;[Update statuses in channel nicklist]
+;[Update weather information every]
+;[Updating group \"%s\"...]
+;[Updating of group on server list failed.]
+;[Updating of server contact failed.]
+;[Uploading %s...]
 ;[Use 'Meta' protocol icons for Metacontacts]
 ;[Use Options->Ignore (expert mode) to unhide contacts.]
 ;[Use Windows colours]
+;[Use Yahoo Address Book (YAB)]
 ;[Use background bitmap]
 ;[Use background image]
 ;[Use connecting Icon]
 ;[Use custom colours]
 ;[Use default]
 ;[Use default colours]
+;[Use direct connections]
+;[Use external file]
+;[Use forwarding]
+;[Use internal history]
 ;[Use same style as in the message log]
+;[Use server window]
+;[Use system &icons]
+;[Use the Find/Add contacts tool to populate my contact list.]
 ;[Use the contact's status icon as the window icon]
+;[Use the options to set modes for this channel. You are usually required to be op. or higher to modify.]
+;[Use this codepage for Ansi <-> Unicode translation :]
 ;[User &Details]
 ;[User &details]
 ;[User &history]
+;[User Client:]
 ;[User Details]
+;[User ID]
+;[User ID (Ident)]
 ;[User Menu]
+;[User Menu - %s]
+;[User \"%s\" was removed from server list.]
+;[User directory:]
 ;[User disables status for ...]
 ;[User enables status for ...]
 ;[User has changed name]
@@ -934,75 +1798,168 @@
 ;[User has left]
 ;[User has performed an action]
 ;[User has sent a notice]
+;[User info - Required]
 ;[User information]
 ;[User is now known as ...]
+;[User is typing]
 ;[User kicked ...]
 ;[User kicks]
+;[User limit:]
 ;[User list members (Online)]
 ;[User list members (away)]
+;[User modes]
+;[User's details]
+;[User's history]
 ;[User's status was changed]
 ;[UserID of current contact (if defined). It is like UIN Number for ICQ, JID for Jabber, etc.]
+;[Userlist background]
+;[Userlist lines]
+;[Userlist row distance (pixels):]
+;[Userlist user indent (pixels):]
 ;[Users joining]
 ;[Users leaving]
+;[User\xB4s status was changed]
 ;[Using the contact list on the left side, you can select contacts which will be \"sticky\" for this view mode. These contacts will ignore the standard filter rules and only use the status mode filter below.]
 ;[Variable List]
+;[View &History]
 ;[View Modes]
 ;[View User's Details]
 ;[View User's History]
 ;[View as list]
 ;[View as tree]
+;[View history]
 ;[View mode options]
+;[Wait (s)]
+;[WallOps from %s: ]
 ;[Warning!\r\nThis MenuObject not support user defined options.]
+;[Watching TV]
+;[Watching pro7 on TV]
+;[Weather Alert Issued]
+;[Weather Condition Changed]
+;[Weather Condition for %n as of %u]
+;[Weather HTTP connections]
+;[Weather INI information]
+;[Weather INI information for \"%s\":]
+;[Weather Map]
 ;[Weather Protocol]
+;[Weather Protocol INI Setup]
+;[Weather Protocol Text Preview]
+;[Weather Protocol cannot find any weather INI file stored in your computer.  To setup weather INI and add weather stations, please follow the steps:]
+;[Weather Station]
+;[Weather condition was not logged.]
+;[Weather service ini for this station is not found (20)]
 ;[What do you want to do with the file now?]
 ;[Window Icon]
 ;[Windows Bitmaps]
 ;[Word lookup]
 ;[Words to highlight (wildcards allowed)]
 ;[XML Console]
 ;[YAHOO Options]
 ;[Yahoo Error]
+;[Yahoo Ignore]
+;[Yahoo Ignore List]
+;[Yahoo Japan]
 ;[Yahoo Login Error]
+;[Yahoo Ping Error]
+;[Yes, I want to remove my account]
+;[You Have %i unread msgs]
 ;[You already have a group with that name. Please enter a unique name for the group.]
+;[You are about to send a message to all open tabs.\nAre you sure ?]
 ;[You are now known as %s]
+;[You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x02]
+;[You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x03]
+;[You cannot enable/disable the server-side contact list while you are connected to the ICQ network.]
+;[You could not sign on because the server returned invalid data. Try again.]
+;[You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because the current server shut down.]
+;[You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because you logged on from another location using the same ICQ number.]
+;[You have been logged out of the yahoo service, possibly due to a duplicate login.]
 ;[You have joined %s]
+;[You have not applied all changes!\n\nApply before exiting?]
+;[You have not entered a ICQ number.\nConfigure this in Options->Network->ICQ and try again.]
+;[You have to be connected before you can import/export contacts from/to server.]
+;[You have to be connected to open new conference.]
+;[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
+;[You have to be logged in to view concurrent sessions.]
+;[You have to be online to sychronize the server-list !]
+;[You must be talking to start Netmeeting]
 ;[You need an image services plugin to process PNG images.]
+;[You need to be connected to Yahoo to add to Ignore List.]
+;[You need to be connected to Yahoo to remove from the Ignore List.]
+;[You need to be connected to refresh your buddy list]
+;[You need to be connected to set the custom message]
+;[You need to specify your registration e-mail first.]
+;[You sent too long message. The receiving client does not support it.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0A]
+;[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now ?]
 ;[You will need to reconnect for the changes you have made on this page to take effect.]
+;[You will need to reconnect to the ICQ network for the changes you have made on this page to take effect.]
+;[You will probably never need to use this wizard again, so you can save memory by not loading it every time you start Miranda. This will mean that the import menu item will no longer be available.]
+;[Your account cannot be removed because of error:\n\t%s]
+;[Your account has been removed.]
+;[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
+;[Your e-mail cannot be changed because of error:\n\t%s]
+;[Your e-mail has been changed.]
 ;[Your file receive has been aborted because Miranda could not open the destination file in order to write to it. You may be trying to save to a read-only folder.]
 ;[Your file transfer has been aborted because one of the files that you selected to send is no longer readable from the disk. You may have deleted or moved it.]
+;[Your host (or router):]
 ;[Your name]
 ;[Your nickname]
+;[Your password cannot be changed because of error:\n\t%s]
+;[Your password has been changed.]
+;[Your password will be sent to your registration e-mail.\nDo you want to continue ?]
+;[Your proxy rejected the user name and password that you provided. Please check them in M->Options->Network.]
+;[[miranda] Got conference invite to room: %s with msg: %s]
+;[[miranda] Got webcam invite. (not currently supported)]
 ;[\"Desktop\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user]
 ;[\"My Documents\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user]
 ;[abbreviated month name]
 ;[abbreviated weekday name]
 ;[any environment variable defined in current Windows session (like %systemroot%, %allusersprofile%, etc.)]
 ;[day of month, 01-31]
 ;[day of month, 1-31]
+;[everyone on the contact list]
 ;[full month name]
 ;[full weekday name]
 ;[icon when statuses differ]
+;[if total participant count greater than:]
+;[if unknown participant count greater than:]
+;[in other case]
 ;[is now %s (was %s)]
@@ -1011,60 +1968,59 @@
+;[mb (hPa)]
 ;[minutes old]
+;[mm Hg (torr)]
 ;[month number, 01-12]
 ;[month number, 1-12]
+;[ms delay]
 ;[ms, delay between icon blinking]
 ;[name of current miranda profile (filename, without extension)]
 ;[nick of current contact (if defined)]
+;[only while connecting]
 ;[path to current miranda profile]
 ;[path to root miranda folder]
 ;[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiaccounts]
 ;[same as environment variable %APPDATA% for currently logged-on Windows user]
 ;[seconds, when statuses differ]
+;[sign out]
 ;[signed off (was %s)]
 ;[signed on (%s)]
 ;[to the value]
 ;[username for currently logged-on Windows user]
 ;[while sending the following message:]
 ;[will return parsed string %miranda_profile%\\Profiles\\%miranda_profilename%]
 ;[year with century, 1901-9999]
-; include/m_chat.h
-; plugins.external/additional-keyword.rc
-;[Auto Update Enabled]
-;[Brief Information]
+; plugins.external/additional.keyword/skype-translation.txt
 ;[Display Error Message]
-;[Display in a frame]
-;[Edit Settings]
 ;[Error Message]
 ;[Incoming Calls]
 ;[Mark groupchat message as read to avoid notification.]
 ;[Popup duration]
-;[Read Complete Forecast]
-;[Remove Old Data then Update]
-;[Remove Old Data then Update All]
 ;[Show default skype avatar for contacts]
 ;[Show incoming calls popup]
 ;[Skype Popups]
-;[Update All Weather]
-;[Update Weather]
 ;[User Name:]
-;[View Log]
+; plugins.external/additional.keyword/weather-translation.txt
+;[Display in a frame]
 ; plugins.external/facebook/communication.cpp
 ;[Probably wrong password entered, please try again.]
@@ -1180,202 +2136,329 @@
 ;[Skype proxy]
 ; plugins.external/weathersrc/resource.rc
-;[2 chars]
-;[3 chars]
-;[Add new weather station and close this dialog]
 ;[Avatar only mode]
 ;[Avatar size]
-;[Brief Info Title]
-;[City name]
-;[Click here to download a weather ini file from Miranda file listing]
-;[Click here to load the data from the new ini file into memory]
-;[Consider weather info updated only when condition and temperature are changed]
-;[Degree sign:]
-;[Disable PopUp for this station]
-;[Disable automatic update for this station]
-;[Dismiss PopUp]
 ;[Do not append units to values]
 ;[Do not display fractional values]
-;[Edit Weather Station]
-;[Enable popups]
-;[External Log]
 ;[Extra Text]
-;[Extract the weather ini file from archive to this directory]
-;[History Log]
-;[Left Click]
-;[Link Settings]
-;[Log Information]
-;[Make the contact italic when weather alert is issued]
-;[More Info URL]
-;[No change]
-;[Note Text]
 ;[Open URLs in new browser window]
-;[Open brief information]
-;[Open complete forecast]
-;[Open log file]
-;[Open weather map]
-;[Other Options]
-;[Overwrite file upon update]
-;[PopUp Options]
-;[Popup Actions]
-;[Popup Delay]
-;[Popup Text]
-;[Popup only when condition changes]
 ;[Reload INI]
-;[Remove old data when updating]
-;[Right Click]
-;[Set as default station]
-;[Show user detail]
-;[Show user menu]
-;[To default]
 ;[To old setting]
-;[Today's High]
-;[Today's Low]
 ;[Total INI files]
 ;[Total memory used]
-;[Update weather information every]
 ;[Update weather information on startup]
-;[Use external file]
-;[Use internal history]
 ;[Use weather condition as protocol status]
-;[View history]
-;[Weather Map]
-;[Weather Protocol INI Setup]
 ;[Weather Protocol INI Setup\nInstall and load your weather ini file here]
-;[Weather Protocol cannot find any weather INI file stored in your computer.  To setup weather INI and add weather stations, please follow the steps:]
-;[Weather Station]
-;[mb (hPa)]
-;[mm Hg (torr)]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather.c
-;[Weather Alert Issued]
-;[Weather Condition Changed]
+; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather-translation.txt
+;[#Sunny Weather]
+;[#condition Weather]
+;[A list of Weather INI files currently in memory:]
+;[AM Fog/PM Sun]
+;[AM Light Rain]
+;[AM Light Rain/Windy]
+;[AM Light Snow]
+;[AM Shower]
+;[AM Shower/Windy]
+;[AM Showers]
+;[AM Showers / Wind]
+;[AM Snow]
+;[AM Snow Showers]
+;[AM Snow Showers/Windy]
+;[Add New Weather Station]
+;[Auto Update Disabled]
+;[Auto Update Enabled]
+;[Blowing Sand]
+;[Brief Information]
+;[Brief information for ]
+;[Change display texts]
+;[Click \"Yes\" to download new data files, \"No\" to load Weather Protocol without any update support]
+;[Click the button on the left to change the display and log texts]
+;[Data Not Available]
+;[Disable &weather notification]
+;[Disable auto update when status changes to offline, enable when changes to other]
+;[Disable internal icon selection]
+;[Disable internal station status icon selection]
+;[Disable support for automatic protocol icons assignment]
+;[Display warning if INI file is not found at startup]
+;[Do not display weather condition as protocol status]
+;[Do you want to view more information?]
+;[Drifting Snow]
+;[East Northeast]
+;[East Southeast]
+;[Edit Settings]
+;[Enable &weather notification]
+;[Extra text]
+;[Feel-Like: %f\nPressure: %p\nWind: %i  %w\nHumidity: %m\nDew Point: %e\nVisibility: %v\n\nSun Rise: %r\nSun Set: %y\n\n5 Days Forecast:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]"]
+;[Few Flurries]
+;[Few Flurries/Windy]
+;[Few Showers]
+;[Few Showers / Wind]
+;[Few Showers/Windy]
+;[Few Snow Showers]
+;[Few Snow Showers/Windy]
+;[Freezing Drizzle]
+;[Freezing Drizzle/Windy]
+;[Freezing Rain]
+;[Freezing Rain/Windy]
+;[Get city name from ID]
+;[Heavy Rain]
+;[Heavy Rain Shower]
+;[Heavy Rain Shower/Windy]
+;[Heavy Rain/Windy]
+;[Heavy Snow]
+;[Heavy Snow Shower]
+;[Heavy Snow Shower/Windy]
+;[Heavy Snow/Windy]
+;[Hide Weather in status bar and status menu]
+;[Ice Crystals]
+;[Ice Crystals/Windy]
+;[Ice Pellets]
+;[Ice Pellets/Windy]
+;[Install and load your weather ini file here]
+;[Last update on:   %d   %u]
+;[Light Drizzle]
+;[Light Drizzle/Windy]
+;[Light Flurries]
+;[Light Flurries/Windy]
+;[Light Freezing Drizzle]
+;[Light Freezing Drizzle/Windy]
+;[Light Freezing Rain]
+;[Light Freezing Rain/Windy]
+;[Light Ice Pellets]
+;[Light Ice Pellets/Windy]
+;[Light Rain]
+;[Light Rain Shower]
+;[Light Rain Shower/Windy]
+;[Light Rain with Thunder]
+;[Light Rain/Fog]
+;[Light Rain/Freezing Rain]
+;[Light Rain/Freezing Rain/Windy]
+;[Light Rain/Windy]
+;[Light Snow]
+;[Light Snow Grains]
+;[Light Snow Pellets]
+;[Light Snow Pellets/Windy]
+;[Light Snow Showers]
+;[Light Snow Showers/Windy]
+;[Light Snow/Windy]
+;[Light Thunderstorms/Rain]
+;[Low Drifting Sand]
+;[Miranda IM has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.]
+;[Mostly Clear]
+;[Mostly Clear/Windy]
+;[Mostly Cloudy]
+;[Mostly Cloudy/Windy]
+;[Mostly Sunny]
+;[Mostly Sunny/Windy]
+;[Name\tAuthor\tFile Version\tINI ver\tItems\tDisplay Name\t\tFile Name]
+;[Never show this at startup again]
+;[North Northeast]
+;[North Northwest]
+;[Note that icon cannot be changed when this feature is enabled]
+;[PM Light Rain]
+;[PM Light Rain/Windy]
+;[PM Light Snow]
+;[PM Shower]
+;[PM Shower/Windy]
+;[PM Showers]
+;[PM Showers / Wind]
+;[PM Snow]
+;[PM Snow Showers]
+;[PM Snow Showers/Windy]
+;[Partial Fog]
+;[Partly Sunny]
+;[Partly Sunny/Windy]
+;[PopUp Text]
+;[Rain / Wind]
+;[Rain Shower]
+;[Rain Shower/Windy]
+;[Rain with Thunder]
+;[Rain/Freezing Rain]
+;[Rain/Freezing Rain/Windy]
+;[Rain/Snow Showers]
+;[Rain/Snow Showers/Windy]
+;[Read Complete Forecast]
+;[Reload All Update Data]
+;[Remove Old Data then Update]
+;[Remove Old Data then Update All]
+;[Reset to default]
+;[Scatter Showers]
+;[Scatter Showers / Wind]
+;[Scattered Flurries]
+;[Scattered Shower]
+;[Scattered Shower/Windy]
+;[Scattered Snow Showers]
+;[Scattered Snow Showers/Windy]
+;[Scattered Thunderstorms]
+;[Scattered Thunderstorms/Windy]
+;[Show informations and warnings]
+;[Show main menu items]
+;[Showers / Wind]
+;[Showers in the Vicinity]
+;[Snow Grains]
+;[Snow Pellets]
+;[Snow Pellets/Windy]
+;[Snow Showers]
+;[Snow Showers/Windy]
+;[South Southeast]
+;[South Southwest]
+;[Special status]
+;[The URL for complete forcast have not been set.  You can set it from the Edit Settings dialog.]
+;[Thunder in the Vicinity]
+;[To old settings]
+;[Total INI files:\t%i]
+;[Total memory used:\t%i bytes]
+;[Update All Weather]
+;[Update Weather]
+;[Update weather information at startup]
+;[View Log]
+;[View all weather details for this contact]
+;[View weather INI information]
+;[View webpage]
+;[Weather INI Information]
+;[Weather Notification]
+;[Weather Protocol Text Options]
+;[Weather status will free to change all the time if this option is enabled.]
+;[Weather text]
+;[West Northwest]
+;[West Southwest]
+;[When condition unavailable, use the status:]
+;[Wintery Mix]
+;[Wintery Weather]
 ; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather.h
-;[%c, %t (feel-like %f)	Wind: %i %w	Humidity: %m]
-;[%c, %t\nToday:  High %h, Low %l]
-;[%c\nTemperature: %t\nFeel-Like: %f\nPressure: %p\nWind: %i  %w\nHumidity: %m\nDew Point: %e\nVisibility: %v\n\nSun Rise: %r\nSun Set: %y\n\n5 Days Forecast:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]]
 ;[%n   (%u)]
-;[%n  [%t, %c]]
-;[%n at %u:	%c, %t (feel-like %f)	Wind: %i %w	Humidity: %m]
-;[Document not found (42)]
-;[Document too short to contain any weather data (43)]
-;[Empty data is retrieved (40)]
 ;[Feel-Like: %f\nPressure: %p\nWind: %i  %w\nHumidity: %m\nDew Point: %e\nVisibility: %v\n\nSun Rise: %r\nSun Set: %y\n\n5 Days Forecast:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]]
-;[HTTP Error: Bad gateway (502)]
-;[HTTP Error: Bad request (400)]
-;[HTTP Error: Data moved (301)]
-;[HTTP Error: Forbidden (403)]
-;[HTTP Error: Gateway timeout (504)]
-;[HTTP Error: Gone (410)]
-;[HTTP Error: Internal server error (500)]
-;[HTTP Error: Method not allowed (405)]
-;[HTTP Error: No content (204)]
-;[HTTP Error: Not found (404)]
-;[HTTP Error: Payment required (402)]
-;[HTTP Error: Proxy authentication required (407)]
-;[HTTP Error: Service unavailable (503)]
-;[HTTP Error: Temporary redirect (307)]
-;[HTTP Error: Unauthorized (401)]
-;[HTTP Error: Use proxy (305)]
-;[Invalid ID format, missing \"/\" (10)]
-;[Invalid service (11)]
-;[Invalid station (12)]
-;[Netlib error - check your internet connection (30)]
-;[Unknown error (99)]
-;[Weather Condition for %n as of %u]
-;[Weather service ini for this station is not found (20)]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_addstn.c
-;[<Enter station ID here>]
-;[<Enter station name here>]
-;[Please try again after weather update is completed.]
 ; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_contacts.c
 ;[The URL for complete forcast have not been set. You can set it from the Edit Settings dialog.]
-;[The URL for weather map have not been set.  You can set it from the Edit Settings dialog.]
-;[Weather condition was not logged.]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_conv.c
-;[<unknown time>]
-;[HTTP Error %i]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_data.c
-;[<Enter city name here>]
-;[Error when obtaining data: %s]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_http.c
-;[Weather HTTP connections]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_info.c
-;[File Name:]
-;[Here is a list of custom variables that are currently available]
-;[INI Version:]
-;[Internal Name:]
-;[Item Count:]
-;[Memory Used:]
-;[The corresponding INI file for \"%s\" is not found.]
-;[Weather INI information]
-;[Weather INI information for \"%s\":]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_ini.c
-;[All update data has been reloaded.]
-;[Invalid ini format for: %s]
-;[No update data file is found.  Please check your Plugins\\Weather directory.]
 ; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_opt.c
 ;[%c\tcurrent condition\n%d\tcurrent date\n%e\tdewpoint\n%f\tfeel-like temp\n%h\ttoday's high\n%i\twind direction\n%l\ttoday's low\n%m\thumidity\n%n\tstation name\n%p\tpressure\n%r\tsunrise time\n%s\tstation ID\n%t\ttemperature\n%u\tupdate time\n%v\tvisibility\n%w\twind speed\n%y\tsun set]
-;[Weather Protocol Text Preview]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_popup.c
-;[%[..]\tcustom variables]
-;[%c\tcurrent condition\n%d\tcurrent date\n%e\tdewpoint\n%f\tfeel-like temperature\n%h\ttoday's high\n%i\twind direction\n%l\ttoday's low\n%m\thumidity\n%n\tstation name\n%p\tpressure\n%r\tsunrise time\n%s\tstation ID\n%t\ttemperature\n%u\tupdate time\n%v\tvisibility\n%w\twind speed\n%y\tsun set]
-;[Here is a short weather description]
-;[This is the name of the city]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_svcs.c
-;[Station ID]
-; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_update.c
-;[Unable to retrieve weather information for %s]
 ; plugins.external/weathersrc/weather_userinfo.c
-;[Current condition for %n]
 ;[Last update on:   %u]
-;[More Info]
-;[No information available.\nPlease update weather condition first.]
 ;[Retrieving new data, please wait...]
+; plugins/Scriver/Docs/scriver-translation.txt
+;[Automatically switch to active tab]
+;[Choose font...]
+;[Close session]
+;[Draw lines between messages]
+;[Hide tab bar if there is only one tab]
+;[Incoming background:]
+;[Input area background:]
+;[Limit avatar height to min.]
+;[Limit number of chats tabs per container to]
+;[Limit number of tabs per container to]
+;[Outgoing background:]
+;[Save message draft when closing message window]
+;[Save the splitter position individually for each contact]
+;[Select multiple fonts by dragging or by using the control key]
+;[Show 'sending in progress' indicator]
+;[Show close button on each tab]
+;[Show times]
+;[Show tool bar]
+;[Stay minimized]
+;[Use long date format]
+;[Use message grouping]
+;[Use relative timestamp]
+;[Use separate containers for chats]
+;[Use tabbed mode]
+;[User Menu - %u]
+;[User list members (Away)]
+;[User list statuses]
+;[and max.]
 ; plugins/Scriver/chat/options.c
 ;[Add \':\' to auto-completed names]
 ;[Appearance and functionality of chat windows]
@@ -1400,29 +2483,12 @@
 ;[%s %s\r\n]
 ; plugins/Scriver/globals.c
-;[Add contact]
 ;[Close button]
-;[Default codepage]
-;[Quote button]
 ;[Single Messaging]
 ;[Status 2 (10x10]
 ;[Typing notification off]
-;[Unicode is off]
-;[Unicode is on]
-;[User is typing]
-;[User's details]
-;[User's history]
-; plugins/Scriver/msgdialog.c
-;[Insert Emoticon]
-;[Quote Text]
-;[Sending in progress: %d message(s) left...]
-;[User Menu - %s]
 ; plugins/Scriver/msglog.c
-;[URL received]
-;[URL sent]
 ;[Unknown Contact]
 ; plugins/Scriver/msgoptions.c
@@ -1431,25 +2497,19 @@
 ;[Infobar background]
 ;[Infobar contact name]
 ;[Infobar status message]
-;[Message background]
 ;[User list background]
 ;[User list background (selected)]
 ;[User list lines]
 ;[User list members (online)]
-; plugins/Scriver/msgwindow.c
-;[Always On Top]
 ; plugins/Scriver/resource.rc
 ;[(0 means default setting, -1 means indefinite time)]
-;[Automatically pop up the window when]
 ;[Close Other Tabs]
 ;[Customize fonts and colors]
 ;[Delete temporary contacts on closing]
-;[Enable IEView]
 ;[Enable message grouping]
 ;[Enable tabs]
 ;[Events in the last]
@@ -1457,16 +2517,13 @@
 ;[Hide windows on close]
 ;[Indent text]
-;[Limit names on tabs to]
 ;[Limit number of group chats tabs per window to]
 ;[Limit number of tabs per window to]
 ;[Long date format]
-;[Mark follow-up msgs with timestamp]
 ;[Min input area size]
 ;[Minimize on send]
 ;[Relative date]
-;[Remember my choice for this container]
 ;[Remember unsent messages]
 ;[Save logs]
 ;[Save size and location for each contact]
@@ -1479,17 +2536,12 @@
 ;[Show titlebar]
 ;[Show toolbar]
 ;[Show typing notification switch in the status bar]
-;[Start message text on a new line]
 ;[Switch to active tab]
-;[Tabs at bottom]
 ;[Trim to]
-;[Typing Notification Options]
 ;[Unread events only]
-;[Update message window icons when a user is typing]
 ;[Use separate windows for group chats]
 ;[User list row height]
 ;[Wikipedia (en)]
-;[You are about to send a message to all open tabs.\nAre you sure ?]
 ;[and stay minimized]
@@ -1545,51 +2597,17 @@
 ;[Reset contact picture]
 ;[Set avatar options for %s]
-; plugins/chat/chat.rc
-;[(The timeout require at least PopUp plugin v Setting it to 0 means default setting and -1 means indefinite time)]
-;[Popups for the Chat plugin]
-;[Trim to (kB)]
-;[Userlist row distance (pixels):]
-; plugins/chat/main.c
-;[Miranda could not load the Chat plugin because Microsoft Rich Edit v 3 is missing.\nIf you are using Windows 95/98/NT or WINE please upgrade your Rich Edit control.\n\nDo you want to download an update now?.]
 ; plugins/chat/options.c
-;[Add \':\' to auto-completed user names]
-;[Chat Log]
 ;[Chat Module]
 ;[Close tab on doubleclick]
 ;[Display contact status icon before user role icon]
-;[Do not play sounds when the chat room is focused]
-;[Icons to display in the message log]
 ;[Message Background]
 ;[Options for using a tabbed interface]
 ;[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-;[Save the size and position of chat rooms]
-;[Send message by pressing the Enter key]
-;[Send message by pressing the Enter key twice]
-;[Show button for sending messages]
-;[Show buttons for controlling the chat room]
-;[Show buttons for formatting the text you are typing]
 ;[Show contact statuses if protocol supports them]
-;[Show icon for actions]
-;[Show icon for highlights]
-;[Show icon for information messages]
-;[Show icon for messages]
-;[Show icon for name changes]
-;[Show icon for notices ]
-;[Show icon for status changes]
-;[Show icon for topic changes]
-;[Show icon for users disconnecting]
-;[Show icon for users joining]
-;[Show icon for users kicking other user]
-;[Show icon for users leaving]
-;[Show new windows cascaded]
 ;[Show tabs at the bottom]
 ;[Show the topic of the room on your contact list (if supported)]
 ;[Timestamp has same colour as the event]
-;[Toggle the visible state when double clicking in the contact list]
 ;[Use a tabbed interface]
 ;[Userlist Background]
 ;[Userlist Background (selected)]
@@ -1599,8 +2617,14 @@
 ;[%s %c %s\n]
 ;[%s %s\n]
-; plugins/chat/window.c
-;[Close current tab (CTRL+F4)]
+; plugins/clist/docs/clist-translation.txt
+;[Connecting (attempt %d)]
+;[Net Search:]
+;[Open in new browser window]
+;[Read Msg:]
+;[Show Options]
 ; plugins/clist/resource.rc
 ;[Contact list background:]
@@ -1608,8 +2632,6 @@
 ;[Enable docking]
 ;[If window is partially covered, bring iy to front]
-;[Selection colour]
-;[ms delay]
 ; plugins/clist_nicer/CLUIFrames/cluiframes.cpp
 ;[&Skinned frame]
@@ -1883,6 +2905,9 @@
+; plugins/db3x/docs/db3x-translation.txt
+;[Invalid setting type. The first character of every value must be b, w, d, l, s or n.]
 ; plugins/db3x_mmap/database.c
 ;[Database Error]
 ;[Database failure. Miranda will now shutdown.]
@@ -1891,8 +2916,16 @@
 ; plugins/dbrw/utils.c
 ;[Your Miranda IM profile is being compacted.  Please wait...]
+; plugins/import/docs/import-translation.txt
+;[Click ]
+;[If you want to change the way Miranda handles server-side contacts at a later time, you can do this in the ]
+;[If you wish to import more information, click ]
+;[Mirabilis ICQ database indexes (*.idx)\0*.IDX\0All Files (*)\0*\0]
+;[Miranda IM database (*.dat)\0*.DAT\0All Files (*)\0*\0]
+;[Miranda has found Mirabilis ICQ databases corresponding to the following ICQ numbers. Please select the one you wish to import, or click ]
+;[Miranda has found Miranda profiles with the following names. Please select the one you wish to import, or click ]
 ; plugins/import/main.c
 ;[Added %s contact %s]
 ;[Added %s contact %s, '%s']
 ;[Added contact %u (found in history)]
@@ -1924,7 +2957,6 @@
 ;[Importing contacts]
 ;[Importing history (this may take a while)]
 ;[Mirabilis ICQ database indexes]
-;[Mirabilis Import]
 ;[No ICQ contacts or history will be imported.]
 ;[Skipping 'Auth. accepted' msg, ofs %d.]
 ;[Skipping 'Auth. denied' msg, ofs %d.]
@@ -1978,7 +3010,6 @@
 ;[Importing history.]
 ;[Importing system history.]
 ;[Miranda IM database]
-;[Miranda Import]
 ;[Modulename corrupted]
 ;[No owner found.]
 ;[Number of contacts in database: %d]
@@ -2003,44 +3034,20 @@
 ; plugins/import/resource.rc
-;[&Next >]
-;[&Other Database...]
-;[&Other Profile...]
-;[< &Back]
-;[Choose how you would like to import:]
 ;[Click \"Next\" to choose the information you wish to import, or click \"Cancel\" to exit the wizard and continue using Miranda.]
 ;[Custom import]
-;[Do not load the import plugin at startup again]
-;[From a Mirabilis ICQ (99a - 2003a) database.]
-;[From a Miranda IM database.]
-;[If at a future date you wish to use the wizard again, you can make it load again by going to the Plugins section of the Options dialog box.]
 ;[If you want to change the way Miranda handles server-side contacts at a later time, you can do this in the \"ICQ Contacts\" page in the Miranda options.]
 ;[If you wish to import more information, click \"Next\" to return to the start of the wizard, otherwise click \"Finish\" to start using Miranda.]
-;[Import Information Wizard]
-;[Import all contacts and all messages]
-;[Import completed]
 ;[It is recommended that you create a backup of your current Miranda profile before importing.]
 ;[Miranda has found Mirabilis ICQ databases corresponding to the following ICQ numbers. Please select the one you wish to import, or click \"Other Database\" if your database is not listed.]
 ;[Miranda has found Miranda profiles with the following names. Please select the one you wish to import, or click \"Other Profile\" if your profile is not listed, or if the list is empty.]
-;[Miranda has now been configured to automatically download the contacts in your server-side contact list the next time you connect to ICQ.]
 ;[New contacts && groups]
-;[Now importing...]
-;[Only import contacts]
 ;[Only since:]
 ;[Select items to import:]
 ;[Select this if you want to cutomize what to import.]
-;[Select this if you want to import as much data as possible. This is the recommended option.]
-;[Select this if you want to import contacts but don't want to import any message history.]
 ;[System history]
-;[This wizard will help you import contacts and message history from Mirabilis ICQ, as well as letting you import from other Miranda IM profiles.]
-;[Use the Find/Add contacts tool to populate my contact list.]
 ;[Warning: Mirabilis ICQ running. Import may not be reliable.]
-;[You will probably never need to use this wizard again, so you can save memory by not loading it every time you start Miranda. This will mean that the import menu item will no longer be available.]
-; plugins/import/wizard.c
 ; plugins/modernb/_disabled_src/groups.c
 ;[Are you sure you want to delete this group?  This operation can not be undone.]
@@ -2361,7 +3368,6 @@
 ;[Group Closed]
 ;[Hover Contacts]
 ;[List MetaContacts]
-;[List Text]
 ;[Status messages]
 ;[StatusBar Background]
@@ -2370,53 +3376,25 @@
 ; plugins/mwclist/resource.rc
 ;[!!! Note: all client icons are made by Angeli-ka, and I have her permission to use them in clist_mw plugin.]
-;[Additional Colours]
-;[Hottrack text:]
 ;[MetaContacts supporting]
 ;[Protocol Type]
-;[Quicksearch text:]
-;[Selected text:]
 ;[Show bevel effect on panels]
 ;[Show size grip]
 ;[Use New Drawer for StatusBar]
-; plugins/srmm/msgoptions.c
-;[Messaging Log]
 ; plugins/srmm/msgs.c
 ;[Message send error]
 ; plugins/srmm/resource.rc
-;[Automatically popup window when:]
-;[Delete temporary contacts when closing message window]
-;[Enable avatar support in the message window]
 ;[In background]
-;[Limit avatar height to ]
 ;[Max Number of Flashes]
 ;[Message window behaviour:]
 ;[Save the window position for each contact]
-;[Save the window size and location individually for each contact]
-;[Show 'Send' button]
 ;[Show Formatting]
-;[Show character count]
-;[Show dates]
-;[Show status changes]
-;[Show timestamp]
-;[Show toolbar buttons on top row]
-;[Show username on top row]
-;[Support control up/down in message area to show previously sent messages]
-;[Update inactive message window icons when a user is typing]
 ; plugins/tabsrmm/chat/chat.rc
 ;[  Show these events]
@@ -2496,7 +3474,6 @@
 ;[Hovered text]
 ;[Incoming background(old)]
 ;[Incremental search highlight]
-;[Log background]
 ;[Normal background]
 ;[Normal text]
 ;[Open new chat rooms in the default container]
@@ -2543,7 +3520,6 @@
 ;[&Message Log Settings]
-;[&Use Windows colours]
 ;[(0 = no limit)]
 ;[...is &typing]
 ;[...stopped t&yping]
@@ -2877,7 +3853,6 @@
 ; plugins/tabsrmm/src/msgs.cpp
 ;[Edit user notes]
-;[Event filter]
 ;[Font color]
 ;[Font face]
 ;[Format bold]
@@ -2968,7 +3943,6 @@
 ;[Choose status modes]
 ;[Choose your options for the tabbed user interface. Not all options can be applied to open windows. You may need to close and re-open them.]
 ;[Click for contact menu\nClick dropdown for window settings]
-;[Close Session]
 ;[Close button only hides message windows]
 ;[Close current tab on send]
 ;[Close or hide window, depends on the close button setting above]
@@ -3023,7 +3997,6 @@
 ;[Force Default Message Log]
 ;[Force History++]
 ;[Force IEView]
 ;[General options]
 ;[Globally OFF]
 ;[Globally on]
@@ -3057,7 +4030,6 @@
 ;[Messaging Settings...]
 ;[Meta Contact]
 ;[Minimize the window to the task bar]
 ;[Multisend: failed sending to: %s]
 ;[Multisend: successfully sent to: %s]
 ;[Never show it at all]
@@ -3088,7 +4060,6 @@
 ;[Right click actions (popups only)]
 ;[Room Settings...]
 ;[Rounded (only for internal avatar drawing)]
 ;[Save and close session]
 ;[Save contact picture]
 ;[Select container for %s]
@@ -3122,7 +4093,6 @@
 ;[Sound notifications]
 ;[Sounds are %s. Click to toggle status, hold SHIFT and click to set for all open containers]
 ;[Status message for %s (%s)]
 ;[Support BBCode formatting]
 ;[Support Math Module plugin]
 ;[Support for external plugins]
@@ -3150,14 +4120,12 @@
 ;[This feature requires Windows 2000 or later and may be unavailable when using a container skin.]
 ;[This name is already in use]
 ;[This will reset the template set to the default built-in templates. Are you sure you want to do this?]
 ;[Time zone service is missing]
 ;[Timeout actions (popups only)]
 ;[Timestamp settings (note: timstamps also depend on your templates)]
 ;[Tool bar]
 ;[Topic is: %s]
 ;[UID: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
 ;[UID: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nRight click for MetaContact control\nClick dropdown to add or remove user from your favorites.]
 ;[Underline timestamp/nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
@@ -3177,7 +4145,6 @@
 ;[Warning: Current Popup plugin version is not supported.]
 ;[Warning: Popup plugin not found.]
 ;[Warning: you have selected a subprotocol for sending the following messages which is currently offline]
 ;[Window layout]
 ;[Window layout tweaks]
 ;[Window size and theme]
@@ -3222,7 +4189,6 @@
 ;[AIM Instant Idler]
 ;[AIM Options]
 ;[AIM User Details]
-;[Advanced Options]
 ;[Allow all users]
 ;[Allow contacts to be notified of:]
 ;[Allow only users below]
@@ -3409,25 +4375,31 @@
 ;[Please, enter a password in the options dialog.]
 ;[Please, enter a username in the options dialog.]
-; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/core.c
-;[Connection cannot be established because of error:\n\t%s]
-;[External direct connections hostname %s is invalid. Disabling external host forwarding.]
-;[Incoming image]
-;[List remove successful.]
-;[Server hostname %s is invalid. Using default hostname provided by the network.]
 ; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/dialogs.c
 ;[<Last Status>]
-;[Message with [img] BBCode]
-;[Popup window]
-;[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
-;[You need to specify your registration e-mail first.]
-;[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now ?]
-;[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
-;[Your password will be sent to your registration e-mail.\nDo you want to continue ?]
+; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/docs/gg-translation-sample.txt
+;[Bad e-mail or password]
+;[Cannot establish secure connection.]
+;[Change status safely]
+;[Connecting to Gadu-Gadu hub failed.]
+;[Could not load image. Image might have unsupported file format.]
+;[Gadu-Gadu servers are now down. Try again later.]
+;[Image saved.]
+;[List cannot be exported to file "%s" because of error:\n\t%s]
+;[List cannot be imported from file "%s" because of error:\n\t%s]
+;[Miranda was unable to resolve the name of the Gadu-Gadu server to its numeric address.]
+;[Password too short.]
+;[Public Info]
+;[Received invalid server response.]
+;[Server disconnected asking you for changing your e-mail.]
+;[Too many login attempts with invalid password.]
+;[You have registered new account.\nPlease fill up your personal details in "M->View/Change My Details..."]
+;[Your Gadu-Gadu number and password combination was rejected by the Gadu-Gadu server. Please check login details at M->Options->Network->Gadu-Gadu and try again.]
 ; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/gg.c
 ;[HTTP failed connecting]
 ;[HTTP failed reading]
@@ -3436,193 +4408,73 @@
 ;[Unknown HTTP error]
 ; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/groupchat.c
-;[%s has initiated conference with %d participants (%d unknowns).\nDo you want do participate ?]
-;[%s initiated the conference.]
-;[&Clear ignored conferences]
-;[All ignored conferences are now unignored and the conference policy will act again.]
-;[Open &conference...]
-;[There are no ignored conferences.]
-;[This is my own conference.]
-;[You have to be connected to open new conference.]
-; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/icolib.c
-;[Account settings]
-;[Clear ignored conferences]
-;[Concurrent sessions]
-;[Delete image]
-;[Export list to server]
-;[Export list to text file]
-;[Import list from server]
-;[Import list from text file]
-;[Remove list from server]
-;[Save image]
-;[Send image]
-; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/image.c
-;[Delete image from the list]
-;[Image cannot be written to disk.]
-;[Image exceeds maximum allowed size of 255 KB.]
-;[Image files (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.png)]
-;[Image for %s]
-;[Image from %s]
-;[Save image to disk]
-;[Select picture to send]
 ; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/import.c
-;[&Remove List From Server]
-;[Export List To &Server]
-;[Export List To &Text File...]
-;[Import List From &Server]
-;[Import List From &Text File...]
-;[List cannot be exported because of error:\n\t%s]
 ;[List cannot be exported to file \"%s\" because of error:\n\t%s]
-;[List cannot be imported because of error:\n\t%s]
 ;[List cannot be imported from file \"%s\" because of error:\n\t%s]
 ;[List cannot be removeed because of error:\n\t%s]
-;[Text files]
-;[You have to be connected before you can import/export contacts from/to server.]
 ; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/links.c
 ;[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
-; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/ownerinfo.c
-;[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s]
-;[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
 ; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/resource.rc
-;[* new line is separator\n** hostname:port format]
 ;[Advanced Configuration]
-;[After disconnection leave away message of status:]
-;[Age from:]
-;[Automatically reconnect after unintentional disconnection]
-;[Birth year:]
-;[Change Gadu-Gadu e-mail]
-;[Change Gadu-Gadu e-mail\nChanges current Gadu-Gadu user e-mail]
-;[Change Gadu-Gadu password]
-;[Change Gadu-Gadu password\nChanges current Gadu-Gadu user password]
-;[Change e-mail]
-;[Concurrent %s Login Sessions\nView information on active concurrent sessions]
-;[Concurrent Sessions]
-;[Conference policy]
-;[Confirm password:]
-;[Create Gadu-Gadu account]
-;[Create Gadu-Gadu account\nThis will create new Gadu-Gadu account]
-;[Enter token to continue]
-;[Family name:]
-;[Friends only]
-;[Gadu-Gadu Number:]
-;[Gadu-Gadu User Details]
-;[Ignore incoming conference messages]
-;[Manually specify connection servers' hosts]
-;[New e-mail:]
-;[New password:]
-;[Open new conference\nSelect conference participants]
-;[Origin city:]
-;[Receive image and after image is received use:]
-;[Remove Gadu-Gadu account]
-;[Remove Gadu-Gadu account\nThis will remove your Gadu-Gadu account]
-;[Retrieve password]
-;[Show connection errors]
-;[Show links from unknown contacts]
-;[Show offline users with status message as invisible in contact list]
-;[Sign out all sessions]
 ;[Use SSL secure connection]
-;[Use direct connections]
-;[Use forwarding]
-;[Yes, I want to remove my account]
-;[if total participant count greater than:]
-;[if unknown participant count greater than:]
-;[in other case]
-; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/services.c
-;[Gadu-Gadu Number]
-;[To remove your Gadu-Gadu avatar, you must use the MojaGeneracja.pl website.]
-; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/sessions.c
-;[Client Name]
-;[Concurrent &sessions]
-;[Copy Text]
-;[IP Address]
-;[Login Time]
-;[There are no active concurrent sessions for this account.]
-;[You have to be logged in to view concurrent sessions.]
-;[sign out]
-; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/token.c
-;[Could not load token image.]
-;[Token retrieval failed because of error:\n\t%s]
 ; protocols/Gadu-Gadu/userutils.c
-;[Bad number or password]
-;[Bad old e-mail or password]
-;[Cannot register new account because of error:\n\t%s]
-;[Invalid data entered]
-;[Registration rejected]
 ;[You have registered new account.\nPlease fill up your personal details in \"M->View/Change My Details...\"]
-;[Your account cannot be removed because of error:\n\t%s]
-;[Your account has been removed.]
-;[Your e-mail cannot be changed because of error:\n\t%s]
-;[Your e-mail has been changed.]
-;[Your password cannot be changed because of error:\n\t%s]
-;[Your password has been changed.]
+; protocols/IRCG/Docs/IRC_Translate.txt
+;[%s Advanced]
+;[%s DCC 'n CTCP]
+;[&Add contact]
+;[&Join a channel]
+;[&Leave channel]
+;[&Show channel]
+;[&Show server]
+;[&Unignore user]
+;[Ban'&n Kick]
+;[Ban'n Kick (&Reason)]
+;[Channel Manager]
+;[Clear log]
+;[Connection can not be established! You have not completed all necessary fields (Nickname, User ID and Name).]
+;[Enable incoming requests]
+;[Full name]
+;[Ignore chat requests from...]
+;[Ignore user]
+;[Ki&ck (Reason)]
+;[Leave Channel]
+;[Leave channel]
+;[Miranda IRC]
+;[Quit message]
+;[Settings could not be saved!\n\nThe \"Nick\" field must contain at least four characters including wildcards,\n and it must also match the default nickname for this contact.]
+;[Show/Hide server]
+;[Thank You...]
+;[The IRC protocol could not be loaded as it is dependant on Miranda IM version %s or later.\n\nDo you want to download an update from the Miranda website now?]
+;[The \"Nick\" field must contain at least four characters, and also match the default nickname (incl. wildcards) for this contact.\n\nThe \"Nick\" field is not case-sensitive but \"User\" and \"Address\" are.\r\n\r\nThe default nickname for this contact is]
+;[This protocol is dependent on another plugin named \'Chat\'\nPlease download it from the Miranda IM website!]
+;[everyone not on the contact list]
+;[for choosing the IRC protocol for Miranda IM. Please enter your nickname and real name]
 ; protocols/IRCG/IRC.rc
-;[&Clear all]
 ;['Old style' mode changes]
 ;[(*) Queries from users on your contactlist are never ignored]
-;[(*) blank to set this mask for all networks]
-;[Add server]
 ;[Alternate nick]
-;[Alternative nick]
-;[Attempt reverse DCC (good if firewalled)]
-;[Auto-accept from:]
-;[Automatically join on invite]
-;[Away Info]
-;[CTCP Chat Request]
-;[CTCP information]
-;[Channel modes]
-;[Channels on server]
-;[Check every (s):]
-;[Client-to-Client Chats]
-;[Client-to-Client File Transfers]
-;[Client-to-Client Protocol]
-;[Disable tray balloon on error]
-;[Disconnect DCC chats when disconnecting from server]
-;[Don't check if more than (users):]
 ;[Enable (*)]
 ;[Enable UTF8 autodetection]
-;[Fear the monkeys!!!]
 ;[Filter by]
-;[Force visible (-i)]
-;[Full name (e-mail)]
-;[Get IP address from server]
 ;[Host address]
 ;[Ignore DCC Chat requests]
 ;[Ignore DCC Chat requests from unknown contacts]
 ;[Ignore channel messages by default]
@@ -3630,109 +4482,21 @@
 ;[Ignore filetransfer requests]
 ;[Ignore mask ( nick!user @ host )]
 ;[Ignore users]
-;[Internet address]
-;[Invite only]
-;[Manually set external IP:]
 ;[Network (*)]
-;[No external messages]
 ;[Online detection mode]
-;[Only Ops set topic]
-;[Packet size (b):]
-;[Perform on event:]
-;[Port range]
 ;[Quit message:]
-;[Rejoin channel if kicked]
-;[Rejoin channels on reconnect]
-;[Retry count]
-;[Scripting support]
-;[Send mode:]
 ;[Server code page:]
 ;[Server description]
-;[Server name]
-;[Show addresses]
-;[Show server window on startup]
 ;[Strip colors]
-;[The server returned the following information. Please note that this information might be misleading and/or falsified]
-;[Update online statuses for users]
-;[Update statuses in channel nicklist]
-;[Use server window]
-;[Use the options to set modes for this channel. You are usually required to be op. or higher to modify.]
-;[User ID (Ident)]
-;[User info - Required]
-;[User limit:]
-;[User modes]
-;[Wait (s)]
 ;[Wildcard enabled network search]
-;[everyone on the contact list]
-;[only while connecting]
-; protocols/IRCG/clist.cpp
-;[CTCP chat request from %s]
 ; protocols/IRCG/commandmonitor.cpp
-;[%s sets mode %s]
 ;[%s sets mode %s%s]
-;[(probably truncated by server)]
-;[Ban'n Kick]
-;[CTCP %s reply from %s: %s]
-;[CTCP %s requested by %s]
-;[CTCP ERROR: Malformed CTCP command received from %s!%s@%s. Possible attempt to take control of your irc client registered]
-;[CTCP FINGER requested by %s]
-;[CTCP PING reply from %s: %u sec(s)]
-;[CTCP PING requested by %s]
-;[CTCP SOURCE requested by %s]
-;[CTCP TIME requested by %s]
-;[CTCP USERINFO requested by %s]
-;[CTCP VERSION requested by %s]
-;[Change nickname]
-;[DCC ERROR: Malformed CTCP request from %s [%s]]
-;[DCC: Chat request from %s denied]
-;[DCC: File transfer request from %s denied]
-;[DCC: File transfer resume request from %s denied]
-;[DCC: Reverse file transfer request from %s denied [No local IP]]
-;[Done: %u channels]
-;[Downloading list (%u%%) - %u channels]
-;[Downloading list - %u channels]
 ;[Please enter the hostmask (nick!user @ host)\nNOTE! Contacts on your contact list are never ignored]
 ; protocols/IRCG/input.cpp
-;[%s is not ignored now]
-;[%s on %s is now ignored (+%s)]
-;[%s was not ignored]
-;[CTCP %s request sent to %s]
-;[DCC CHAT request sent to %s]
-;[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind port]
-;[Ignore system is disabled]
-;[Ignore system is enabled]
 ;[Incorrect parameters. Usage: /sleep [ms], ms should be greater than 0 and less than 4000.]
-;[Input command]
-;[Outgoing commands are not shown]
-;[Outgoing commands are shown]
-;[Please enter the reply]
-;[The buddy check function is disabled]
-;[The buddy check function is enabled]
-;[The time interval for the buddy check function is now %u seconds]
-;[The time interval for the buddy check function is now at default setting]
-;[This command is not recommended on a network of this size!\r\nIt will probably cause high CPU usage and/or high bandwidth\r\nusage for around %u to %u minute(s).\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue?]
 ; protocols/IRCG/irclib.cpp
 ;[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port for passive filetransfer]
@@ -3740,92 +4504,37 @@
 ; protocols/IRCG/ircproto.cpp
 ;[Connection can not be established! You have not completed all necessary fields (Nickname, User ID and m_name).]
-;[DCC ERROR: No valid files specified]
-;[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port]
-;[DCC file transfer request sent to %s [%s]]
-;[DCC reversed file transfer request sent to %s [%s]]
-;[Please choose an IRC-network to go online. This network will be the default.]
-;[The IRC protocol depends on another plugin called \'Chat\'\n\nDo you want to download it from the Miranda IM web site now?]
-;[The dcc chat connection is not active]
-;[The protocol is not online]
 ; protocols/IRCG/options.cpp
-;[<Local IP: ]
-;[<Resolved IP: ]
-;[Add a new network]
 ;[Add ignore]
 ;[Add new ignore]
-;[Channel list]
-;[Click to delete the commands for this event]
-;[Click to set commands that will be performed for this event]
 ;[Cyrillic (KOI8R)]
 ;[Cyrillic (Windows)]
 ;[DCC'n CTCP]
 ;[Default ANSI codepage]
-;[Delete server]
 ;[Delete this ignore]
-;[Delete this network]
-;[Do you want to delete\r\n%s]
 ;[Edit ignore]
-;[Edit server]
 ;[Edit this ignore]
-;[Edit this network]
 ;[Ignore mask]
-;[Incoming DCC Chat]
 ;[Logo (48x48)]
-;[Please complete all fields]
-;[Show channel]
-; protocols/IRCG/output.cpp
-;[%s invites you to %s]
-;[%s is away]
-;[CTCP %s reply sent to %s]
-;[CTCP %s reply sent to %s: %s]
-;[Notice to %s: ]
-;[These are online: ]
-;[WallOps from %s: ]
 ; protocols/IRCG/services.cpp
-;[%s (%s) is requesting a client-to-client chat connection.]
-;[&Add User]
-;[&Add to ignore list]
-;[&Change your nickname]
-;[&Direct Connection]
 ;[&Invite to channel]
 ;[&Join channel]
-;[&Leave the channel]
-;[&Quick connect]
-;[&Show the server window]
-;[&WhoIs info]
 ;[Add to &ignore list]
 ;[Are you sure you want to unregister your current nick?]
 ;[Auth nick]
 ;[Authentificate nick]
-;[Ban'&n kick]
-;[Ban'n kick (&reason)]
 ;[Change language of NickServ messages]
-;[Change nick name]
-;[Channel &settings]
-;[Connecting to]
 ;[Delete nick]
-;[Give &Halfop]
-;[Give &Op]
-;[Give &Voice]
 ;[Give Admin]
 ;[Give Owner]
 ;[Hide e-mail from info]
 ;[Hide nick from list]
 ;[Identify nick]
 ;[Invite to channel]
-;[Join channel]
-;[Ki&ck (reason)]
 ;[Kill unauthorized: off]
 ;[Kill unauthorized: on]
 ;[Kill unauthorized: quick]
@@ -3837,27 +4546,20 @@
 ;[Nickserv info]
 ;[Nickserv kill ghost]
 ;[Please enter URL that will be linked to your nick]
-;[Please enter a channel to join]
-;[Please enter a unique nickname]
 ;[Please enter desired languageID (numeric value, depends on server)]
 ;[Please enter nick you want to link to your current nick]
 ;[Please enter nick you want to set as your main nick]
 ;[Please enter nick you want to unlink from your current nick]
 ;[Please enter some information about your nick]
 ;[Please enter the channel name to invite to]
-;[Please enter the hostmask (nick!user @ host) \nNOTE! Contacts on your contact list are never ignored]
 ;[Please enter the notice text]
 ;[Please enter your authentification code]
 ;[Please enter your e-mail, that will be linked to your nick]
 ;[Please enter your new password]
 ;[Please enter your password]
-;[Please select IRC network and enter the password if needed]
-;[Reconnecting to]
 ;[Register nick]
 ;[Remind password ]
 ;[Remove security for nick]
-;[Request &Chat]
-;[Send &File]
 ;[Send &notice]
 ;[Set URL, linked to nick]
 ;[Set e-mail]
@@ -3871,67 +4573,21 @@
 ;[Set security for nick]
 ;[Show e-mail in info]
 ;[Show nick to list]
-;[Show the &list of available channels]
-;[Show the server &window]
 ;[Take Admin]
-;[Take H&alfop]
-;[Take O&p]
 ;[Take Owner]
-;[Take V&oice]
 ;[Unlink another nick from current nick]
 ;[Unlink nick from current]
 ; protocols/IRCG/windows.cpp
 ;[%s - Filtered - %d items]
 ;[---- Not listed server ----]
-;[Add ban]
-;[Add ban/invite/exception]
-;[Add exception]
-;[Add invite]
-;[Delete selected ban/invite/exception]
-;[Edit ban]
-;[Edit exception?]
-;[Edit invite?]
-;[Edit selected ban/invite/exception]
-;[Please enter the hostmask (nick!user @ host)]
-;[Remove ban?]
-;[Remove exception?]
-;[Remove invite?]
-;[Set these modes for the channel]
-;[Set this topic for the channel]
 ;[Type new server address here]
-;[You have not applied all changes!\n\nApply before exiting?]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/UI/askauthentication.cpp
-;[Please authorize me to add you to my contact list.]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/UI/loginpassword.cpp
-;[Enter a password for UIN %u:]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/UI/userinfotab.cpp
-;[ (DC Established)]
 ;[%s Details]
-;[Member since:]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/chan_04close.cpp
-;[Connection failed.\nSecure (MD5) login is not supported on this account.]
-;[Connection failed.\nServer has too many connections from your IP (%d).]
-;[Connection failed.\nThe server did not accept this client version.]
 ;[Connection failed.\nThe server is temporarily unavailable (%d).]
-;[Connection failed.\nUnknown error during sign on: 0x%02x]
-;[Connection failed.\nYou have connected too quickly,\nplease wait and retry 10 to 20 minutes later (%d).]
-;[Connection failed.\nYou were rejected by the server for an unknown reason.\nThis can happen if the UIN is already connected.]
-;[Connection failed.\nYour ICQ number or password was rejected (%d).]
-;[The server sent warning, this version is getting old.\nTry to look for a new one.]
-;[Unable to connect to ICQ communication server]
-;[Unable to connect to migrated ICQ communication server]
-;[Unknown runtime error: 0x%02x]
-;[You could not sign on because the server returned invalid data. Try again.]
-;[You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because the current server shut down.]
-;[You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because you logged on from another location using the same ICQ number.]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/changeinfo/constants.cpp
@@ -4034,7 +4690,6 @@
 ;[Past Background 1]
 ;[Past Background 2]
 ;[Past Background 3]
 ;[Personal Detail]
 ;[Personal Interests]
 ;[Phone number]
@@ -4068,9 +4723,33 @@
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/changeinfo/upload.cpp
 ;[You are not currently connected to the ICQ network. You must be online in order to update your information on the server.]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/fam_01service.cpp
-;[A server migration has failed because the server returned invalid data. You must reconnect manually.]
-;[Failed to request offline messages. They may be received next time you log in.]
+; protocols/IcqOscarJ/docs/IcqOscarJ-translation.txt
+;[%s Avatar]
+;[%s has closed the message window.]
+;[%s/Custom Status]
+;[Allow bigger owner avatars (up to 128x128) [experimental]]
+;[Are you sure you want to revoke user's autorisation (this will remove you from his/her list on some clients) ?]
+;[Avatars Cache]
+;[Bad data (internal error #1)]
+;[Bad data (internal error #2)]
+;[Connection failed.\nThe server is temporally unavailable (%d).]
+;[Custom Status ]
+;[Enable AIM support]
+;[Enable Custom status support]
+;[ICQ Account Setup]
+;[Messages to offline contacts must be shorter than 4096 characters.]
+;[Note: Only JPGs and GIFs\nImage size max 64x64\nFile size max 6kB]
+;[Note: The support is VERY limited, only messaging and status supported.]
+;[Please enter your ICQ account details to continue:]
+;[The message could not be delivered, it is too long.]
+;[The message could not be delivered. You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.]
+;[The receiver has an invalid user ID.]
+;[The reciever does not support receiving of contacts.]
+;[Use HTTP Gateway mode for HTTP proxy]
+;[Use only server's acknowledgement (faster)]
+;[You cannot send messages when you are offline.]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/fam_03buddy.cpp
 ;[Contact deleted & further events blocked.]
@@ -4078,34 +4757,7 @@
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/fam_04message.cpp
 ;[Contact \"%s\" has closed the message window.]
-;[Incoming URL:]
-;[SNAC(4.1) SENDMSG Error (x%02x)]
-;[The SNAC format was rejected by the server.\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0E]
-;[The contact does not support receiving offline messages.]
-;[The messaging service is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x05]
-;[The receiving client does not support this type of message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x09]
-;[The user has logged off. Select 'Retry' to send an offline message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x04]
-;[The user is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x13]
-;[You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x02]
-;[You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x03]
-;[You sent too long message. The receiving client does not support it.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0A]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/fam_13servclist.cpp
-;[Adding of contact to server list failed.]
-;[Adding of group to server list failed.]
-;[Adding of privacy item to server list failed.]
-;[Contact \"%s\" lost its authorization in the server list.]
-;[Contact \"%s\" was authorized in the server list.]
-;[Moving of user to another group on server list failed.]
-;[Removing of contact from server list failed.]
-;[Removing of group from server list failed.]
-;[Removing of privacy item from server list failed.]
-;[Renaming of server group failed.]
-;[Server contact list is unavailable, Miranda will use local contact list.]
-;[Updating of group on server list failed.]
-;[Updating of server contact failed.]
-;[User \"%s\" was removed from server list.]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/fam_17signon.cpp
 ;[Secure login failed.\nInvalid key length.]
 ;[Secure login failed.\nInvalid server response.]
@@ -4561,19 +5213,6 @@
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_menu.cpp
-;[Show custom status details]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_opts.cpp
-;[Display all problems]
-;[Display explanations for disconnection]
-;[Display problems causing possible loss of data]
-;[Display problems requiring user intervention]
-;[Do not display any problems (not recommended)]
-;[System default codepage]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_popups.cpp
 ;[Sample Error]
 ;[Sample Fatal]
@@ -4581,12 +5220,7 @@
 ;[Sample Spambot]
 ;[Sample Warning]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_proto.cpp
-;[User ID]
-;[You have not entered a ICQ number.\nConfigure this in Options->Network->ICQ and try again.]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_server.cpp
-;[Connection failed.\nLogin sequence failed for unknown reason.\nTry again later.]
 ;[Miranda was unable to allocate a port to listen for direct peer-to-peer connections between clients. You will be able to use most of the ICQ network without problems but you may be unable to send or receive files.\n\nIf you have a firewall this may be blocking Miranda, in which case you should configure your firewall to leave some ports open and tell Miranda which ports to use in M->Options->ICQ->Network.]
 ;[Unable to connect to ICQ login server]
 ;[Unable to connect to ICQ login server, SSL could not be negotiated]
@@ -4594,34 +5228,8 @@
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_servlist.cpp
 ;[Failed to create the correct sub-group, the using closest parent group.]
-;[The contact's information was too big and was truncated.]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_uploadui.cpp
-;[Adding %s to invisible list...]
-;[Adding %s to visible list...]
-;[Adding group \"%s\"...]
-;[All operations complete]
-;[Cleaning groups]
-;[Deleting %s from invisible list...]
-;[Deleting %s from visible list...]
-;[Deleting %s...]
-;[Deleting group \"%s\"...]
-;[Moving %s to group \"%s\"...]
-;[No upload group available]
-;[Select contacts you want to store on server.]
-;[Server rate warning -> slowing down the process.]
-;[Updating group \"%s\"...]
-;[Uploading %s...]
-;[You have to be online to sychronize the server-list !]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_xstatus.cpp
-;[%s Custom Status]
@@ -4635,8 +5243,6 @@
 ;[Crazy Professor]
 ;[Cupid shot me]
@@ -4644,33 +5250,22 @@
 ;[Double Rainbow]
-;[Drinking beer]
 ;[Feeling Good]
-;[Feeling sick]
 ;[Free for Chat]
-;[Having fun]
 ;[Hot Dog]
-;[I'm high]
-;[Listening to music]
 ;[Oink Oink]
-;[On WC]
 ;[On my mobile]
 ;[Pink Lady]
@@ -4680,38 +5275,21 @@
 ;[Rock On]
 ;[St. Patrick]
-;[Taking a bath]
-;[To be or not to be]
 ;[Up yours]
-;[Watching TV]
-;[Watching pro7 on TV]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icq_xtraz.cpp
 ;[Greeting card:]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/icqosc_svcs.cpp
-;[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was invalid.]
-;[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was too long.]
-;[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The sender has flooded the server.]
-;[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** You are too evil.]
 ;[** Unknown missed message event.]
 ;[Are you sure you want to revoke user's authorization (this will remove you from his/her list on some clients) ?]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/init.cpp
 ;[ICQ Plugin]
@@ -4719,127 +5297,71 @@
 ;[You cannot use Unicode version of ICQ Protocol plug-in with Ansi version of Miranda IM.]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/log.cpp
-;[ICQ Error]
-;[ICQ Fatal]
-;[ICQ Warning]
-;[Miranda was unable to make a connection with a server. It is likely that the server is down, in which case you should wait for a while and try again later.]
-;[Miranda was unable to resolve the name of a server to its numeric address. This is most likely caused by a catastrophic loss of your network connection (for example, your modem has disconnected), but if you are behind a proxy, you may need to use the 'Resolve hostnames through proxy' option in M->Options->Network.]
-;[The connection with the server was abortively closed during the connection attempt. You may have lost your local network connection.]
-;[The server did not respond to the connection attempt within a reasonable time, it may be temporarily down. Try again later.]
-;[The server to which you are trying to connect does not exist. Check your spelling in M->Options->Network->ICQ.]
-;[Your proxy rejected the user name and password that you provided. Please check them in M->Options->Network.]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/oscar_filetransfer.cpp
-;[Connection lost during file transfer.]
-;[Failed to Initialize File Transfer. No valid files were specified.]
-;[Failed to Initialize File Transfer. Unable to bind local port and File proxy unavailable.]
-;[File transfer negotiation failed for unknown reason.]
-;[The checksum of file \"%s\" does not match, the file is probably damaged.]
-;[The file transfer failed: Invalid request]
-;[The file transfer failed: Proxy error]
-;[The file transfer failed: Proxy unavailable]
-;[The file transfer was aborted by the other user.]
-;[The files are too big to be sent at once. Files bigger than 4GB can be sent only separately.]
 ; protocols/IcqOscarJ/resources.rc
-;[&Use Windows colors]
-;[(*) Timeouts require Popup v. or later]
-;[Add contacts to the server's list when I add them to mine]
-;[All users may add me to their Contact List]
-;[Allow direct connections only when I authorize or initiate them]
-;[Allow direct connections with any user]
-;[Allow direct connections with users on my contact list]
-;[Allow others to view my Online / Offline status from the web (Web Aware)]
-;[Allow others to view my primary e-mail address]
-;[Allowing direct connections will expose your IP address but may be necessary for some ICQ features to work properly.]
-;[Auto-retrieve Custom status details]
-;[Back Color]
-;[Block known Spam Bots]
 ;[Check avatar validity before saving *]
-;[Confirm Password Change]
-;[Contact List Authorization]
 ;[Create a new ICQ account]
-;[Create a new ICQ account using the ICQ website]
 ;[Custom Status \"%s\" Details]
-;[Direct connections]
-;[Display popup when spambot is detected]
 ;[Enable AIM contacts support]
 ;[Enable Custom status support for moods]
 ;[Enable Custom status support for xtraz]
-;[Enable avatar support]
-;[Enable peer-to-peer message connections]
-;[Enable popup support]
-;[Enable server-side contact lists *]
-;[Enable unicode messaging support]
-;[Enter ICQ Password]
-;[Enter a password for UIN %d:]
-;[Enter an authorization request]
-;[Enter your current password:]
-;[External IP:]
-;[Extra Features]
-;[Hint: If you don't enter your password here, Miranda will ask for the password everytime you try to go online.]
-;[Hint: Use port 0 to connect on a random port. Try port 80 or port 443 if you are having problems connecting through a http proxy server.]
-;[I want to be asked when someone wants to add me to their Contact List]
 ;[ICQ Number:]
-;[ICQ avatars]
-;[ICQ contacts stored on server]
-;[ICQ number:]
-;[Idle since:]
-;[Ignore concurrent error messages]
-;[Load avatars automatically (like ICQ Lite)]
-;[Look && Feel]
-;[Make me temporarily visible to contacts I send message to]
-;[Manage ICQ Server Contacts]
-;[Manage server's list...]
-;[Misc Settings]
 ;[Never use legacy messaging (server acknowledgements)]
 ;[Note: The options marked with an asterisk have important side-effects or caveats that may not be initially apparent documented in the help.]
-;[Notify me when a message delivery has failed (recommended)]
-;[Online since:]
-;[Only reply to status message request from visible contacts]
-;[Only reply to status message requests from users on my contact list]
-;[Passive mode, i.e. do not initiate new connections]
-;[Peer-to-peer Messaging]
-;[Please re-type your new password:]
-;[Protocol Version:]
-;[Remember this session password]
-;[Reset Custom status on status change]
-;[Retrieve a lost password or ICQ number]
 ;[Retrieving custom status details...]
-;[Secure (MD5) login]
 ;[Secure Connection (SSL)]
-;[Select contacts to store:]
-;[Send 'Keep-alives' (enable this if you use a proxy server and frequently get disconnected)]
-;[Send all messages in unicode if possible]
-;[Show connection error messages:]
 ;[Some options are greyed out because they can only be changed when you are online.]
-;[Spam detected]
-;[System up since:]
-;[Timeout (*)]
-;[Update contacts' details on the server's list when I change them in mine]
-;[Update my contacts' details from the server *]
-;[Use system &icons]
-;[Use this codepage for Ansi <-> Unicode translation :]
-;[User Client:]
-;[You cannot enable/disable the server-side contact list while you are connected to the ICQ network.]
-;[You will need to reconnect to the ICQ network for the changes you have made on this page to take effect.]
-; protocols/IcqOscarJ/utilities.cpp
+; protocols/JabberG/docs/translation_jabber.txt
+;[Bad request]
+;[Change Password...]
+;[Error: Cannot resolve server address]
+;[External address:]
+;[Internal server error]
+;[Jabber Connection Error]
+;[Jabber Error Message]
+;[Join Jabber Multi-User Conference Room]
+;[Messaging language:]
+;[Multi-User Conference...]
+;[Not acceptable]
+;[Not allowed]
+;[Not found]
+;[Not implemented]
+;[PASS server:]
+;[Payment required]
+;[Personal vCard...]
+;[Registration required]
+;[Remote server error]
+;[Remote server timeout]
+;[Request timeout]
+;[Save changes]
+;[Service unavailable]
+;[Show invisible users]
+;[Specify local address for file sending]
+;[Subscription type:]
+;[System default]
+;[Unknown error]
+;[Unknwon error message]
+;[Use PASS server]
+;[Windows 95]
+;[Windows 98]
+;[Windows ME]
+;[Windows NT]
+;[Windows Server 2003]
+;[Windows XP]
+;[none (not on roster)]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber.cpp
 ;[Jabber Link Protocol]
@@ -4856,8 +5378,6 @@
 ;[Activate (Space)]
 ;[Add list... (Ins)]
 ;[Add rule (Ins)]
 ;[Advanced Mode]
 ;[Allow file sending through bytestream proxy server:]
@@ -4872,14 +5392,10 @@
 ;[Bookmark Name:]
 ;[Bookmark Type]
 ;[Bots Challenge Test]
-;[Browse/Join chat room...]
 ;[Chat options]
-;[Conference server:]
-;[Confirm New Password:]
 ;[Create or Join Groupchat]
-;[Current Password:]
 ;[Custom messages]
 ;[Data form test]
@@ -4890,7 +5406,6 @@
 ;[Enter the name of the new list:]
 ;[Export to file]
-;[Full name:]
 ;[Groupchat Invitation]
 ;[HTTP Authorization\nAccept or reject incoming request]
@@ -4900,41 +5415,28 @@
 ;[Import from file]
 ;[Incoming presence]
 ;[Invitation reason:]
 ;[Invite Users]
 ;[Jabber Account Information:]
-;[Jabber Account Registration]
-;[Jabber Agents]
 ;[Jabber Bookmarks]
 ;[Jabber Form]
-;[Jabber Multi-User Conference]
 ;[Jabber Multi-User Conference\nCreate or join existing conference room.]
 ;[Jabber Notebook]
 ;[Jabber Password]
 ;[Jabber notebook\nStore notes on server and access them from anywhere.]
-;[Jabber server:]
 ;[Jabber vCard: Add Email Address]
 ;[Jabber vCard: Add Phone Number]
 ;[Language for human-readable resources:]
-;[List of public servers]
-;[Log off]
-;[Log on]
-;[Manually specify connection host]
 ;[Member Information\n<user id>]
 ;[Move rule down (Alt+Down)]
 ;[Move rule up (Alt+Up)]
-;[New Password:]
 ;[New privacy list name:]
-;[Nick name:]
 ;[Other JID:]
 ;[Outgoing presence]
@@ -4947,24 +5449,17 @@
 ;[Recently visited chatrooms:]
 ;[Register account now]
-;[Register new user]
 ;[Register with a new service...]
-;[Register/Search Jabber Agents]
-;[Registered Jabber Transports]
 ;[Remove list (Del)]
 ;[Remove rule (Del)]
 ;[Request method is:]
 ;[Request was sent from JID:]
 ;[Reset Filter]
 ;[Room JID/ URL:]
 ;[Roster Editor]
 ;[Roster editor\nView and modify your server-side contact list.]
-;[Save password]
 ;[Save password for this session]
 ;[Search service]
@@ -4984,20 +5479,16 @@
 ;[Try to uncheck all checkmarks above if you're experiencing troubles with sending files. But it can cause problems with transfer of large files.]
 ;[Use Domain Login]
 ;[Use SSL]
 ;[Use TLS]
 ;[Use custom connection host and port:]
 ;[Use hostname as resource]
-;[User directory:]
 ;[You are invited to conference room by]
 ;[following stanza types:]
 ;[with following reason:]
@@ -5044,7 +5535,6 @@
 ;[&Room options]
 ;[&Send presence]
-;[&User details]
 ;[Add to &bookmarks]
 ;[Affiliation of %s was changed to '%s'.]
@@ -5143,7 +5633,6 @@
 ;[Multi-User Conference]
 ;[Navigate home]
 ;[OpenID Request]
-;[Personal vCard]
 ;[RSS service]
 ;[Refresh node]
 ;[Reset filter]
@@ -5156,8 +5645,6 @@
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_iqid.cpp
 ;[Jabber Bookmarks Error]
-;[Password cannot be changed.]
-;[Password is successfully changed. Don't forget to update your password in the Jabber protocol option.]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_iqid_muc.cpp
 ;[%s, %d items (%s)]
@@ -5193,7 +5680,6 @@
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_misc.cpp
-;[CHAT plugin is required for conferences. Install it before chatting]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_notes.cpp
@@ -5212,7 +5698,6 @@
 ;[Allow servers to request version (XEP-0092)]
 ;[Autoaccept multiuser chat invitations]
 ;[Automatically accept authorization requests]
-;[Automatically add contact when accept authorization]
 ;[Automatically join bookmarks on login]
 ;[Automatically join conferences on login]
 ;[Automatically save received notes]
@@ -5232,7 +5717,6 @@
 ;[Fix incorrect timestamps in incoming messages]
 ;[Google Talk!]
 ;[Hide conference windows at startup]
-;[Jabber Protocol Option]
 ;[Keep contacts assigned to local groups (ignore roster group)]
 ;[LiveJournal Talk]
 ;[Log chat state changes]
@@ -5251,20 +5735,13 @@
 ;[Server options]
 ;[Show information about operating system in version replies]
-;[Show transport agents on contact list]
 ;[Some changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Jabber network.]
-;[These changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Jabber network.]
 ;[This operation will kill your account, roster and all another information stored at the server. Are you ready to do that?]
 ;[XML for MS Excel (UTF-8 encoded)]
 ;[You can change your password only when you are online]
 ;[You must be online]
-; protocols/JabberG/jabber_password.cpp
-;[Current password is incorrect.]
-;[New password does not match.]
-;[Set New Password for]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_privacy.cpp
 ;[ (act., def.)]
 ;[ (active)]
@@ -5379,17 +5856,9 @@
 ;[sent unknown presence type]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_thread.cpp
-;[Enter password for]
-;[Error: Cannot connect to the server]
-;[Error: Connection lost]
-;[Error: Not enough memory]
 ;[Message redirected from: %s\r\n%s]
-;[Requesting registration instruction...]
-;[Sending registration information...]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_userinfo.cpp
-;[<No photo>]
-;[<Photo not available while offline>]
 ;[<no information available>]
 ;[Alpha build]
@@ -5413,9 +5882,7 @@
 ;[Unicode build]
 ;[Unknown format]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_util.cpp
@@ -5423,10 +5890,8 @@
 ;[Unknown error message]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_vcard.cpp
-;[Jabber vCard]
 ;[Jabber vCard: Edit Email Address]
 ;[Jabber vCard: Edit Phone Number]
-;[Only JPG, GIF, and BMP image files smaller than 40 KB are supported.]
 ; protocols/JabberG/jabber_xstatus.cpp
 ;[Activity: %s]
@@ -5439,7 +5904,6 @@
@@ -5523,20 +5987,81 @@
 ;[Reset log]
+; protocols/MSN/Docs/translate-msn.txt
+;[%s (%s) has joined the chat with %s]
+;[&Invite to chat]
+;[&View Profile]
+;[A New Hotmail has come!]
+;[A new mail has come from %s (%s) (title: %s).]
+;[A new mail has come from %s (title: %s).]
+;[Attempt to make the SSL connection resulted to error %d: %s.]
+;[Automatically obtain host/port for incoming file transfers]
+;[Cannot start the file transfer due to the lack of free sockets.]
+;[Cannot start the file transfer: cannot listen on a socket. Error %d: %s.]
+;[Cannot start the file transfer: no free sockets. Error %d: %s.]
+;[Create a new MSN messenger account using the MSN website]
+;[Disable main menu]
+;[Disable receiving Hotmail notifications]
+;[Display Hotmail &Inbox]
+;[Display popups when user is typing]
+;[Edit MSN &Profile]
+;[Enable 'First message delivered' popup]
+;[Enable avatars support]
+;[First message delivered]
+;[Full e-mail:]
+;[Hotmail Notify]
+;[Hotmail from %s (%s)]
+;[Ignore new messages in 'Junk Mail' folder only (at startup)]
+;[Internet Explorer is in the 'Offline' mode. Switch IE to the 'Online' mode and then try to relogin]
+;[Keep connection alive (send a ping packet every minute)]
+;[MSN Chat #]
+;[MSN Services are temporarily unavailable, please try to connect later]
+;[MSN plugin cannot add a new contact because the contact list is full]
+;[MSN protocol allows only one file to be sent at a time]
+;[MSN protocol does not allow you to communicate with others when you are invisible]
+;[MSN protocol does not support offline messages]
+;[Never update your nickname from server]
+;[No active chat session is found.]
+;[Running on a MSN mobile device]
+;[Running on a mobile device]
+;[Server Lists]
+;[Server has requested an unknown protocol set (%s)]
+;[Set &Avatar]
+;[Test: Arrival Hotmail]
+;[Treat Away status as 'Be Right Back']
+;[Unknown or invalid host name was specified (%s). Error %d: %s]
+;[Unprocessed error: %s]
+;[Unread mail is available: %d messages (%d junk e-mails).]
+;[Unrecognised error %d. The server has closed our connection]
+;[Use HTTP gateway mode (incompatible with MSN Gateway plugin)]
+;[Use IE proxy settings]
+;[Use MSN Messenger 7 protocol]
+;[Use MSN protocol v.8]
+;[Use OpenSSL encryption (requires LIBSSL32.DLL)]
+;[User is already in the chat session.]
+;[User is already in your contact list]
+;[Using MSN Webmessenger]
+;[View MSN Services &Status]
+;[You must specify your e-mail in Options/Network/MSN]
+;[Your MSN account e-mail is unverified. Goto http://www.passport.com and verify the primary e-mail first]
+;[Your username or password is incorrect]
+;[[Cancel] - disable the avatar support]
+;[[Install] - install a png2lib plugin using Miranda Installer]
+;[file transfer is canceled by remote host]
+;[file transfer: time out occurred]
+;[png2lib download]
 ; protocols/MSN/msn.rc
 ;[Allow people on my contact list send messages to mobile device]
-;[Allowed (active) contact]
 ;[Block Contact]
-;[Blocked contact]
-;[Contact is included into your server list]
 ;[Contact is on your local list]
 ;[Create a new Windows Live account]
 ;[Disable Contact List notifications]
 ;[Disable Popup notifications]
 ;[Disable Tray notifications]
-;[Disable all contacts not included into my contact list]
 ;[Enable 'Chat Session Established' popup]
 ;[Enable 'Contact left channel' popup]
 ;[First Name]
@@ -5546,19 +6071,12 @@
 ;[Last Name]
 ;[Live ID:]
 ;[MSN Delete Contact]
-;[Manage server groups]
 ;[Middle Name]
 ;[Mobile Device (used for SMS)]
-;[Notify me when a message delivery has failed]
 ;[Remove from Hotmail Address book]
-;[Run the following application when new Hotmail arrives]
-;[Send message font color/size info inside messages]
-;[Server List Manager]
 ;[Set Nickname]
-;[Somebody included you in his/her server list]
-;[Your host (or router):]
 ; protocols/MSN/msn_chat.cpp
 ;[Chat #]
@@ -5567,13 +6085,8 @@
 ;[Accept NetMeeting request from %s?]
 ;[Chat session established by contact request]
 ;[Chat session established by my request]
-;[Contact left channel]
-;[Contact tried to open an audio conference (currently not supported)]
 ;[MSN Alert]
 ;[MSN Chat]
-;[There is only 1 person left in the chat, do you want to switch back to standard message window?]
-;[This conversation has been inactive, participants will be removed.]
-;[To resume the conversation, please quit this session and start a new chat session.]
 ; protocols/MSN/msn_errors.cpp
 ;[User not online]
@@ -5587,22 +6100,17 @@
 ; protocols/MSN/msn_mail.cpp
 ;[Hotmail from %S]
 ;[Hotmail from %S (%s)]
-;[Hotmail from %s]
 ;[Hotmail from %s (%S)]
 ;[Subject: %S]
-;[Subject: %s]
 ;[Unread mail is available: %d in Inbox and %d in other folders).]
 ; protocols/MSN/msn_menu.cpp
-;[&Start Netmeeting]
 ;[Create &Chat]
 ;[Display &Hotmail Inbox]
 ;[Open &Hotmail Inbox]
 ;[Send &Hotmail E-mail]
-;[Set &Nickname]
 ;[Setup Live &Alerts]
 ;[View &Profile]
-;[You must be talking to start Netmeeting]
 ; protocols/MSN/msn_misc.cpp
@@ -5620,21 +6128,16 @@
 ;[MSN Services]
 ;[Manually specify host/port]
 ;[Relative list]
-;[Server groups import may change your contact list layout after next login. Do you want to upload your groups to the server?]
 ;[Server list]
 ;[Start Netmeeting]
-;[The changes you have made require you to reconnect to the MSN Messenger network before they take effect]
 ; protocols/MSN/msn_p2p.cpp
-;[Contact tried to send its webcam data (currently not supported)]
 ;[Contact tried to share media with us (currently not supported)]
-;[Contact tried to view our webcam data (currently not supported)]
 ; protocols/MSN/msn_proto.cpp
 ;[%s plugin HTTPS connections]
 ;[Live Alert]
 ;[Live Mail]
-;[Message is too long: MSN messages are limited by 1202 UTF8 chars]
 ;[Message is too long: SMS page limited to 133 UTF8 chars]
 ;[Offline messaging is not allowed for LCS contacts]
 ;[Protocol is offline]
@@ -5647,33 +6150,31 @@
 ; protocols/MSN/msn_ws.cpp
 ;[Chat session dropped due to inactivity]
+; protocols/Yahoo/Docs/translation.txt
+;[AutoLogin to Yahoo ]
+;[Disable main menu (needs restart)]
+;[Please enter Yahoo server to Connect to in Options.]
+;[Share Avatar]
+;[Your png2dib.dll is either obsolete or damaged. ]
+;[custom error %s]
+;[server connection error %s]
+;[system error %s]
+;[unknown error %s]
 ; protocols/Yahoo/Yahoo.rc
 ;[AutoLogin to Yahoo Website(s)]
 ;[Connection Settings]
 ;[Create a new Yahoo account]
-;[Create a new Yahoo account using the Yahoo website]
-;[Disable UTF8 encoding]
-;[Display Yahoo notifications]
 ;[Ignore anyone who is not on my Yahoo buddy list ]
 ;[Ignore only the people below: ]
-;[Set Custom Status]
-;[Show Errors]
-;[Show as busy]
-;[Use Yahoo Address Book (YAB)]
-;[Yahoo Ignore List]
-;[Yahoo Japan]
 ; protocols/Yahoo/avatar.cpp
 ;[Avatar upload failed!?!]
-; protocols/Yahoo/chat.cpp
-;[I am sorry, but i can't join your conference since this feature is not currently implemented in my client.]
-;[[miranda] Got conference invite to room: %s with msg: %s]
 ; protocols/Yahoo/icolib.cpp
 ;[Address Book]
@@ -5681,9 +6182,6 @@
 ;[Set Status]
-; protocols/Yahoo/im.cpp
-;[Message is too long: Yahoo messages are limited by 800 UTF8 chars]
 ; protocols/Yahoo/links.cpp
 ;[YAHOO Link Protocol]
@@ -5692,55 +6190,19 @@
 ; protocols/Yahoo/options.cpp
 ;[Ignore List]
-;[Please enter a valid buddy name to ignore.]
-;[Please select a buddy on the ignore list to remove.]
-;[The buddy is already on your ignore list. ]
-;[The changes you have made require you to restart Miranda IM before they take effect]
-;[Yahoo Ignore]
-;[You need to be connected to Yahoo to add to Ignore List.]
-;[You need to be connected to Yahoo to remove from the Ignore List.]
 ; protocols/Yahoo/proto.cpp
 ;[New E-mail available in Inbox]
-;[Please enter your yahoo password in Options/Network/Yahoo]
 ; protocols/Yahoo/services.cpp
-;[&Address Book]
 ;[&Edit My Profile]
-;[&My Profile]
-;[&Show Profile]
-;[&Yahoo Mail]
-;[Set &Custom Status]
-;[You need to be connected to refresh your buddy list]
-;[You need to be connected to set the custom message]
-; protocols/Yahoo/webcam.cpp
-;[[miranda] Got webcam invite. (not currently supported)]
 ; protocols/Yahoo/yahoo.cpp
-;[%s has rejected your request and sent the following message:]
-;[%s is already ignored]
-;[%s is in buddy list - cannot ignore ]
-;[%s is not available for the conference]
-;[%s is not in the ignore list]
-;[Calendar Reminder]
 ;[Could not connect to Yahoo server.  Please verify that you are connected to the net and the pager host and port are correctly entered.]
-;[Could not connect to the Yahoo service. Check your server/port and proxy settings.]
-;[Could not log in, unknown reason: %d.]
-;[Could not log into Yahoo service - password incorrect.  Please verify that your username and password are correctly typed.]
-;[Could not log into Yahoo service - username not recognised.  Please verify that your username is correctly typed.]
-;[Could not log into Yahoo service.  Your account has been locked.\nVisit %s to reactivate it.]
 ;[Custom error %s]
-;[From: %s\nSubject: %s]
-;[New Mail]
-;[New Mail (%i msgs)]
 ;[Server Connection Error: %s]
 ;[System Error: %s]
 ;[Unknown error %s]
-;[Yahoo Ping Error]
-;[You Have %i unread msgs]
-;[You have been logged out of the yahoo service, possibly due to a duplicate login.]
 ;[You have been logged out of the yahoo service.]
 ; src/modules/addcontact/addcontact.cpp
@@ -5754,12 +6216,6 @@
 ; src/modules/clist/clistmod.cpp
 ;[This plugin requires db3x plugin version or later]
-; src/modules/clist/clui.cpp
-;[&Add permanently to list]
-;[This contact is on an instant messaging system which stores its contact list on a central server. The contact will be removed from the server and from your contact list when you next connect to that network.]
 ; src/modules/clist/genmenuopt.cpp
@@ -5847,7 +6303,6 @@
 ;[Invalid Message]
 ;[Outgoing File]
 ;[Outgoing Message]
-;[View &History]
 ; src/modules/icolib/skin2icons.cpp
 ;[Icon Sets]
@@ -5913,7 +6368,6 @@
 ; src/modules/skin/skinicons.cpp
 ;[%s Icons]
 ;[ANSI plugin]
 ;[Down Arrow]
 ;[Empty Blob]
@@ -6057,9 +6511,6 @@
 ; src/modules/useronline/useronline.cpp
 ;[%s is Online]
-; src/modules/utils/bmpfilter.cpp
-;[All Bitmaps]
 ; src/modules/utils/timezones.cpp
@@ -6160,7 +6611,6 @@
 ;[Download more plugins]
 ;[Download more sounds]
 ;[Drag icons to main list to assign them:]
-;[E-mail address]
 ;[Enable UPnP port mapping]
@@ -6305,12 +6755,9 @@
 ;[Total size:]
 ;[Transfer completed, open file(s).]
 ;[URL Received]
 ;[Undo Changes]
 ;[Unique ID:]
 ;[Update Notification Options]
-;[Update Now]
 ;[Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
 ;[Use Custom Login (Domain login picked up automatically)]
 ;[Use proxy server]
@@ -6323,7 +6770,6 @@
 ;[Welcome to Miranda IM's account manager!\nHere you can set up your IM accounts.\n\nSelect an account from the list on the left to see the available options.  Alternatively, just click on the Plus sign underneath the list to set up a new IM account.]
 ;[Welcome to Miranda IM's account manager!\nHere you can set up your IM accounts.\n\nSelect an account from the list on the left to see the available options.  Alternatively, just click on the \"New\" button underneath the list to set up a new IM account.]
 ;[When all files have been downloaded]
 ;[You Were Added]
 ;[You are about to receive the file]
 ;[You are never visible to this person]

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