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프로젝트 설명

WidgetServer is a Java/XML server-side GUI-framework which enables an application to run as either a monolithic Swing app, a client/server Swing app, or as a Web app without any change and without loss of functionality. An Eclipse Plugin is available as well. A rich widget set is supported that includes tree views, tabbed panes, split panels, and much more. Animations, all types of events, and several effects are supported, as well. A unified widget-based, object-oriented programming interface for Web and Swing GUIs is offered to the developer to control and assemble the GUI. Web applications are fully AJAX enabled. For Swing client/server applications, the framework handles client/server communication, including compression and security layers.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-11-30 18:15 Back to release list

빌더는 GUI를 취소할 수의에서 버그 / 해결되었습니다 함수를 다시 실행, 그리고 일부 HTML 테이블에 문제가 없게 수정되었습니다. 다른 구성 요소를 버튼 (좋아, 콤보 박스 등)를 포함 스윙 테이블 헤더는 기본적으로 resizeable, 그리고 테이블 열 크기 스윙 컴포넌트를 헤더에 삽입의 크기 설정에 의해 결정됩니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A bug in the GUI builder's undo/redo function has been fixed, and some render problems in HTML tables have been corrected. Swing table headers that contain other components (like buttons, combo boxes, etc.) are resizeable by default, and Swing table column sizes are determined by the size settings of the components placed in the header.

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