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프로젝트 설명

Sitellite is an advanced Web content
management system (CMS) and content publishing tool, featuring multilingual support, advanced document versioning, workflow, privileges, and an easy-to-use visual editing interface for non-technical users. Sitellite is also a powerful framework for Web application development, including integrated support for AJAX and modern Web development concepts.

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2008-03-17 18:47 Back to release list

단어를 가져오는 편집 사용자와이 릴리스의 수정 문제 및 LDAP를 검색합니다. 했고, RSS 개선, 형태, 구문 분석 및 게시물에 대한 AJAX를 라이브러리를 개선하고 WYSIWYG 편집기에서 여러 버그수정, 검색과 새로운 HTML 소스보기를 포함하여 전송 요청 및 교체 좋은 PHP5 지원, 새로운 링크를 브라우저에 새로운 소스 편집기있다 정규식을 지원합니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes issues with editing users, word importing, and LDAP searches. It has better PHP5 support, a new link browser, a new source editor, RSS improvements, AJAX library improvements for form parsing and POST request sending, and several bugfixes in the WYSIWYG editor, including a new HTML source view with search-and-replace with regex support.

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