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프로젝트 설명

The rh-isdn package consists of a few scripts and documentation to set up ISDN on Red Hat Linux, written with a little bit of inspiration by isdn4net and the SuSE-startup-files. The scripts have been tested with Red Hat 5.2/6.0 in combination with PAP-PPP, dynamic IP and an Elsa QuikStep 1000 ISA-card (only hisax is supported by these scripts right now, others should work with minor changes). This package is not intended for external modems or Raw-IP.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-01-30 15:13

새 스크립트, hisaxctrl에 대한 잘못된 명령이 제대로, HTML을 isdnlog 변경 huptime시키지 않을 것임을 - 동적 DNS - 해상도를 얻을 서식 복사와 ChangeLog 및 사양 (ioptions) 및 파일에 업데이 트합니다.
A new script to get dynamic DNS-resolution, a wrong command for hisaxctrl would not let isdnlog change huptime correctly, an HTML-formatted COPYING and CHANGELOG, and updates in spec-file (ioptions) and

2001-01-30 15:13

ifup에서 bugfix - 커널 2.0.XX, 설명서 업데이트, 오류 처리 향상을위한 IPPP 라우팅 / 출력 스크립트 / 상태를보고, 그리고 충돌하는 파일이 옵션을 제거 () 6.1 isdn4k - utils RH합니다.
A bugfix in ifup-ippp routing for kernel 2.0.XX, documentation updates, improvements in the error handling/output/status reports of scripts, and removal of conflicting file options (to RH 6.1 isdn4k-utils).

2001-01-30 15:13

isdn.conf 및 세트 RH - ISDN을 - conf를 지금은 핸들에 필요한 매개 변수에 "사용자"/ etc/ppp/ippp0.d/options 아빠에 따르면 비밀 문서를 업데이 트 RH - ISDN을 - conf 파일뿐만 아니라, 포함하는 몇 가지 질문 - 물건.
rh-isdn-conf now handles needed parameters in isdn.conf and sets "user" in /etc/ppp/ippp0.d/options according to pap-secrets, updates to the documentation to include rh-isdn-conf as well, and some FAQ-stuff.

2001-01-30 15:13

/ / (위, 아래) etc/ppp/ippp0.d에서 일부 누락 심볼릭 링크 디렉토리를 포함하려면 / etc / PPP는 / 대본.
Inclusion of some missing symlinks from the /etc/ppp/ippp0.d/{up,down}-directory to /etc/ppp/scripts.

2001-01-30 15:13

은 / etc / PPP 오버에 버그가 여러 개의 번호에 대한 지원 및 수정 / 스크립트 / 노선 스크립트, 어디 기본적으로 경로를 걸었 경우에도 장치가 GATEWAYDEV 아니었을 삭제했습니다.
Support for multiple numbers, and a fix for a bug in the /etc/ppp/scripts/routes-script, where the default-route was deleted even if the dialed device was not the GATEWAYDEV.

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