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프로젝트 설명

Snort is a network intrusion detection and prevention system. It is the most widely deployed technology of its kind in the world. It performs detection using a variety of methods including rules-based detection, anomaly detection, and heuristic analysis of network traffic. Its rules language is open source and available to the public as well.

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2012-12-08 09:19 Back to release list

Ipv6, 파일 API 및 향상 된 파일 처리, 파편 & 스트림 연결을 추적 하는 것에 대 한 주소 공간 ID의 사용을 통합 결합할 PPM 트리거 패킷 데이터 로깅, PPPoE, 등 i p v 6의 디코딩.
Tags: Minor
Consolidation of IPv6, file API and improvements to file processing, use of address space ID for tracking Frag & Stream connections, logging of packet data that triggers PPM for post-analysis, decoding of IPv6 with PPPoE, and more.

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