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프로젝트 설명

svn2cl is an XSLT script that generates a clasic
GNU-style changelog file from Subversion log
messages. It generates a friendly-looking
changelog from Subversion log messages like cvs2cl
does for CVS (although this is a lot simpler with

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2007-04-08 17:30 Back to release list

새로운 옵션을 로그 메시지를 무시하는 방법의 구현은 특정 텍스트와 변경 어디서부터 시작 svn2cl 실행되는 디렉토리 이외의 경로를 무시합니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The implementation of a new option to ignore log messages that start with a specific text and change to ignore paths from outside of the directory where svn2cl is run.

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