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프로젝트 설명

ttyrec is a tty recorder. Recorded data can be played back with the included ttyplay command. It can record emacs -nw, vi, lynx, or any programs running on tty.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2001-05-17 23:11 Back to release list

무거운 짐을 ttyplay로 인한 문제가 리눅스 머신에 P는 해결되었습니다. 지금 ttyrec 바이트 순서를 독립적입니다. 맨 페이지뿐만 아니라 설명 "ttyplay 서버가 추가되었습니다."
The heavy load trouble caused by ttyplay -p on
Linux machines has been fixed. ttyrec is now byte
order independent. Man pages have been added, as
well as a description for "ttyplay server."

Project Resources