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프로젝트 설명

retail is intended as an intelligent incremental logfile reader. It is useful to track log file changes (i.e., new log entries) via cronjob or script, and works nicely as a companion to the LogTool program.

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2003-04-04 22:31 Back to release list

autoconf를 확인 플랫폼에 올바르게 구성하는 건물에 네이티브 getopt.h없이이 추가되었습니다. 몇 가지 메이크 파일에서 누락된 청소되었습니다. 거기에 적절한, 그래서 사람은 이미 성공적으로 구축 및 1.0.0가 설치되어이 업그레이 드를 귀찮게 할 필요 없어요 소스 코드가 변경되었습니다.
Tags: Code cleanup
Autoconf checks have been added to properly configure building on platforms without a native getopt.h. A few things missing from the Makefiles have been cleaned up. There have been no changes to the source code proper, so those who have already successfully built and installed 1.0.0 need not bother with this upgrade.

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