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프로젝트 설명

PHP-ORBit is a PHP4 module which can be used to easily access services that communicate via CORBA. This is achieved by wrapping the lightweight CORBA ORB "ORBit" used in GNOME.

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2002-03-05 06:43 Back to release list

마이너 버그수정 (즉, 실제로는 대부분의 것들을 지금은 안정), 궤도의 작은 패치를 PHP가 4.1와 함께 수정 심각한 호환성 문제 및 기능을 확인합니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Minor bugfixes (that actually make most things really stable now), a small patch for ORBit that fixes a serious interoperability problem, and functionality with PHP 4.1.

Project Resources