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프로젝트 설명

Zimbra is a next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration system. It features an Ajax Web client with conversation views, fast email search, Web service mash-ups, shared calendars, document authoring, and IM. The server also syncs to MS Outlook (via MAPI), the Apple desktop (via iSync, iCal, and CalDAV), POP/IMAP clients, and mobile devices (BlackBerry, smart phones, HTML Web browsers). A version of the Web client, Zimbra Desktop, also works offline with any POP/IMAP server. Administrators can control live backup/restores of individual or groups of mailboxes, hierarchical storage (HSM) and clustering, LDAP directory configuration, Web services integration with existing enterprise applications, and integrated anti-spam and anti-virus.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-12-22 07:18 Back to release list

이 릴리스되었다 50 버그수정 및 향상된 기능하고있다. Outlook에서 위임된 액세스를 개선했다. Outlook에서 "공유 일정 열기"링크가 제대로 작동합니다. HTML 메시지 짐브라의 웹 클라이언트에서 윈도우 모바일 5 장치가 이제 제대로 Outlook보기에서 렌더링 전송 형식. 성능 Outlook Connector를 동기화 향상되었습니다. POP가 보낸 메일 / 아웃룩 커넥터와 IMAP 계정 지금 Sent 폴더에 저장됩니다.
Tags: Release, Minor bugfixes
This release has over 50 bugfixes and enhancements
were made. Outlook delegated access was improved.
The "Open Shared Calendar" link in Outlook works
correctly. HTML formatted messages sent from
Zimbra Web Client to Windows Mobile 5 devices now
render correctly in Outlook view. Performance of
the Outlook Connector sync was enhanced. Mail sent
from POP/IMAP accounts with Outlook Connector is
now saved in the Sent folder.

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