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프로젝트 설명

superseriousstats is a small and efficient program for creating a Web page with statistics from various types of IRC logs. It keeps track of its parse history and only processes new activity before storing any accumulated data in a SQLite or MySQL database. It is suitable for high volume IRC channels and large log archives, and is relatively easy to integrate with IRC services (e.g. bots) that interact with the database and provide last seen information and many other statistics directly in your channel.

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2010-05-05 00:15 Back to release list

전반적으로 속도가 SQL 쿼리를 최적화하여 증가했다. 모든 로그 파일 파서 이제 정규 표현식을 사용합니다. 지원 mIRC 로그 파일 형식에 대한 추가되었습니다. irssi 파서에서 버그가 닉스 함께 결말에 대해 "]"수정되었습니다.
Overall speed was increased by optimizing SQL queries. All logfile parsers now make use of regexp. Support was added for the mIRC logfile format. A bug in the Irssi parser regarding nicks ending with "]" was fixed.

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