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프로젝트 설명

This is a set of fault tolerant search utilities. whichman allows you to search for man pages that match approximately the specified search key. ftff is a fault tolerant file find utility which is similar to the 'find' command but fault tolerant. ftwhich is a fault tolerant version for the 'which' command. The error tolerant approximate string match is based on the Levenshtein Distance between two strings.

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2003-06-03 02:46

경고에 대한 청소는 당신이 현대의 gcc, 그리고 업데이트된 spec 파일 좀.
Tags: Code cleanup
Cleanups for warnings that you get with modern gcc, and an updated spec file.

2001-08-07 23:17

2001-01-30 15:14

Bugfix 손상 MANPATH있습니다.
Bugfix for corrupted MANPATH.

2001-01-30 15:14

더 나은 오류 처리하는 경우 PATH에 쓰레기 값이 포함되어있습니다.
Better error handling if the PATH contains garbage values.

2001-01-30 15:14

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