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프로젝트 설명

Zmanda Recovery Manager (ZRM) for MySQL simplifies life of a database administrator who needs an easy to use yet flexible and robust backup and recovery solution for MySQL server. With ZRM for MySQL, you can schedule full and incremental logical or raw backups of your local or remote MySQL database, perform a backup that is the best match for your storage engine and your MySQL configuration, get encrypted and compressed backups, get email notification about the status of your backups (including RSS feeds), monitor and get backup reports, and recover a database easily to any point in time or to any particular transaction.

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2010-02-05 20:36 Back to release list

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Tags: Stable, Major, Bugfixes
Support was added for pre-restore and post-restore plugins, for mixed replication mode binary logs, for producing HTML output after parsing binary logs, for mail notification policy, and for exclude patterns for databases and tables in the backup set. Bugs were fixed.

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