HPC/並列プログラミングポータルでは、HPC(High Performance Computing)プログラミングや並列プログラミングに関する情報を集積・発信しています。


リスト4 『マルチメディア処理から信号処理まで幅広く活用できる高速ライブラリ「IPP」』記事内で使用したIPPのサンプルデコードツール用設定ファイル
/* CommentLine: H.264 Sequence.*/
test1.yuv          /* name of source files */
1500               /* number of frames to encode */
1 250 1            /* 1(reserved) , N (# of frames in between I frames), IDR interval. */
0 1                /* Number of B frames between I (or P) and next P, treat B as a reference (only 0 is supported!) */
1 1 0              /* num_ref_frames (2-16), minimum length of list1 for backward prediction (only 1 is supported!), number of slices. */
77 0               /* profile_idc (77-main, 100-high); level_idc (set 0 for automatic selection) (check that num_ref_frames and frame size are in accordance with the level)  */
1280               /* horizontal_size */
720                /* vertical_size */
4                  /* frame_rate_code [0,8] (0-30 fps,1-15 fps,2-24 fps,3-25 fps,4-30 fps,5-30 fps,6-50 fps,7-60 fps,8-60 fps)*/
1 8 8              /* High profile: chroma_format_idc (0 - monochrom, 1 - 420, 2 - 422), bit_depth_luma [8,12], bit_depth_chroma [8,12] */
0 8 0 0 0          /* High profile: aux_format_idc: [0,3], bit_depth_aux: [8,12], alpha_incr_flag: 0, 1; alpha_opaque_value: [0, 2^(bit_depth_aux + 9) -1]; alpha_transparent_value: [0, 2^(bit_depth_aux + 9) - 1]  */
1 20 20 20 2048000 /* RC method(0 - quant_codes, 1 - CBR MBwise, 2 - CBR framewise, 3 - Debug); start qp values for I, P, B slices; bitrate (bits per second) */
2 0 8 8            /* ME method (1-6), subblock split, search x,search_y */
0 0 0              /* weighted prediction, weighted biprediction implicit weighted biprediction (not supported!)*/
0 1                /* direct type (0 - temporal 1 - spatial 2 - auto); direct_inference_flag */
0 2 2              /* disable_deblocking_idc: 1-- off, 0 - on, 2 -- on(without crossing slice boundaries); deblocking_filter_alpha, deblocking_filter_beta */
1 0 0              /* High profile: transform_8x8_mode: 0 -- off, 1 - on; 0 -- use standard, 1 -- use default scaling matrices for 8x8 quantization; qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag: (0, 1) */
1280               /* display_horizontal_size */
720                /* display_vertical_size */
1 1                /* entropy coding mode (0-cavlc,1-cabac); cabac_init_idc (0,1,2) */
0                  /* picture coding type (0 - only FRM, 1 - only FLD , 2 - only AFRM, 3  - pure PicAFF(no MBAFF) 4 PicAFF + MBAFF). Only 0 (FRM) is supported! */
0 0                /* speed/quality grade [0,3] (0-maximum speed, 3-maximum quality); OptimalQuantization (0, 1) */