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프로젝트 설명

transcode is a text console video-stream processing tool. It supports elementary video and audio frame transformations. Some example modules are included to enable import of MPEG-1/2, Digital Video, and other formats. It also includes export modules for writing to AVI files with DivX, OpenDivX, XviD, Digital Video or other codecs. Direct DVD transcoding is also supported. A set of tools is available to extract and decode the sources into raw video/audio streams for import and to enable post-processing of AVI files.

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2009-03-29 08:03 Back to release list

- 승 옵션을 다시 한 번처럼 1.0.x 지점에서 그랬던 것처럼 작동합니다. filter_logoaway에서 알파 데이터가 제대로 (segfault 피하고) 처리됩니다. * 내용은 FAQ에서 제거되었습니다 오래된 libav. 기타 버그가 수정되었습니다. x264 인코더 실험 이제 마지막 libx264 스냅샷 지어진 수있습니다. 트랜스 코딩없이 이제는 FFmpeg 건설 수있습니다.
The -W option once again works like it did in the 1.0.x branch. The alpha data in filter_logoaway is properly handled (avoiding segfault). The outdated libav* information was removed from the FAQ. Other bugs were fixed. The x264 experimental encoder may now be built with the last libx264 snapshots. transcode may now be built without FFmpeg.

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