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프로젝트 설명

QuikKopy is a command-line utility which copies
images from a source directory to a destination
directory, creating a structured library of
digital images. It can also perform batch resizing
and manipulation of images using ImageMagick. It
is designed for use with large collections of raw
images, such as those downloaded from a digital

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2003-08-11 12:46 Back to release list

이 릴리스 (아니 출력 복사 과정), 더 나은 명령줄 제어, 내장된 도움이 복사본을 전용 모드, 자동 구성 옵션을 절약 및 추가 이미지를 변환 컨트롤이 표시됩니다 새 ""조용한 모드가 포함되어있습니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release includes a new "quiet" mode (no
output is displayed during the copy process),
better command line control, built-in help, a
copy-only mode, auto-saving of configuration
options, and additional image transformation

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