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프로젝트 설명

XOAD, formerly known as NAJAX, is a AJAX/XAP
object oriented framework for PHP that allows you
to create richer Web applications. It uses JSON
and native PHP serialized objects to communicate.
Special attention has been paid to security. It
supports server side events (observation) and
client side events (XOAD Events). Server and
client extensions allow features such as HTML
manipulation and caching. It is extensively
documented, and includes tutorials and examples.

System Requirements

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2005-09-20 22:58 Back to release list

chatAdvanced 예제에서 작은 버그수정 (오류 대화 상자가) 제거되었습니다. najax.html.importForm (수입에 해당하는 양식 요소를 연관 배열)과 najax.html.exportForm (수출 연관 배열)를 추가했다 값을 형성합니다. 비동기 호출을 취소에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Small bugfixes in the chatAdvanced example (the error dialog was removed). najax.html.importForm (imports an associative array to the corresponding form elements) and najax.html.exportForm (exports form values to an associative array) were added. Support for asynchronous calls canceling was added.

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