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프로젝트 설명

RVM is an archive manager that uses rsync to
manage backups of multiple clients across multiple
logical partitions (vaults). It has some features
that some other rsync-based backup schemes lack,
such as being written in C++, needing no scripts
or other programs than rsync and any binaries on
which rsync depends (such as SSH), the ability to
manage multiple instances of rsync connections to
separate clients in parallel, the ability to use
multiple logical partitions (vaults) in a
configurable fashion for purporses of redundancy
and added reliability, and the use of hard links
for files that have not changed from one archive
to the next.

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2004-03-05 01:58 Back to release list

많은 프로그램을 재작 성되었습니다. 지금의 gcc 2.95.x 아래와 컴파일 완벽한 구성을 개편했다. 이제) 언어와 유사한 구문을 아파치, 그것을 훨씬 더 강력하고 유연한 구성 방식 제공의 구성 파일 (들 읽습니다. 그것은 할 수있는 아카이브를 로컬 파일이나 파일의 rsync 서버에서뿐만 아니라, 파일은 RSH 또는 SSH을 통해 원격 호스트에서. 제한 시간 옵션 그게 걸려있을 수있습니다 rsync 세션을 종료할 수 있도록, 그리고 이제는 오류의 종류에 따라 서로 다른 출구로 코드를 줄 것이다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Much of the program has been rewritten. It now compiles
under gcc 2.95.x, and has had a complete configuration
overhaul. It now reads configuration file(s) with a language
syntax similar to Apache, giving it a much more powerful and
flexible configuration scheme. It can now archive local files or
files from an rsync server, as well as files from a remote host
via RSH or SSH. A timeout option allows it to terminate rsync
sessions that may have hung, and it will now give different
exit codes depending on the type of error.

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