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프로젝트 설명

The txObject Application Tool Kit (ATK) is a collection of platform-independent C++ Class libraries that provides a five-layer framework containing an Object Library, IO and Timers, Threads, Inter-Process Communication, and Distributed Object Communication.

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2009-12-29 08:18 Back to release list

이 릴리스에는 업데이 트를 최신 컴파일러와 플랫폼 소스 코드입니다. 리눅스 플랫폼을위한 그것은 또한 자사의 microthreading 레이어 reworks 대신에 setjmp / longjmp ucontext API를 사용합니다.
This release updates the source code to the latest compilers and platforms. It also reworks its microthreading layer for the Linux platform to use the ucontext APIs instead of setjmp/longjmp.

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