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프로젝트 설명

Trinux is a minimal Linux distribution that boots from a single floppy or CD-ROM, loads its packages from an FTP/HTTP server, IDE filesystem, or additional floppies, and runs entirely in RAM. It contains the most comprehensive set of network security tools available in any Linux distribution and can be used to conduct security research, analyze network traffic, and perform vulnerability testing of networks and applications.

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2001-01-30 15:14 Back to release list

부팅 플로피 디스크를 완전히, 커널 2.2.16 glibc2.13를 사용하여, 재건 그리고 busybox. 지원의 SMC, 쓰리콤, 리얼텍, 인텔, 12월, AMD는 등 많은 NIC를 위해 추가되었습니다. 새 도구 에테르, nstreams, fragrouter, tcpreplay, isic, 노래의 ADM,, 센티넬, openssh, 조디악 p0f에서 nbtstat, SMB 및 DDoS - 스캔 dsniff이 포함됩니다. 업데이트 도구 nmap, hping2, 그리고 ngrep이 포함됩니다.
The boot floppy was totally rebuilt using glibc2.13, kernel 2.2.16, and busybox. Support was added for many NICs, including SMC, 3Com, Realtek, Intel, DEC, an AMD. New tools include ethereal, dsniff, nstreams, fragrouter, tcpreplay, isic, sing, adm-smb, nbtstat, sentinel, openssh, p0f, zodiac, and ddos-scan. Updated tools include nmap, hping2, and ngrep.

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