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프로젝트 설명

Unity is a user-friendly development environment for designing and programming 3D games and a 3D game engine. Scripting is done using JavaScript, C#, or Boo via an embedded Mono run time. The resulting games can be deployed as stand-alone Mac OS X or Windows applications, Web plug-ins, or as Dashboard widgets. Unity is the tool that was used by Unity Technologies to create their game Gooball, which is available from Ambrosia Software.

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2009-03-19 10:00 Back to release list

편집기를 위하여 지금도 윈도우에서 실행됩니다. 사용성 개선되었습니다 GUI를 완전히 재작 성. GUI는 사용자가 코드에 의해 완벽하게 사용자 정의할 수있습니다. GUI는 눈물 탭을 사용합니다. 자산 Server 클라이언트 인터페이스를 완전히 바꿀 스포츠 재작 성되었습니다 집합 기반의 인터페이스입니다. UnityGUI 렌더링 최적화되었습니다. 구글 크롬과 익스플로러 8 이제 제대로 웹 플레이어를 지원합니다. 수많은 버그를 수정되었습니다 많은 사소한 기능이 추가되었습니다.
The Unity editor now also runs on Windows. Usability has been improved with a totally rewritten GUI. The GUI can be fully customized by user code. The GUI uses tear-off tabs. The Asset Server client interface has been completely rewritten, sporting a change-set based interface. UnityGUI rendering has been optimized.
Google Chrome and Explorer 8 are now properly supported by the Web player. Numerous bugs have been fixed, and many minor features added.

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