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프로젝트 설명

TinyButStrong is a template class for PHP that allows you to generate XML/HTML pages and any other files based on text source. The engine gives facilities to work with any databases, including in native PDO, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, PHP arrays, and more. It is possible to design templates using any visual editor (like Dreamweaver or FrontPage), and thus to make templates that are compatible with W3C standards for example. It features simple block management, useful display formats, conditional displaying for blocks and locators, remote XML/HTML attribute modification, a cache system, and the ability to include sub-templates and execute associated scripts. Plug-ins are supported since version 3.0.

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2011-03-20 21:57 Back to release list

이 버전 6은 새로운 기능과 5 버그 수정을 제공합니다. 메인 큰술는 PHP5에 이제는 점에 유의하십시오. 다른 패키지는 PHP4에 대한 클래스를 제공 오랫동안 지원되지 않습니다. PDO과 MySQLi 지금은 기본적으로 지원됩니다. MergeBlock () 메서드는 쿼리 매개 변수에 대해 새 인수를 받아들입니다. 플러그인 () 메서드를 직접 명령을 지원합니다. 내부 메서드 meth_PlugIn_SetEvent ()를 활성화하거나 플러그인의 이벤트가 해제되었습니다. f_Xml_FindTagStart ()는 어떤 플러그인 및 외부 도구가 유용할 수 있습니다, 추가되었습니다. 최적화는 블록의 필드에 배치 "AT & T는"매개 변수에 대해되었다.
Tags: PDO, MySQLi, PHP5
This version brings 6 new features and 5 bug fixes. Please note that the main TBS is now for PHP5. Another package provides the class for PHP4 and will not be supported for a long time. PDO and MySQLi are now natively supported. The MergeBlock() method accepts a new argument for Query parameters. The PlugIn() method supports direct commands. The internal method meth_PlugIn_SetEvent() was added to enable or disable a plug-in's event. f_Xml_FindTagStart() was added, which can be useful for plug-ins and external tools. An optimization was made for the "att" parameter placed in block's fields.

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