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프로젝트 설명

REXML is an XML 1.0 compliant, reasonably fast, non-validating XML parser. It has an API that is designed to be intuitive, straightforward. and terse. REXML includes a tree model parser, a SAX2 streaming parser, and a pull parser. It also includes a full XPath implementation. All of REXML's parsers pass 100% of the Oasis XML non-validating tests. As of Ruby 1.8.0, REXML is distributed with Ruby.

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2002-07-01 12:35 Back to release list

이 릴리스의 일반 버그수정, XPath는 버그수정 및 XPath에 도끼 속성의 동작 변경 사항이 포함되어 : :.
Tags: Development, Minor bugfixes
This release includes general bugfixes, XPath bugfixes, and changes to the behavior of the XPath axe attribute::.

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